New Campaign - material to prohibit


Silver Crusade

Looking for people to provide features they would prohibit from play (or significantly alter) and a short snippet as to why so that I may see if I'm missing anything.

Before our next campaign I'm drafting a character creation guide that lists prohibited/altered material (generally things that have been identified as unwieldly in play or creating substantial problems). Some of my thoughts are taken from Society play, others from tabletop experience, and others from these forums.

My Proposed Lists-

Race and Classes


For setting only, there are no firearms, samurai, or eastern weaponry.

Alchemist: Poison Conversion & Siege Bomb discoveries barred. No
Vivisectionist Alchemists allowed.

Barbarian: Wild Rager archetype not allowed.

Clerics, Druids: Nobility domain Leadership feat replaced with Persuasive feat. No Undead Lord clerics allowed.

Fighter: Gladiator archetype not allowed. (try reading it and you’ll see why)

Ninjas: Bombs are Supernatural, not Extraordinary abilities. For setting, ninjas use rogue weapon list and are a variant.

Rogue: Driver archetype not allowed and black market connections talent

Summoner: Banned.

Witch: No Gravewalker Witches allowed.

Wizard: Siege mage and spellslinger archetypes not allowed.

Drow do not exist in our setting.
Elves: May not select Darkvision racial trait, no arctic or dusk elves.
Half-elves: No drow-related options allowed.
Humans: No feral child druid archetype.


Master Alchemist (APG) can only be learned by Alchemists &

Clustered Shots is not allowed. Please use Penetrating Strike.

Antagonize is not allowed.

Leadership is not allowed.

Dazing Spell metamagic feat not allowed.

Animal companions may not take weapon proficiencies.


Following traits are banned: hedge magician, magical knack,
natural born leader, rich parents, and all Campaign Traits.


Banned Create Pit spells, Emergency Force Sphere, Cacophonous Call

Charm/Hold Person not effective against trolls or giants. They've been monsters since the Red Box came out and will always be to me.

Crafting Magical Items

Allowed, but at 100% cost for anything but potions, scrolls, and wands. Items occupying the same slot can be "converted" into raw materials at 100% value towards the crafting price of the item being made.

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