
Voting Booth: Round 4 - Top 8: Design an encounter with map

This poll closed Mar 11, 2013.

Dates and times displayed above are in the US/Pacific time zone.

Poll: Voting Booth: Round 4 - Top 8: Design an encounter with map

Round 4: Design an encounter

Digital Products Assistant

Vote for your favorite RPG Superstar contestants–you can select up to four candidates. You can change your mind anytime until voting closes Monday, March 11 at 2 PM Pacific time.

If you see checkboxes instead of "your vote has been recorded" your vote has not been recorded.

Community / Forums / Archive / Paizo / RPG Superstar™ / Previous Contests / RPG Superstar™ 2013 / Round 4: Design an encounter / Poll: Voting Booth: Round 4 - Top 8: Design an encounter with map All Messageboards
Recent threads in Round 4: Design an encounter