GM FangDragon's Cult of the Ebon Destroyers (Inactive)

Game Master FangDragon

The evil cult of Dhalavei seeks to enslave the island nation of Jalmeray. Can the PCs stop them?

DAY 23: The secret monestery of Dhalavei - 7:40 PM

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Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

"Never did say they found the werecreature just that it's choice of animals spelled the end of the tigers ion this island." Laughing at the memory of the creature bouncing off trees as it ran off until it passed beyond the limits of his spell. "Anyways, what time is it? I was enjoying the most fine dream of a soft bed, aged wine and erhmph...oh nevermind the rest of that. What time is it?"

The rest of the night passes without incident. The first light of morning sees Master Bvar follow the deep claw marks in the earth into the undergrowth. He chuckles as he spots encrusted blood and claw marks on several great trees headed north east. He returns and laughs, "I don't think he saw that coming, ho ho! I think we've seen the last of him, well he's certainly seen the last of us unless I'm much mistaken!"

Bvar seems very pleased with his wordplay this morning.

Bala leads you south and while the journey is hot sweaty and at times physically hard going when you have to use machetes to cut a path, nothing of note happens on the way. In fact the incessant niggling feeling that you are being watched goes, at least for the first two nights. Finally on the the third day, after weeks of travel through varied and difficult terrain. The steep heavily vegetated hillside opens out onto a small village, each of its roughly twenty huts raised on tall bamboo stilts. Goats, pigs, and other animals stand tethered or in pens. The acrid smell of farm animal and what you presume is tanning leather assaults your noses.

Bala wrinkles his nose, points at the settlement and says one word, "Leckumgee."

How do you wish to proceed?

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Finally arriving at their destination Pratavh can't help but be relieved. Weeks of trecking through the jungle and and muck, the dangers along the way, they have reached Leckumgee. He quickly looks for Hirati and waves her over. Once she arrives he says, "Please, stay close and out of trouble, we do not know exactly what we are walking into here and the less attention we draw to ourselves the better."

The little dragon's wings droop and she whines, "That's so boring Prat!" She gets a crafty look on her face, "What's it worth to you?"

Pratavh glares at her a moment and says, "Our lives Hirati, if you cause trouble it could get us all killed very quickly. Would you really want that?" The dragon droops her head, obviously upset by the admonishment compliant, at least for now. Pratavh continues, "And when we get back to the capitol I'll buy you something special." He gets a crafty look on his face, "And you can play with Pradip for a while as well, I am sure the two of you can get into all sorts of mischief together." Hirati does a crazy flying flip twirl and then lands on Pratavh's head, obviously much happier with the situation now that she will be aptly rewarded for her good behavior.

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

Remembering Hirati's penchant for trouble Alwyn offers his services to Mohktar or Shiko.

"I can make you invisible for 8 minutes to scout the town and get in position to provide over watch as we come down into town. Once your 8 minutes is up you'll need to rely on your own more than adequate abilities to remain hidden."

Human M Human Monk 2 Rogue 1 | HP 24/24| AC 16 | +3STR,+6DEX,+2CON,+1INT,+2WIS,-1CHA | +4 init ,14 PP, +8 stealth KI 2/2

Shikyo nods at Alwyn I'll go...

And he does just that, moving around and searching as swiftly as he can.

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

As the main group moves towards the town Alwyn will maintain an illusion of Shiyko lounging in one of the elephant baskets. Feeling sure they have been observed and their numbers reported on.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

As you ghost around you spot goats, pigs, and other animals stand tethered or in pens. The various huts are all 10 to 15 feet off the ground, on bamboo stilts. There are a few villagers about, all in traditional dress, they seem to be busy with mundane activities. Everything seems very traditional and parochial. You get the feeling they don't get many visitors out here.

Human M Human Monk 2 Rogue 1 | HP 24/24| AC 16 | +3STR,+6DEX,+2CON,+1INT,+2WIS,-1CHA | +4 init ,14 PP, +8 stealth KI 2/2

Returning to the group sometime later, Shikyo says Nothing in the open...we might need to do a more in depth investigation. Or, we could begin killing them now, because they are probably all cultists.

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

"I've no objection to a good fight, what do you say guys?"

*Questioning smile towards Alwyn & Mohktar & Pratavh*

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

"While a good fight sounds like a wonderful idea, 'The brave heroes enter the town a massacre all the women and children' just doesn't play well to the tavern crowd back home. I believe we might have need of at least a little proof....before resorting to Shikyo's plan of action" Alwyn replies with a smile of his own.

Master Bvar folds his arms and harrumphs, "They're just a bunch of yokels. How much trouble can they be? No we need to be on the lookout for this dragon... I bet my hat, one of those mountain peaks is it's lair." His eyes go misty and it's clear he's imagining the glory of slaying a real live dragon!

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

"Nah, Alwyn, i wouldn't attack people for no good reason.
You aught to know by now."

Bala eyes Bvar with derision. He may not speak the trade tongue, but he knows Bvar and mutters darkly, "Bvar āpa halkē yahām̐ sē calanā cāhi'ē. Isa pantha kī ghāṭī hai, saba usakī chāyā mēṁ hai..."

Bvar you must tread lightly here. This is the valley of the cult, all is in her shadow...

Sense Motive DC 20:
Something about this place is making Bala nervous. He clearly doesn't want to linger here, but he's putting a brave face on it.

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Pratavh Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Hirati Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Giving Shikyo a rather disturbed look Pratavh replies to Alwyn's question, "Whether they are all cultists or not is not the point, we do not kill the innocent along with the guilty. Nor do I think we really want to deal with the whole village if they are all cultists, it would be more than we can handle. I think we need to ascertain whether they are cultists or not and then plan accordingly."

Hirati, looking at Bala and picking up on the subtle body language that is one of the prankster's most valuable queues, thinks to Pratavh, Lilly, Shikyo, and Alwyn, Something has BB all worried about this place. He want's to leave quickly.

Human M Human Monk 2 Rogue 1 | HP 24/24| AC 16 | +3STR,+6DEX,+2CON,+1INT,+2WIS,-1CHA | +4 init ,14 PP, +8 stealth KI 2/2

Do not say I did not warn you. This island is cursed, and this place is the center of it... Shikyo says Where would we begin looking?

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

sense motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25

"I know you wouldn't Lilly" Alwyn replies with a smile once more. "But Master Bvar, should one of these peaks be the dragons lair, would you wish to search them all during the rainy season or go ask in the tavern and perhaps narrow the options down to one or two."
Turning to Master Bala "Śāyada ḍraigana kē bārē mēṁ viśēṣa rūpa sē pūcha rahā dī yahām̐ mūrkha hō sakatā hai. Hama saca hai ki māsṭara aura Balah śikāra kara rahē haiṁ, kyā jānavarōṁ āma taura para isa kṣētra mēṁ śikāra kiyā jā'ēgā, ki isa kē rūpa mēṁ ēka samūha isa taraha kē mūlyāṅkana kaisē karēṅgē? Yaha hamēṁ vaidha tarīkē sē jānakārī dī ga'ī hai ēka bāra jaldī sē āgē baṛhanē kē li'ē savāla aura bhī kāraṇa pūcha rahē haiṁ yahām̐ hōnē kā kāraṇa dēnā hōgā."

Granted perhaps asking specifically about a dragon may be unwise here. We are hunting that is true, Master Bala what animals would be typically hunted in this area, that would rate a grouping such as this? It would give us reason to be here legitimately asking questions and also reason to move on quickly once information is given.

"Why not the tavern, or what passes for one in this town?" in response to Shikyo's question.

Bala eyes Alway dubiously and eventually sighs, "Prapatra kī khātira ēka kāraṇa hai? Vaisē maiṁ vahām̐ lagatā hai jahāṁ ēka samaya mēṁ cōṭiyōṁ mēṁ Wyverns aura ogres. Kō'ī bhī vāstava mēṁ jānatā hai, jahāṁ hālāṅki, kahīṁ dakṣiṇa yahāṁ kī prācīna kāla sē ēka baunā mērā hō rahē cāhi'ē thā."

A reason for form's sake? Well I suppose there where wyverns and ogres in the peaks at one time. There was supposed to be a dwarf mine from antiquity somewhere south of here, although nobody really knows where.

Kn:History DC 20:
Bala is right about the wyverns and ogres, they were wiped out about 500 years ago in the Han era.

Kn:History DC 25:
There was indeed a dwarven silver mine in one of the hills. King Dourblade's dwarves dug too greedily and it collapsed under the weight of the mountain. Not much remains, and you're not quite sure where it is, but from what the tales say it would make a suitable dragon's lair.

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

kn:History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 -.-

"Wyverns and Ogres are ok but I'm not sure someone would outfit a group such as this to seek them out, but a lost silver mine. Now that has the ring of profit to it and something a gambling man might attempt. Any other ideas?" Alwyn ask turning towards the others.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Gentle prod. I need some actions :)

Human M Human Monk 2 Rogue 1 | HP 24/24| AC 16 | +3STR,+6DEX,+2CON,+1INT,+2WIS,-1CHA | +4 init ,14 PP, +8 stealth KI 2/2

Is there some central place in this hamlet? A tavern like Alwyn said?

If so, Shikyo speaks the language and will attempt to gather some information about nefarious goings on...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Uh oh, rouse the angry mob...

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Lilly, cautiously however, socializes with the townsfolk alongside Shiko.
Independant roll of course :)

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

Tavern is being used somewhat vaguely here. It would refer to any meeting place of the town, could be a town square with a market if no tavern available. Figure if they've made it to a village size there's somewhere they all get together. Maybe not the Grand Bazaar but somewhere to trade goods, rest a moment, and tell tales - whether they be true or not ;)

Alwyn will join the others listening for what rumors he can overhear while he delight the village children with various dancing light and illusion tricks.

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Whoops, sorry bout that, missed that I hadn't replied yet.

Pratavh nods in agreement with the plan, "I think we do need information and this is the only place to get any for now. We might as well go down and ask around." He looks at Hirati and says, "Stay close little one, I want you nearby so we can both keep a lookout for me so that I do not get ambushed by these cultists." With that he heads with Alwyn since he and Hirati seem to make a good team when it comes to charming the children though he keeps his mouth shut and lets Alwyn do the talking.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Lecmugee is far too small to have a tavern. There is a kind of square in-between most of the huts that serves as a meeting place.

When your group of, by Jalmeray's standards, highly exotic adventures turns up pretty much everyone in the village comes out to greet you. Ranging from the smallest child to their headwoman, a severe looking middle-aged woman named Shreya. There's a general air of excitement and the cry of, "Āgantukōṁ!" goes up repeatedly.


Half a dozen voices assail you at once,
"Niswan sē khabara kyā hai?"
"Āpa kyā jāti kara rahē haiṁ?"
"Tuma yahām̐ kyōṁ kara rahē haiṁ, tuma kahām̐ sē āyā?
"Kyā āpa bhūkhē haiṁ? Tvarita vadha bachaṛā! Hama ēka dāvata taiyāra karanā hōgā."
"Āpakā nāma kyā haiṁ? Āpa jñāna kī talāśa kē li'ē ā'ē haiṁ?"

Some of the children point and stare at Lilly, and of course Hirati... There are more gasps of amazement and delight with Alwyn's tricks.

Sense Motive DC 20:
Lilly draws a few disapproving looks from the adults, apparently scandalized that she'd be traveling with a group of men without an obvious husband.

Sense Motive DC 25:
It's only a matter of time before Master Bvar realizes this....


1. What is the news from Niswan?
2. What caste are you?
3. Why are you here, where did you come from?
4. Are you hungry? Quick slaughter the calf! We must prepare a feast.
5. What are your names? Have you come to seek wisdom?

Perception DC 15:
Curiously there's nobody older than about mid 40's in the village.

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

I need some actions please.

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Lilly is too busy being observed, to notice the age restriction.

What gives, staring at me like that?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
"These folk look at me is Bvar, for some reason.
I can guess of a reason, one they can stuff where the sun don't shine."

The reason that comes to her mind makes a vein slightly twitch on her temple. It's just the children around her that refrain her from pulling a slightly annoyed face.

In broken Vudrani:
"My friend here is good with his magics.
Now, on an entirely different matter....
, as she then looks the adults right in the eyes, ..i saw some of those fingers pointed at me, while you were holding hands. I'll have you know that i am quite happy as i am, unbound by marriage. I simply haven't met the sort of man who takes my fancy. Plus, i am thusfar an example that men aren't the strongest gender in combat."

She casually points at the big sword on her back.

Cast enhanced diplomacy on self.
Diplomatic encouragement to the women: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 12 + 1 = 31

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

Most of the women look at Lilly as if she came from another planet. She's so totally out of their expectations they don't know what to do or say.

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Kind of waiting on Alwyn just now so I can phrase my own and Hirati's actions well.

The headwomen of the Village, suddenly makes herself known, "Āgantukōṁ! Acchā acchā! Hamēṁ khabara batānē kē li'ē ātē haiṁ. Hama apanē bachaṛē aura hamārē penj, aura hama Celibrate āja rāta kā his'sā!"

Visitors! Good good! Come tell us the news. We share our calf and our penj, and tonight we celibrate!

There is a sudden nodding and enthusiasm from the majority of the towns folk and preparations for the feast begin.

Kn:Local DC 18:
Penj is fermented Xanian berry. It's potent and hallucinogenic. Shaman use it in rituals to visit the spirit world, and it's often used by remote tribes in celebrations.

Perception DC 18:
Several of the children are suffering from minor childhood poxes, and one boy has a badly healed bite from a wild animal. In most towns such things would be easily cured with minor divine magic, but out here such boons are in short supply.

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

Sorry this character is probably hardest to post for while at work for me
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
sense motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26

Alwyn creates a beautiful image of one of the fountains he had seen in the gardens of the Thakur Palace, while speaking with Lord Pandisar. The sound of the water cascading down draws the children and adults alike in to see. Using the fountain as a backdrop he tells the story of a youngling who has been lost and led astray, but was saved by the heroes and would soon be going to a wedding dressed in a beautiful gown; each part of the story influenced by lights and sound.

"Mērē dōsta, mērē dēvatā'ōṁ dvārā chu'ā mālakina lilī, karanē kē li'ē paricaya tō kr̥payā. Vaha kē rūpa mēṁ acchī taraha sē hai ēka swordmistress, kucha isa taraha usakā rūpa mēṁ ēka hathiyāra phirānā aura usē sabasē acchā karanē kī um'mīda kara sakatē haiṁ. ...." with a bow to the village headwoman " Mālakina śrēyā, kī anumati dēgā agara sūraja kī sthāpanā kara rahā hai śāyada, kē rūpa mēṁ hama bāda mēṁ isa śāma kō ēka pradarśana para ḍāla diyā jā'ēgā."

My friends, please, let me introduce you to Mistress Lilly, touched by the gods. A swordmistress she is as well, few can wield a weapon such as hers and hope to best her. Perhaps if .... Mistress Shreya, will allow, we will put on a demonstration later this evening as the sun is setting.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

"Hama sabasē adhika apanē gānva kā svāgata dvārā sam'mānita kara rahē haiṁ āpa mālakina śukra hai, hama āpa kē sātha sahāyatā kara sakatē haiṁ ki kucha bhī nahīṁ hai?"

Thank you Mistress we are most honored by your village's welcome, is there anything that we may assist you with?


Later Alwyn will be sure to warn the others about the potency of the penj and also that no older villagers have been seen inside the village

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 :(

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Pratavh finds a seat to watch the show that Alwyn gives for the children and simply observes the crowd.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Hirati, on the other hand, inserts herself into the story as the leader of the heroes. She does her best to aid Alwyn in his attempts to impress in addition to watching those around them.
Hirati Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
Hirati diplomacy assist: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

Drugs huh, well not for me.

The villagers watch Alywn and Hirati with rapt attention. One of the village girls in particular seems taken with the antics of the Pseudo gragon. She's a sweet thing of about six seasons known as Shoanti with platted hair, a quick smile and a weeping sore on her left arm.

Kn:Healing DC 12:
A simple cure light wounds spells would likely heal the sore. It doesn't look like it would be a problem but out here in the jungle cuts can often get infected.

Shoanti bows formally to each of you in turn when introduced, and replies to Alywn using a formal dialect, "Hām̐, hamēṁ rājadhānī sē khabara batā dīji'ē. Cāya bāgānōṁ kē li'ē na'ē lā'isēnsa kī bāta ka'ī satrōṁ vāpasa nahīṁ thī. Hama tō śāyada hī kabhī yātriyōṁ kē li'ē milatā hai, isē banā'ē rakhanē kē li'ē muśkila hai."

Yes, please tell us news from the capital. There was talk of new licences for tea plantations several seasons back. We so rarely get travelers, it's hard to keep up.

Kn:Local DC 18:
Eighteen months ago there was a petition from the rural enclaves to open up the tea trade for smaller concerns. It got mired in bureaucracy with a conversation report which should be due early next year. Rumor has it the major tea costas are desperately trying to bury the reforms and report may get shelved.

Sense Motive DC 25:
You get the impression that Shreya isn't really the type to care for court tattletale. She would only care for major events.

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

Healing: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
sense motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

Taken back momentarily by the formal bearing of someone so young , Alwyn cocks his head to the side admiring the intelligence in the little girl's eyes. She will one day break some man's heart, and quite a few boys as well along the way

"I'm sorry my dear we arrived at the capital during the Festival of Souls, very little was said during that time that did not directly pertain to the activities at hand. Perhaps, I would be able to look into this petition upon our return. Although during our stay there it seems. that the silk trade has endured a bit of a set back, at least at one of their mills. A cleansing fire passed through it, shutting it down completely."

Whoops that was supposed to be Shreya talking.

Shreya nods politely when you tell her of those events, but you get the impression she was looking for some other event. Still the mood is congenial and soon there are smells of cooking. The jungle has a great variety of plants and spices and many curious things go into the curry. Judging by the number of chills you get the feeling it's going to be rather hot, but it sure smells good!

Morning turns by degrees into mid day, and finally the first feast of the day is prepared... Sheyra invites you to join as guess of honor, "Hamārī vinamra gānva kē jaṅgala kē ināma Celibrate karanē kē li'ē hamārē sātha juṛanē kā sam'māna karatē haiṁ."

All eyes turn to you.

Please do our humble village the honor of joining us to celibrate the bounty of the forest.

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

Unless someone objects

"Mistress Shreya we are most honored to join you in celebrating the bounty of the gorest."

Alwyn replies with a bow.

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Pratavh Heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Hirati Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Pratavh Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Hirati Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Pratavh nods and replies to the Shreya's offer, "Maiṁ utsava mēṁ śāmila hōnē kē li'ē sam'mānita kiyā jā'ēgā."

"I would be honored to join the celebration."

Hirati looks at her biggest fan and sees her arm. The little dragon flies closer and smells the corruption and flies in a panic to Lilly, "LillyLillyLilly! She needs healing!" She gets behind Lilly and begins trying to push her in the direction of the little girl.

Shreya bows to Pratavh and bids you sit. The mood turns to party and there are smiles all round.

The meal turns out to be a spit roast calf marinated in a variety of potent spices with copious rice served up on giant banana leaves* on top of a wooden board. In addition to a healthy portion of curry there is rice, flat breads, two chutneys (one amber colored and sweet, one green and spicy), and four smaller curried vegetable dishes cooked with all manner of unfamiliar jungle spices. The smell is wonderful although you'd have probably used rather less chili...

Everyone eats together and for the most part there's a good sense of community. During the meal Shreya asks in a most formal way, "Sam'mānita yātriyōṁ, maiṁ apamāna karanē kē li'ē sabasē kṣamā cāhatā hūm̐ , lēkina maiṁ āpa kē li'ē sambandhita jāti jō vicāra nahīṁ kara sakatē. Hama cījōṁ kō khaṛā hōnā cāhi'ē ki kaisē jānatē haiṁ tō āpa hamēṁ batā sakatē haiṁ?"

Honoured travelers, I am most sorry to offend but I can not discern which caste you belong to. Would you please tell us so we know how things should stand?

Perception DC 20 or Sense Motive DC 20:
You get the impression there's two factions among the village. Those who stand with Shreya seem like they're tight together. The handful of others seem a little downtrodden.

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

"What's wrong Hirati?"

Cue the sick girl.

"Ah, that's just a simply thing."

*Rub the kid over the head*
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

At the question of castes;

"Caste? Do you mean lineage or social profession groups?"

Palace of Birdsong| Shards of Oberon map | War for the crown maps

The kid gasps when the sore vanishes and she gives you a big hug saying, "Śukriyā, ōha dhan'yavāda!" over and over. Her parents thank you too and ask to talk to you later.

Thank you, oh thank you!

Shreya however seems taken a back that Lilly apparently doesn't know what she means by 'caste'. She frowns slightly and mutters, "Lēkina hara kō'ī ēka jāti hai. Kaisē ēka an'yathā samāja mēṁ apanī jagaha patā kara sakatē haiṁ?"

But everyone has a caste. How can one know your place in society otherwise?

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

*Gulps down a small bite*

Lilly didn't quite fancy the narrow concept of restrictions on life via castes. Despite that, she kept her response on neutral grounds.

"Not everybody's got a set role in life.
A soldier's son doesn't follow his father's role per sé, he could grow up to be a proficient blacksmith or stable-master as well as a soldier. A girl could, despite her parents being servants to a lord, have talent to become a translator and become so via chances or events."

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Hirati flits around Lilly after healing the girl yelling, "YAY! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" The playful dragon then flies down and starts playing tag with the children.

Pratavh smiles indulgently and even laughs at the children's antics. He turns his attention to Lilly as she explains her view on things. He keeps his reply in vudrani to make sure he gets things right, "Āpa cījōṁ kō samajha mēṁ jisa taraha sē vē apanē samāja kō saṅgaṭhita Vudrani kaisē kī tulanā mēṁ kāphī alaga hai."

The way you understand things is quite different than how they Vudrani organize their society.

He turns to Shreya a moment and then continues, "Kisī bhī truṭi śrēyā yāda ātī hai para mērē mātā pitā Absolom mēṁ rājadūta kē rūpa mēṁ thē, maiṁ vudra kē bāhara palē kr̥payā mujhē sahī. Vudrani sanskr̥ti yaha lōgōṁ kō vē kyā um'mīda kara sakatē batātā hai aura ēka dūsarē kē sambandha mēṁ apanī jagaha kō samajhanē mēṁ unhēṁ ēḍsa, hamēśā hamārē li'ē acchā kāma kiyā hai ki ēka praṇālī hai, yaha jāti vyavasthā mēṁ bahuta kaṭhōra hai. Yaha hai ki vē ēka nimna jāti kē haiṁ, sirpha isali'ē ki pratibhā para gujara dvārā an'yāyī kiyā jā sakatā hai, bhalē hī yaha bahuta sthira hai. Yaha ēka varga badalanē kē li'ē, sāmān'ya rūpa sē hī parivartana kī vajaha sē apanē aura apanē parivāra para baṛī śarma kī bāta kō lānē kē li'ē nīcē hai, durlabha paristhitiyōṁ mēṁ sambhava hai, kē bāda kahā. Vahām̐ jā rahē lōgōṁ kā hī durlabha ghaṭanā'ōṁ rahē haiṁ, aura yaha bhī hō sakatā hai ki asādhāraṇa upalabdhiyōṁ sē hamēśā hōtā hai."

Please correct me on any errors miss Shreya, I grew up outside of vudra as my parents were ambassadors in Absolom. The vudrani culture is very rigid in it's caste system, a system that has always worked well for us, it tells people what they can expect and aids them in understanding their place in relation to each other. It is very stable even if it can be inequitable by passing over talent just because they are of a lower caste. Having said that it is possible, in rare circumstances, for one to change class, normally the only change is down due to bringing great shame upon yourself and your family. There are only rare occurances of people going up, and it is always from extraordinary achievements that it can happen.

He turns to his attention to Shreya once more as he asks, "Saca tō yaha hai ki maiṁ apanē dōstōṁ mēṁ gira jā'ēgā jāti kyā hai patā nahīṁ hai, kahā jā sakatā hai. Lilī yahāṁ sabasē sahī ēka brāhmaṇa kē rūpa mēṁ varṇita kiyā jā'ēgā, ēlvina ēka vaiśya kē rūpa mēṁ prabhāvī hai Shikyomaru hai. Maiṁ janma sē ēka kṣatriya hūṁ. Mujhē lēkina una sabhī kō unakē khaṛī kī nikaṭatama approximations haiṁ kē li'ē, dhyāna rahē. Bhītarī sāgara kṣētra mēṁ jātiyōṁ kā astitva nahīṁ hai aura isali'ē yaha vahām̐ sē una lōgōṁ mēṁ sambandhita jāti kē li'ē nirdhārita kyā muśkila hai."

Truth be told, I do not know what caste my friends would fall into. Lilly here would be most accurately described as a Brahmin, Alwyn is effectively a Vaishyas as is Shikyomaru. I am a Kshatriya by birth. Mind you, for all but me those are the closest approximations of their standing. In the inner sea region the castes do not exist and so it is hard to determine what caste those from there belong in.

I looked up the traditional caste system from India on wikipedia and used that four caste system to work from. Hopefully that doesn't cause a problem for you.

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

I had the caste system from Dragon Age in mind when i typed....
Craftsmen/military/servants/castless(criminals, beggars).
Btw Pratavh, thanks for calling Lilly a two-headed mutated cow. >:), you're in for it.

In common:
"What's a Brahmin?"

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Pratavh looks at Lilly and replies in common, "The Brahmin are the religious caste, the priests and most healers as well, fall into this category. Being as you channel diving power of some kind it is the best fit." He looks at Alwyn and Shikyomaru, "The Vaishyas caste are the laborers, farmers, and artisans, it was the closest I could come up with. The Kshatriya, my class by birth, are, effectively, the nobility."

Human M Human Monk 2 Rogue 1 | HP 24/24| AC 16 | +3STR,+6DEX,+2CON,+1INT,+2WIS,-1CHA | +4 init ,14 PP, +8 stealth KI 2/2

Shikyo raises his eyebrow at Pratavh I see you've appointed yourself as the nobility...and us as the rabble. he says in Common

Male human (vudrani) Wizard 8 | HP 33/56 | AC:19 (21), T:13, F:17 (19) | CMD:14, CMB:+2 | Save F+5, R+6 , W+9 | Init:+8 | Perc: +9 | Aura of Prescience 2/8 | Reveal Weakness 4/8 (-2 all charisma based rolls)

Pratavh looks at Shikyo with an ammused grin, "I was giving the best approximation I could and I actually am nobody by birth. It doesn't mean quite the same thing as you are used to. Noble, in myy case, means I am born into a family of upper level bureaucrats as opposed to actually nobility as you would think of it."

Scarab Sages

M Human Bard 8 | HP 56/56 | AC 20 (14t 17ff)| +4 fort +10 ref +6 will | +5 init ,+10 perc, +14 stealth | Fire and Acid resist 10 Resource Tracker

"Nice explanation Pratavh, artisan suits me." Alwyn comments in common with a smile.

F Human [Oracle 5/ Escapee 1] HP: 46/46, AC 16/15/12, CMB +7, CMD 20, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +5 (+7 vs confusion, insanity & fear), Perception +8, Darkvision 60 feet, Speed 30, Init +5 WoS 47/50 WoCMW 38/50

"The channel of positive energy's about the only thing i have in common with priests.
Sure, priests of faiths can mean well and i won't ever speak badly of the priestess back in the city, but following has so many commitmments, that's not me.
I don't even know which god or entity saw a brawling traders' daughter a fit medium. If any, it's probably one who loves a brawl or rebels....or one with a thing for women who can fight."

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