Thrown Weapon Fighter Advice


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So the idea for this build is a fighter using a Blinkback Belt, Throwing Kukri, Close-Quarter Thrower and Clustered Shots to do his DPS.

Basically, draw and throw your weapon in melee, get full STR on every attack and bypass DR due to Clustered Shots while still being able to flank and receive AoO's.

This is a high level build to replace my bard if he ends up getting killed. Last session ended with talk of strapping him to an antimagic field so the grappler could help walk a vampire to the light.


1) Dodge,TWF, Weapon Focus (Kukri)
2) Pointblank Shot
3) QuickDraw
4) Precise Shot
5) Weapon Specialization: (Kukri)
7) Close-Quarters Thrower
8) Clustered Shots
9) Greater Weapon Focus (Kukri)
10) Greater Weapon Specialization (Kukri)
11) GTWF
12) Improved Critical (Kukri)
13) Deadly Aim

If you're going high level, skip the Blinkback Belt. It's inferior to this guy from the same chapter of UE:



Price 42,000 gp; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 12th; Weight 1 lb.
This item functions as the lesser belt of mighty hurling, except it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and any thrown weapons its wearer hurls are treated as though they had the returning quality. This does not apply to improvised ranged weapons, splash weapons, or weapons the wearer lacks proficiency with. Treat the bonus to Strength as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

This lets you save on the DEX mod (the lesser version uses your STR mod to hit instead of DEX for throwing and that is included on this version). Drop GTWF to reduce your DEX requirement. Remember, you don't have a belt for DEX to meet the prereq. GTWF is a really hard sell for me because it's at such a low attack bonus, even when you're cranking it up as a Fighter.

Consider adding Rapid Shot to your build. You can drop Dodge for it and it gives you another attack when throwing at a high attack bonus. You already have the prereqs in your build.

Consider grabbing Distance Thrower to lengthen your throw range. A 10ft increment is painfully short when throwing. This lets you ignore the first range increment penalty and reduces subsequent penalties by 2. Very helpful.

I would drop Close-Quarter Thrower in favor of Double Slice. Your off-hand thrown attacks will, to my knowledge, otherwise lose out on STR bonus. CQT is not very useful because, honestly, if you are within 5 reach of something, you can simply TWF attack or 5' and throw.

Keep a small supply of chakram for emergency long-distance throwing.

Serisan wrote:

If you're going high level, skip the Blinkback Belt. It's inferior to this guy from the same chapter of UE:



I strongly disagree.

As written the blinkback belt is vastly superior, since it doesn't bestow the returning ability, but teleports the weapon back just after the attack.
In effect this remove one of the most significant drawbacks of a thrower, since he can full attack using only a single weapon.

While using str on to-hit rolls is nice, the dex is needed for feats anyway.

Indeed, if a thrower isn't using a Blinkback Belt, he should be using some sort of homebrewed belt/amulet/gloves that apply magical properties to weapons he throws.

(Interesting note here...Blinkback Belt throwing in conjunction with quickdraw allows a form of two-weapon fighting with a single weapon.

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