Katz |

As the title says, I'm wondering if it's possible to make a melee shapechanging-based Wizard that's combat-viable (i.e. able to contribute meaningfully to combat, in a non-optimizing group). Not trying to out-perform a Druid or anything like that, just wondering if it's possible--Natural Attacks should make up for the Wizard's lack of iterative attacks, but I'm not sure if it's possible to make up for the low BAB.

Skylancer4 |

If you can keep close to a MED BAB with multiclassing and have multiple natural attacks it should be possible. The main issue in PFRPG is the MAD in these cases. As a caster you want your casting stat relatively high to have access to all your possible spell levels. As a melee character you want high STR and CON as well as DEX (not relying on armor being a shapeshifter). That means 3 stats to focus on, if not 4. A low point buy is going to have problems with that.
There was a thread awhile ago that pretty much asked the same thing, how to make a polymorph specialized arcane caster that 'works' might want to find it and dig through for any 'gems' it might have on the subject.