A Wand-using archetype for Magus?

Homebrew and House Rules

I want to play a wand-focused character for the next game I'm playing in and/or as a recurring NPC. The Wand Wielder and Wand Mastery arcana are good for this, plus the health/armor advantage the Magus holds over the wizard is good for the battle-mage image I have of her, but a lot of the vanilla abilities of the magus aren't.

Has anyone made or know of a wand-focused archetype for magus? I'll most likely create my own (and post it here for review), but any direction toward pre-existing content is greatly appreciated. Some ideas I have for creating one:

Things to (possibly) sacrifice:
-Diminished Spellcasting
-Medium/Heavy Armor proficiency
-Proficiency with martial weapons
-Knowledge Pool
-Spell Recall
-Fighter Training

Things to (possibly) gain:
-Increased arcane pool
-Arcane bond (wand only)
-Ability to deal small amount of piercing damage with sturdy/bonded wand
-"Wizard Training" (add a spell from wizard spell list every X levels)

there's an archetype for bard that uses wands i think...could be wrong

anyway, id guess the archetype would have less spells than usual (focusing on the use of wands), but could possibily also use wands in melee (maybe change spellstrike/spell combat to discharge a spell from the wand?).

not quite sure how to approach this atm...ill look into it though. its a cool idea

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