TheRedArmy |

Mystically Inclined wrote:Frankly, I found the MMORPG discussion far more interesting than the 'all praise Leroy Jenkins' thread this was turning into for a while.You make a point, and it'd be fun to read in Off Topic.
Deth is right. Another place. To make this post useful, I'll repeat what I said before. Perhaps Pendergast will raise the same points and I'll re-post my refuting of them as well!
No...more likely it'll be ignored.
That's good details to see. It reinforces what I suspected - you were tending to think about the group and what the actual mission is, and the fighter was more thinking about himself.
His choice to go into a 20x20 room as a bow specialist was poor, to say the least. If I was a bow-focused character, you couldn't pay me to go into that room.
If you warned him ahead of time, saying "Look, one thing I'm not going to do it heal you if you run in there. We made a choice for the good of the mission. You can go in if you want, but don't expect a welcome home party", I don't think it's so bad not to heal him. I probably would have anyway, but offered buffs and the like to other party members instead of him to compensate for it.
Bow vs Skeleton is a bad idea in the first place - DR/bludgeoning. A bow specialist had no business even using a bow in that fight.
I thought about this kind of subject a lot lately (I have my own problems with individuals meshing with group decisions, as a GM), and I think it's best to just let it go. Let him know "Hey, this is what we are doing. We can't force you to go with us, but it's better for all of us if you do."
I tend to think the negative reaction from other characters he'll receive due to poor judgment will discourage further "ventures". But if it continues, it's a player problem, and needs to be handled as such.

Mystically Inclined |
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HA! I could see my arcane caster doing something like that.
After battle, the wizard grabs the fighter's shoulder. He speaks in the clipped tones of educated nobility.
"I am told that it is frowned upon to attack a teammate while exploring a dungeon."
The wizard utters a word, and the pair disappear from the dungeon...
...only to pop into existence in the middle of a random tavern.
"In bars however, it is considered socially acceptable."
Scrawny wizard socks the burly fighter in the face.
Fighter falls unconscious.