Reducing EXP due to encounter difficulty


The Exchange

As the DM, I mistakingly rolled two attacks with a creature that had a touch attack, but called for normal AC. Which, in the case of a plate mail wearing paladin, the normal AC is much higher than his touch AC. Both "touch" attacks missed due to the mistake on my part, but would have hit if we were using his touch AC.

Is it wrong to reduce the CR of the encounter due to it (because of said mistake) being an easy encounter?

Liberty's Edge

I wouldn't. In my mind this is one of those situations where you have to admit it's your mistake, not theirs, and just let them keep the EXP. Just take it as a moment to learn for next time.

In fact, don't let players know about mistakes unless you hurt them with it (and even then, only if it's a long-term issue). No-one wants to believe they did well only to have the DM say "woops, made a mistake!" It totally takes the wind out of your sails.

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