Duration of Poison Viability After Application

Rules Questions

After poison is applied to a weapon, how long does that poison remain viable? Does it last until the weapon scores a hit or does it wear off after a certain amount of time regardless of whether the weapon is used or not?

The Core Rulebook wrote:
A poisoned weapon or object retains its poison until the weapon scores a hit or the object is touched (unless the poison is wiped off before a target comes in contact with it).

So, once again, I found the answer. I should be more patient and/or diligent in searching out these answers on my own before posting here.

Regardless, this now begs the question: What good is the Poisoning Sheath?
Ultimate Equipment wrote:
This scabbard contains strips of natural sea sponges on its interior. By carefully pouring a dose of poison into the empty scabbard (a full-round action), you saturate the sponges with the toxin, which keeps it viable and wet for up to 4 hours.

Why not just have a rogue with the poisoner archetype apply poison to all of the party's weapons at the start of the adventurte and then reapply it as necessary?

The Exchange

This item could allow you to use poison twice during one combat, although at a fairly hefty action cost. If you start with your weapon coated in poison and attack, you can reapply the poison with a move action to sheathe your weapon, which if I'm not mistaken provokes an attack of opportunity, and draw it once more. The penalty is lessened by having quick draw, but some would say that is a penalty in and of itself.

For that matter, there are those who would say that using poisons, having a rogue, or having a poisoner rogue would also be less than useful, but that's a topic for another thread.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
This item could allow you to use poison twice during one combat, although at a fairly hefty action cost. If you start with your weapon coated in poison and attack, you can reapply the poison with a move action to sheathe your weapon, which if I'm not mistaken provokes an attack of opportunity, and draw it once more.

Thanks, Edgar, that was a scenario I hadn't considered.

Now, building upon that tactic, if a rogue with Lasting Poison applies poison directly to his ally's weapon prior to battle and said ally keeps his poisoned weapon unsheathed, the ally's first two attacks are poisoned, yes? The ally then sheaths and redraws his weapon in his Poisoning Sheath, poisoning it again. If the aforementioned rogue had also applied the poison to the Poisoning Sheath, would drawing this weapon from it provide two more poisoned attacks?

The Earl of Gray Park wrote:
If the aforementioned rogue had also applied the poison to the Poisoning Sheath, would drawing this weapon from it provide two more poisoned attacks?

Not Rules as Written (RAW) as Lasting Poison states it applies "to a weapon".

PRD Home>Advanced Core Classes>Rogue wrote:
Lasting Poison (Ex): A rogue with this talent can apply poison to a weapon in such a way that it is effective for two successful attacks instead of one. The poison has a reduced effect, however, and saves made against the poison receive a +2 circumstance bonus. Applying poison in this way requires a full-round action, or a standard action if the rogue has the swift poison talent.

PRD Home>Gear>Adventuring Gear wrote:
you saturate the sponges with the toxin, which keeps it viable and wet for up to 4 hours.


PRD Home>Gear>Poisons wrote:
A poisoned weapon or object retains its poison until the weapon scores a hit or the object is touched (unless the poison is wiped off before a target comes in contact with it).

Note: I couldn't find this verbiage in the Core Rule Book

While technically not a rules contradiction so I’m not going to hit FAQ, it seems inconsistent that poison on the Poisoning Sheath would dry up after four hours and poison on your weapon would not.
However, with all the possible things to consider on whether the poison on your weapons becomes inactive after a certain amount of time, it seems this would be best left to discussing with the GMand how in depth you want to go, as opposed to trying to get some one size fits all rule from Paizo.
See these other discussions on ideas already brought up.

Poison Duration

Poison in General Discussion

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