Cleric of Ragathiel


Would a cleric of Ragathiel fit well in the Reign of Winter AP?

Grand Lodge

Are you just interested in the Bastard Sword?

Is there a domain choice, or flavor reason you want this god?

It look to me as a god of vengence the cleric might not be happy with all Baba Yaga and her spawn have done to Irrisen

Grand Lodge

Check out Feronia, his mother.

Adds the "fire vs ice" aspect, still has the Bastard Sword, and the neutral alignment allows for more personality types.

Also, many of the same domains.

Many thanks. I will!

I wonder if a halfling would do well as a cleric of either.

Grand Lodge

Should be fine.

Makes it better to go the more caster-focused route, but should be fine.

What books are allowed?

What races are allowed?

All Pathfinder books are allowed.

Grand Lodge

A small sized Aasimar may work better. Perhaps borne of Halflings for the same flavor.

Also, the Purifier archetype is cool. Purification by fire?


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