One handed weapons and two weapon fighting thought

Homebrew and House Rules

Okay still a ways from my next campaign, but i was toying with a 2 weapon fighter build, but I'd really like to use 2 long swords from the get go cause that is a cool fighter visual you see all the time, but mechanically not seen in the game often due to penalties.

but here is my suggestion, for an exotic weapon proficiency I can get a two bladed sword which is essentially two long swords taped together. SO if I go with this i think I'll propose to my GM a feat that allows a specific one handed weapon to act like a light weapon. something like this.

Favored Off hand
Prerequisite: Two weapon fighting, weapon focus (chosen weapon), BAB +1
Benefit: Pick a specific one one handed weapon you have weapon focus with that weapon always counts as a light weapon when used in your off hand.

I mechanically don't see an unbalancing with this compared to what I could get with a two bladed sword.

alternatively you could do this with bastard swords for more damage but thats yet another feat.

Does this sound unreasonable?

Dark Archive

Yes it is very reasonable. Please make sure your summoned cyclopses all have this feat and an extra greataxe.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Wouldn't a Double Bladed Sword be what you are looking for? It is the same damage as two long swords but the second attack is as if it were a light weapon.

As per your actual question and proposed method, that is a reasonable and fair feat. If I were GMing a player who asked for this, I would allow it.

I would like to point out, however, that this exact thing IS already mechanically seen in the game via Improved Balance, a class feature of the Two-Weapon Warrior Archetype. Granted, you did mention that you want it from the get go, and Improved Balance isn't gotten until level 11.

Improved Balance doesn't really make much difference because, even though it reduces the penalty for fighting with a one-handed off-hand weapon, it also reduces your penalty further if you're fighting with a light off-hand weapon. In other words, it doesn't actually the longsword dual-wielder catch up to the kukri dual-wielder any more than Weapon Training does.

Roberta Yang wrote:
Improved Balance doesn't really make much difference because, even though it reduces the penalty for fighting with a one-handed off-hand weapon, it also reduces your penalty further if you're fighting with a light off-hand weapon. In other words, it doesn't actually the longsword dual-wielder catch up to the kukri dual-wielder any more than Weapon Training does.

Twin Blades is basically the same thing as Weapon Training for Two-Weapon Warriors. But Weapon Training / Twin Blades aside, the benefit of Improved Balance is still relevant. The OP's goal is to reduce the penalty of using a 1-handed weapon in the off-hand. Improved Balance accomplishes this exactly by reducing the penalty from -4, -4 to -2, -2. It doesn't matter in this case what the light off-hand penalty is because the OP wants two 1-handers.

Regarding light weapons, you are correct; a simple -1 penalty reduction is pretty paltry, especially at 11th level.

Use shortswords that don't look like roman gladiuses.

Or don't expect to be the uber cool fighter from lvl1.

Sinatar wrote:

Twin Blades is basically the same thing as Weapon Training for Two-Weapon Warriors. But Weapon Training / Twin Blades aside, the benefit of Improved Balance is still relevant. The OP's goal is to reduce the penalty of using a 1-handed weapon in the off-hand. Improved Balance accomplishes this exactly by reducing the penalty from -4, -4 to -2, -2. It doesn't matter in this case what the light off-hand penalty is because the OP wants two 1-handers.

Regarding light weapons, you are correct; a simple -1 penalty reduction is pretty paltry, especially at 11th level.

The penalty reduction for two light weapons improves to -2 at fifteenth level, but this reduction does not improve for two one-handed weapons.

In other words, regardless of what combination of weapons you are using, the effect of Improved Balance is +2 to hit. Using two one-handed weapons still gives you an extra -2 penalty that you wouldn't suffer otherwise. Improved Balance "removes" the penalty in the same sense that high BAB, or high Str (or Dex with Weapon Finesse), or a high weapon enhancement bonus, or Weapon Training, or Weapon Focus, or Haste, or flanking, or literally anything else that provides a bonus to hit "removes" the penalty.

Thanks everyone for comments, I think i have a good idea that this isn't broken. I was looking at improved balance, but again 11th level seemed like far too late for replicating something that isn't that broken to begin with. I think within the confines of my campaigns i don't think the feat would be unreasonable, if it were to see wider use might want to stick a Fighter lvl 4-5 in the requirements to keep it from being abused.

No need for any level requirements. No need to even make it a feat; you could actually make this a trait and it still wouldn't be overpowered.

Dark Archive

Just for the record, you can get a pair of Sawtooth Sabres, use that same feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency, and poof! You've got a pair of "longswords" that count as having a Light weapon in the offhand.

There was a feat for forgotten realms 3.0 called twin weapon style. It reduced penalties by 1 for both hands.

Byrdology wrote:
There was a feat for forgotten realms 3.0 called twin weapon style. It reduced penalties by 1 for both hands.

There was also a 3.5 feat called Oversized Two Weapon Fighting which allowed you to use a one handed weapon in your off hand and treat it as a light weapon for TWF penalty purposes.

The only problem that might occur would be if someone burned the feats to get this with a falcata. It may not be a big issue just the first thing that comes to mind.

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