Buba HoTep |
Having a Teifling FiendFlayer/Kensai Magus, I'm interested in clearing up this bit of rule;
Fiendblade (Su): As a swift action, as long as the fiend flayer used infernal mortification that day to increase his arcane pool, he can conjure forth a weapon using this arcana. Doing so costs 2 points from his arcane pool. The weapon can take the form of any single one-handed melee weapon the fiend flayer is proficient with. This weapon starts as a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus, but for every four levels beyond 3rd the fiend flayer possesses, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 19th level. This summoned weapon lasts for 1 minute. At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties to the fiendblade:
anarchic, axiomatic, dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or unholy.
These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool points are spent and cannot be changed until the next time the fiend flayer uses this arcana.
- This last paragraph above is what I'm confused about. After 5th level, do the bonuses that can be added (ie anarchic, axiomatic, etc)how are the cost of these bonuses paid for?

El Cubano |
From what I can read, you can choose how to distribute the points when you summon the weapon. At 7th level, you could have a +1 Keen whatever, at level 11, a +1 Anarchic whatever. To answer your question, the bonuses are paid for via the enhancement bonuses granted by the ability. I would read it as an extension given to the Arcane Pool ability, allowing you to choose different enhancement bonuses, but using the same enhancement bonus distribution method.
That's just my take on it though.
Edit: After rereading the ability, it doesn't say it replaces the regular arcane pool ability, so by RAW it could technically stack right? I didn't actually look for any other input about it though, so I could definitely be wrong on this "Edit" point.

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In the books, each ability (Axiomatic, dancing, flaming) has an equivalent enhancement bonus "cost"
A Flaming Weapon is the equivalent of a +1 weapon
An unholy weapon is the equivalent of a +2 weapon
And so on.
Before a weapon can have any abilities, it must have a +1 enhancement bonus.
So when you first get the ability, it's only ever going to be a +1 weapon
However, when you get the ability to make it a +2 weapon, you have options.
You could make it +2, +1 Flaming, +1 Keen, +1 Shock...ect.
When you can make it a +3 weapon, it could be +3, +1 Shock and Flaming, +2 Flaming, +1 Flaming Burst, +1 Unholy, +1 Axiomatic,
You see how it works?