Tomb Raider


So I just finished playing the new TR game and it was good... Not I want to build Lara Croft for PF.

Race: human easily.
Class: a bit tougher here. It is easy to say rogue, but the traps where alot more like puzzles tbh. Archeologist bard almost seems to fit as well, but there is no spell casting. Ranger almost seems the best fit, but I wonder if there is a way to get some better bonuses to some knowledge checks. Favored enemy: human gives you some but is are there traits to get the proper knowledge skills as class skills?
Abilities: on a 20 pt buy I am almost torn between choosing, but here goes.

Str: 14
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 11

Skills: survival obviously, climb, acrobatics, and some swim as well. A couple different knowledge skills, and favored class bonus will always go to skills as well.
Feats: this is where things get fuzzy.

Any takers?

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Investigator/Burglar Rogue

Also, CHA 11?

How dare you.

So perhaps a Trapper/Trophy Hunter Ranger (Trapfinding and Guns!)?

Edit: Nevermind, I was gonna say Lore Warden multiclass because I thought they had a bonus to Knowledge checks. One sec.

Yeah multiclass with an Archaeologist or Archivist Bard that doesn't use the spells or just takes utility sells that can be passed off as gadgets and goodies might work.

Have you played the new one? Indomitable will, but not sure about here self till around the end. No cocky, all powerful adventuress here... She gets knocked out and banged up to the brink of unconsciousness after almost every cut scene.

I'm not complaining though... It MADE the game! Made her seem human and believe able... Almost. She was likened into a lvl 1 character with epic reflexes and athletic ability.

Maybe a lvl of gunslinger? She gets downright surgical with that shotgun... I kinda wish that PF kept the skill tricks system from complete scoundrel.

Well the Trophy Hunter Ranger gives Amateur Gunslinger for free.

Liberty's Edge

I did a Tomb Raider-ish npc as an Alchemist (Crypt Breaker)/Pathfinder Delver.

That's right, I forgot about the trophy hunter. I'll look into that some more.

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