We sent a year of Pathfinder Adventure Card Game releases to the printer

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

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I am thrilled to announce that yesterday, Paizo sent the first year of Pathfinder Adventure Card Game releases to the printer, for eventual release at Gen Con.

I want to thank my development team -- Paul Peterson, Chad Brown, Tanis O'Connor, and Gaby Weidling -- and the amazing Paizo crew -- Vic Wertz, Sarah Robinson, Wes Schneider, Wayne Reynolds, Sonja Morris, Andrew Vallas, Crystal Frazier, Jessica Price, and Jeffrey Alvarez, plus of course Lisa Stevens, Erik Mona, James Jacobs, and Jason Bulmahn for their constant advice -- for getting this 1,163-card behemoth out the door. Vic noted that was roughly the unique card output of Magic: The Gathering from Alpha to the Dark.

And especially, I want to thank our legion of playtesters who made it so much better than it would ever have been without them. I can't list them all by name, but... wait, yes I can.

Ellie Akers, Scott Akers, Jeremy Aldrieh, David Altz, Jaime Ansell, William Ansell, Jeff Badger, Chris Ballowe, Douglas Balzer, Nochtal Balzer, Ben Bachman, Kelly Bancroft, Darren Barnes, Courtney Barrick, Doug Baumeister, Tyler Beck, Andrew Behrens, Jenny Bendel, Elias Benevedes, Leo Benevedes, Andrew Betts, Elaine Betts, Crystal Blevins, Stephen Blevins,Clint Blome, Levi Boaz, Shaki Bogmeif, Dann Bohn, Logan Bonner, Kara Bradley, Erik Bridge, JD Britton, Marilynn Britton, Mike Brock, Megan Brophy-McLean, Darran Caldemeyer, Steve Cameron, Jim Cavalcoli, Desmond Chavez, Alyssa Clingenpeel, Eric Clingenpeel, Lillian Cohen-Moore, Michael Costello, Ryan Costello, Kevin Craghead, Steven Craghead, Caeden Crotty, Rich Crotty, James Davidson, Decius, Richard deMorris, Levi Duncan, Greg Durant, Derek Ellingsworth, Kyle Elliot, Jason Erbe, Shawn Erbe, Jesse Faith, Tiffiny Faith, Adam Fenerty, Alexander Fenton, Sean Fenton, Blake Ferchalk, Kerrie Ferchalk, Andrew Finazzo, Joel Flank, Richard Francis,Sean Francis, Crystal Frazier, Anne Freitas, Mike Fry, Kristen Gipson, Seth Gipson, Phillip Goettsch, Stephanie Goettsch, Bev Gordon, Jason Gowing, Michael Grater, Anna Margaret Greene, Emmanuel Greene, Damon Griffin, Peni Griffin, Robert Griffin, Corey Hadley, Aaron Hale, Jeremy Hallum, Heather Halpin, John Halpin, Wayne Halsey, Rob Hand, Greg Hanigan, Adam Harp, Carl Harris, Derrick Harris, Elijah Harrison, Eric Harshbarger, Dave Hehdquist, Ryan Heinemann, Robert Hetherington, Joe Hicks, Jason Hoff, Farrell Hopkins, Tim Horton, Dan Houser, Darren Hron, Melina Hubler, Taylor Hubler, Jeff Huston, Chad Hutchinson, Jennifer L. Ingle, Kevin Ingle, Josh Jacoby, Jed Jarvis, Scott Jenkins, Micheal Johnson, Ryan Kangas, Taylor Kessner, Benjamin Kies, Peter Kies, Dusty Kock, Randy Kopenhagen, Ben Krauskopf, Jamie Kuryla, Laura Lane, Eric Langenderfer, Steven Lau, David Levi, Zhi Liao, Andrew Lloyd, Kristen Loudon, Luis Loza, Amanda Lucas, Christopher Lucas, Sebastian Lucier, Dennis Lugo-Coll, Ron Lundeen, Stephanie Lundeen, Pat Luther, Patrice Lutz, Thomas Lutz, Jason Lyon, Ryan Macklin, Angus Maclennan, Darcy Mahaffey, Dylan Mahaffey, Julien Marchant, Marya Marshall, Robert Marshall, Sana Marshall, Sidra Marshall, Lizzie Matkowski, Matt Matkowski, Doug Maynard, Mike McCammon, Matt McDonald, Matt McLane, Brett McLean, Omar Medina, Jon Meerdink, Paul Melkild, Eric Meyer, Mary Ann Miller, Jake Minol, Joshua Minol, Liz Mohler, Neil Morrell, William Morsan, Eric Morton, Joseph Muennich, Liz Munro, Sean Munro, Zack Nagel, Elliot Newbold, Sean Nicol, Dain Nielsen, Corey O’Connor, Kyle Olson, Mark Partridge, Bruce Paulson, Clayton Pelon, James Perper Jr., James Perper Sr., Derek Poppink, Adam Prater, Jessica Price, Scott Provost, Stephanie Ptuetze, Aaron Rabold, Desirae Rabold, Chris Rathunde, Bridgette Redman, Richard Redman, Phillip Reed, Amy Reinsmith, Ron Rhinehart, Tami Riner, Tom Riner, Karl Rodriguez, Tim Rolston, Josh Rosen, Marc Ryser, Erich Salvesen, Keith J. Scherer, Krysti Schroeder, John Schubert, David Schwartz, Mike Seales, Mark Seifter, Chris Self, Lucas Servideo, Brandon Shiffler, Eric Snyder, Will Sobel, Jaye Sonia, Ashton Sperry, Matthew Starch, Chris Stephens, Lisa Stevens, Jen Sweet, Keith Sweeting, Ken Sweeting, Russ Taylor, Royce Thigpen, Nathan Tonella, Charles Townsend, Allison Tsatsa, Justin VanSlyke, Chad Wagner, Carolyn Wallace, Tim Wallace, A.J. Wallenvand, Mark Wallevand, Rose Walton, Rob Warehall, Pierce Watters, Tim Werner, Wil Wheaton, Miriah White, Ross Williams, Shane Wilson, Greg Wood, David Woodruff, Mike Wyman, Warren Wyman, Scott Yauger, Chris Yohe, Tracey Yohe, and Frank Zado.

There. That felt good. Thanks again, and I hope you like our game.


Congrats to everyone involved! Now, take a breather and have a cold refreshing beverage, because if this is as successful as everything else Paizo touches, you'll be back in the grinder soon enough. :D

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Mike Selinker wrote:

I am thrilled to announce that yesterday, Paizo sent the first year of Pathfinder Adventure Card Game releases to the printer, for eventual release at Gen Con.

I want to thank my development team -- Paul Peterson, Chad Brown, Tanis O'Connor, and Gaby Weidling -- and the amazing Paizo crew -- Vic Wertz, Sarah Robinson, Wes Schneider, Wayne Reynolds, Sonja Morris, Andrew Vallas, Crystal Frazier, Jessica Price, and Jeffrey Alvarez, plus of course Lisa Stevens, Erik Mona, James Jacobs, and Jason Bulmahn for their constant advice -- for getting this 1,163-card behemoth out the door. Vic noted that was roughly the unique card output of Magic: The Gathering from Alpha to the Dark.

And especially, I want to thank our legion of playtesters who made it so much better than it would ever have been without them. I can't list them all by name, but... wait, yes I can.

Ellie Akers, Scott Akers, Jeremy Aldrieh, David Altz, Jaime Ansell, William Ansell, Jeff Badger, Chris Ballowe, Douglas Balzer, Nochtal Balzer, Ben Bachman, Kelly Bancroft, Darren Barnes, Courtney Barrick, Doug Baumeister, Tyler Beck, Andrew Behrens, Jenny Bendel, Elias Benevedes, Leo Benevedes, Andrew Betts, Elaine Betts, Crystal Blevins, Stephen Blevins,Clint Blome, Levi Boaz, Shaki Bogmeif, Dann Bohn, Logan Bonner, Kara Bradley, Erik Bridge, JD Britton, Marilynn Britton, Mike Brock, Megan Brophy-McLean, Darran Caldemeyer, Steve Cameron, Jim Cavalcoli, Desmond Chavez, Alyssa Clingenpeel, Eric Clingenpeel, Lillian Cohen-Moore, Michael Costello, Ryan Costello, Kevin Craghead, Steven Craghead, Caeden Crotty, Rich Crotty, James Davidson, Decius, Richard deMorris, Levi Duncan, Greg Durant, Derek Ellingsworth, Kyle Elliot, Jason Erbe, Shawn Erbe, Jesse Faith, Tiffiny Faith, Adam Fenerty, Alexander Fenton, Sean Fenton, Blake Ferchalk, Kerrie Ferchalk, Andrew Finazzo, Joel Flank, Richard Francis,Sean Francis, Crystal Frazier, Anne Freitas, Mike Fry, Kristen Gipson, Seth Gipson, Phillip Goettsch, Stephanie Goettsch, Bev Gordon, Jason Gowing, Michael Grater,...

I was happy to have helped out with the playtest. My group really enjoyed it. I'm still curious if we'll be getting any additional incentives for our participation, though. It would be excellent to get some type of discount coupon, or even just an exclusive scenario/character card or something fun like that. A goblin character, perhaps? :-D

Is there a chance that we see weekly posts with detailed info's and more card previews and the rules before Gen Con ?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Awesome! Congrats

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

You welcome and thank you for making a fun game, and thank you for allowing me to be an early play tester.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Frank Boettcher wrote:
Is there a chance that we see weekly posts with detailed info's and more card previews and the rules before Gen Con ?

Weekly? No.

Sometimes? Yes.

The moment I read about this new Pathfinder card game I jumped into my account to add it to my subscriptions...until I noticed that the (international) shipping was $87 for my next order, more than the card game itself! err no!

Mike Selinker wrote:
Frank Boettcher wrote:
Is there a chance that we see weekly posts with detailed info's and more card previews and the rules before Gen Con ?

Weekly? No.

Sometimes? Yes.

Much better than nothing :)

I hope "sometimes" is in April :)

Don't forget: this is a card/boardgame and not a RPG. Beat the drums here and on Boardgamegeek.

Tubel wrote:
The moment I read about this new Pathfinder card game I jumped into my account to add it to my subscriptions...until I noticed that the (international) shipping was $87 for my next order, more than the card game itself! err no!

Same here - it defaulted to express post and it wouldn't let me choose one of the cheaper postage options - sigh. Guess I will just have to wait and hope it turns up at a local store.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mike Selinker wrote:
Vic noted that was roughly the unique card output of Magic: The Gathering from Alpha to the Dark.

A bit more than that, actually.

The complexity of creating the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game was very much on par with that of Magic: The Gathering. (As the original project coordinator for Magic: The Gathering, I can state that with authority.) And if you combine all the cards in the original release of Magic: The Gathering, and then add the first two years of Magic expansions—Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, The Dark, and Fallen Empires—and top it off with all of the Magic promo cards produced in that time, you'd still be a few dozen cards short of what we sent to the printer last month.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

TonyACT wrote:
Tubel wrote:
The moment I read about this new Pathfinder card game I jumped into my account to add it to my subscriptions...until I noticed that the (international) shipping was $87 for my next order, more than the card game itself! err no!
Same here - it defaulted to express post and it wouldn't let me choose one of the cheaper postage options - sigh. Guess I will just have to wait and hope it turns up at a local store.

The Base Set is a big box, a bit larger than 14"x14", and we expect it to weigh more than 6 pounds. Being mostly cards, it also doesn't qualify for Bound Printed Matter rates, so shipping is not going to be cheap, and international shipping is going to be particularly hefty (it can only go International Priority).

If you're thinking of subscribing, it may make sense to buy the Base Set locally, and then subscribe for the Adventure Decks, which are small double-deck sets that weigh less than a pound, and cost a whole lot less to ship (especially if you combine them with other subscription items).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Vic Wertz wrote:

The Base Set is a big box, a bit larger than 14"x14", and we expect it to weigh more than 6 pounds. Being mostly cards, it also doesn't qualify for Bound Printed Matter rates, so shipping is not going to be cheap, and international shipping is going to be particularly hefty (it can only go International Priority).

If you're thinking of subscribing, it may make sense to buy the Base Set locally, and then subscribe for the Adventure Decks, which are small double-deck sets that weigh less than a pound, and cost a whole lot less to ship (especially if you combine them with other subscription items).

We received a better materials sample from the printer, and it looks like the Base Set will be closer to 4 pounds than 6. It's still going to be expensive to ship, but not quite as bad as we thought yesterday.

Scarab Sages

I've just recently purchased the subscription, and am excited about getting to play the game. It's the first Paizo subscription I've ever purchased, though, so I was wondering: is there ever any additional benefit to purchasing the subscription? Previews of new material? The "light-hearted" promo cards that Mike mentioned in a podcast would otherwise only be available at a convention? Some sort of PDFs, similar to the free PDFs that appear to come with the Adventure Path subscriptions (e.g., a printable PDF of the character cards that it appears we're expected to write on)?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Calthaer wrote:
I've just recently purchased the subscription, and am excited about getting to play the game. It's the first Paizo subscription I've ever purchased, though, so I was wondering: is there ever any additional benefit to purchasing the subscription? Previews of new material? The "light-hearted" promo cards that Mike mentioned in a podcast would otherwise only be available at a convention? Some sort of PDFs, similar to the free PDFs that appear to come with the Adventure Path subscriptions (e.g., a printable PDF of the character cards that it appears we're expected to write on)?

A long while ago, a fan made some amazing printable character cards over on the playtest forum. If nothing else, I hope that that same fan will make updated ones when the game comes out. If not, I'll try to do so myself, because writing on the character cards is something I'm definitely not willing to do.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Calthaer wrote:
...is there ever any additional benefit to purchasing the subscription? Previews of new material?

Apart from the 20% discount off MSRP, yes, there actually *is* another subscriber benefit... which we'll be announcing in the Paizo blog in a couple of weeks.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Vic Wertz wrote:
Calthaer wrote:
...is there ever any additional benefit to purchasing the subscription? Previews of new material?
Apart from the 20% discount off MSRP, yes, there actually *is* another subscriber benefit... which we'll be announcing in the Paizo blog in a couple of weeks.

If it involves any kind of exclusive cards or promos of any kind, I'm definitely in. I'll be signing up with the 2nd chapter deck as my first subscription set, though, because I will get both the base set and the character add-on deck at Gencon.

Hmm, actually, I could probably sign up for the character add-on deck as my first subscription, and pick it up at Gencon, is that correct?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We have to adjust the display on the website, but the first sub shipment consists of both the Base Set and the Character Add-On Deck, as they're being released simultaneously. But you can subscribe and pick them *both* up at Gen Con.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Vic Wertz wrote:
We have to adjust the display on the website, but the first sub shipment consists of both the Base Set and the Character Add-On Deck, as they're being released simultaneously. But you can subscribe and pick them *both* up at Gen Con.

Ah, but I am taking the base set as my GM reward for running a bunch of games at GenCon, so I'll just pick up the Add-On Deck there and subscribe starting with the second AP deck. :)

Scarab Sages

Vic Wertz wrote:
Calthaer wrote:
...is there ever any additional benefit to purchasing the subscription? Previews of new material?
Apart from the 20% discount off MSRP, yes, there actually *is* another subscriber benefit... which we'll be announcing in the Paizo blog in a couple of weeks.

While this is a benefit, it doesn't quite make it an economic benefit over and above buying it from many distributors. Paizo is, after all, located in a corner of the continental U.S., which makes shipping somewhat steep in some cases.

If there are subscriber-unique benefits, that's enough to differentiate the product and justify spending above the reference price, at least it in my book.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
We have to adjust the display on the website, but the first sub shipment consists of both the Base Set and the Character Add-On Deck, as they're being released simultaneously. But you can subscribe and pick them *both* up at Gen Con.
Ah, but I am taking the base set as my GM reward for running a bunch of games at GenCon, so I'll just pick up the Add-On Deck there and subscribe starting with the second AP deck. :)

Typically when they release two products in the month you commence with, you can pick and choose. I'd send customer service an email.

I suspect, once they iron out the wrinkles, you'll be able to skip the base set and start your subscription with the first add-on deck (and pick it up at Gen Con together with the base set you're getting as your reward).

That way you'd get the subscriber discount (plus the other 'mystery benefits') right from the get-go.

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