Hawktitan |
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Just as an example lets use an Sorcerer (infernal)/Cleric (Charm domain). They would get two different sort of touch attacks - Corrupting Touch and Dazing Touch. Assume at least 4 uses of each ability. This guy also is dual wielding two different weapons both are +1 and have the Conductive enchant.
You attack a creature. All your attacks hit. Can you two apply two effects using the conductive property (one from each weapon). Can you apply the same effect twice?
I'm looking to confirm that 'The once per round' applies seperately to the weapons.
submit2me |
![Umbral Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/b4_umbral_dragon_head_final.jpg)
I would think it means once per round per conductive weapon. And applying the same effect twice would only be limited by the ability itself, not the conductive weapon property. In the case of both touch attacks, I'm not sure if the rounds would stack if using the same ability twice.
However, if you are two-weapon fighting with two spellcasting classes, how the heck do you cast spells? I would think having a free hand to cast spells would be more beneficial than this conductive two-weapon fighting business.
Hawktitan |
I would think it means once per round per conductive weapon. And applying the same effect twice would only be limited by the ability itself, not the conductive weapon property. In the case of both touch attacks, I'm not sure if the rounds would stack if using the same ability twice.
However, if you are two-weapon fighting with two spellcasting classes, how the heck do you cast spells? I would think having a free hand to cast spells would be more beneficial than this conductive two-weapon fighting business.
Class combination isn't relevant to how the rules interact. I just used that as a quick example of how someone might gain two different touch attacks.
Back at reality I just started a PbP Way of the Wicked campaign where we were allowed gestalt characters (and where there is apparently an option to become a lich if you so desire). In my case it is Sorcerer/Antipaldin. The attacks I'd be potenially using are Touch of Corruption and the Lich's Grave Touch, both dealing a good amount of negative energy damage while applying powerful secondary effects that require fort saves. The weapons would be scimitar + natural attack instead of two weapons (so a +1 conductive amulet of mighty fists) instead of dual wielding weapons, but I think the concept would be the same.
I didn't want people thrown off by bringing up things like 'gestalt' and 'lich' so I didn't mention the exact combination. A dual wielding cleric/sorcerer would be pretty silly in most situations. I'm being upfront with the GM about what I am trying to do. We are also only level 1 so anything resembling this is a LONG way away - I'm was just trying to get some rule clarity.
Kazaan |
The weapon ability would be separate for each weapon. So each one could conduct an ability separately. However, you must expend a standard action to activate Corrupting Touch; it won't mesh with full-attack. So you could do it with Grave Touch and Dazing Touch, expend 2 uses of each to deliver one with your main-hand weapon and one with your off-hand weapon.
Hawktitan |
The weapon ability would be separate for each weapon. So each one could conduct an ability separately. However, you must expend a standard action to activate Corrupting Touch; it won't mesh with full-attack. So you could do it with Grave Touch and Dazing Touch, expend 2 uses of each to deliver one with your main-hand weapon and one with your off-hand weapon.
I disagree with your ruling, though I kinda see where you are coming from. I'm fairly sure that making any melee touch is a standard action and can't be combined with a full attack. The lich actually has something specific to it that states otherwise. Or can a paladin use two-weapon fighting and Lay on Hands for fullattack of 'weapon attack + holy fist attack'. If so I've never heard of such a thing.
Conductive weapon specifically states that a paladin can use it's lay on hands through it but an antipaladin can't? I find that a little absurd.
"...This ability is modified by any feat, spell, or effect that specifically works with the lay on hands paladin class feature"
Seems to support that Lay on Hands/Touch of Corruption are supposed to follow the same basic rules.
Kazaan |
You could use Conductive Weapon to deliver both Lay on Hands or Touch of Corruption... just not as part of a full-attack (required to do Two-weapon Fighting) because they both require a Standard Action to use (the same as Vital Strike). On going back, I see that I missed that Grave Touch also requires a Standard Action so it also can't be folded into a full-attack. Dazing Touch, on the other hand, doesn't list a required action.
Hawktitan |
You could use Conductive Weapon to deliver both Lay on Hands or Touch of Corruption... just not as part of a full-attack (required to do Two-weapon Fighting) because they both require a Standard Action to use (the same as Vital Strike). On going back, I see that I missed that Grave Touch also requires a Standard Action so it also can't be folded into a full-attack. Dazing Touch, on the other hand, doesn't list a required action.
Except that is not what it says:
Alternatively, a paladin can use this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures, dealing 1d6 points of damage for every two levels the paladin possesses. Using lay on hands in this way requires a successful melee touch attack and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage.
Lay on Hands doesn't say that it is a standard action because all touch attacks are standard actions. Touch of Corruption is an anti-lay on hands - you just can't swift action heal yourself. You don't need a standard action to use Conductive as that is kind of the point of the enchantment. Here I even found a thread where this question is asked.
Anyway, this arguement wasn't the point of the thread. The question was whether or not two conductive weapons could be used in the same round.
Kazaan |
I think I'd prefer Crusader's Fist over a Conductive AoMF.
Crusader's Fist (Combat)
You pour divine energy into the enemy you strike.
Prerequisites: Lay on hands class feature or touch of corruption class feature, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you attack with an unarmed strike and hit a creature that you can harm with your lay on hands or touch of corruption feature, you can use a swift action to expend a daily use of that feature to deal its normal damage as if you had hit with the feature's normal touch attack. This extra damage is not multiplied if you scored a critical hit.
It only works with LoH or ToC and burns a swift, but you only need to spend 1 daily use to use it as opposed to 2 uses with Conductive Weapon.
Hawktitan |
That would be a good choice if you were something like a Monk/Antipaladin.
As a sorcerer/antipaladin there are a couple of problems. First I'd be using natural attacks and not unarmed strikes so by RAW it wouldn't work. Even if it was houseruled that it could be used with natural attacks (which is reasonable in my opinion) it still needs the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as a prereq so it would be a two feat investment.