ChrisLKimball |

Okay still a ways from my next campaign, but i was toying with a 2 weapon fighter build, but I'd really like to use 2 long swords from the get go cause that is a cool fighter visual you see all the time, but mechanically not seen in the game often due to penalties.
but here is my suggestion, for an exotic weapon proficiency I can get a two bladed sword which is essentially two long swords taped together. SO if I go with this i think I'll propose to my GM a feat that allows a specific one handed weapon to act like a light weapon. something like this.
Favored Off hand
Prerequisite: Two weapon fighting, weapon focus (chosen weapon), BAB +1
Benefit: Pick a specific one one handed weapon you have weapon focus with that weapon always counts as a light weapon when used in your off hand.
I mechanically don't see an unbalancing with this compared to what I could get with a two bladed sword.
alternatively you could do this with bastard swords for more damage but thats yet another feat.
Does this sound unreasonable?

Sinatar |

As per your actual question and proposed method, that is a reasonable and fair feat. If I were GMing a player who asked for this, I would allow it.
I would like to point out, however, that this exact thing IS already mechanically seen in the game via Improved Balance, a class feature of the Two-Weapon Warrior Archetype. Granted, you did mention that you want it from the get go, and Improved Balance isn't gotten until level 11.

Roberta Yang |

Improved Balance doesn't really make much difference because, even though it reduces the penalty for fighting with a one-handed off-hand weapon, it also reduces your penalty further if you're fighting with a light off-hand weapon. In other words, it doesn't actually the longsword dual-wielder catch up to the kukri dual-wielder any more than Weapon Training does.

Sinatar |

Improved Balance doesn't really make much difference because, even though it reduces the penalty for fighting with a one-handed off-hand weapon, it also reduces your penalty further if you're fighting with a light off-hand weapon. In other words, it doesn't actually the longsword dual-wielder catch up to the kukri dual-wielder any more than Weapon Training does.
Twin Blades is basically the same thing as Weapon Training for Two-Weapon Warriors. But Weapon Training / Twin Blades aside, the benefit of Improved Balance is still relevant. The OP's goal is to reduce the penalty of using a 1-handed weapon in the off-hand. Improved Balance accomplishes this exactly by reducing the penalty from -4, -4 to -2, -2. It doesn't matter in this case what the light off-hand penalty is because the OP wants two 1-handers.
Regarding light weapons, you are correct; a simple -1 penalty reduction is pretty paltry, especially at 11th level.

Roberta Yang |

Twin Blades is basically the same thing as Weapon Training for Two-Weapon Warriors. But Weapon Training / Twin Blades aside, the benefit of Improved Balance is still relevant. The OP's goal is to reduce the penalty of using a 1-handed weapon in the off-hand. Improved Balance accomplishes this exactly by reducing the penalty from -4, -4 to -2, -2. It doesn't matter in this case what the light off-hand penalty is because the OP wants two 1-handers.
Regarding light weapons, you are correct; a simple -1 penalty reduction is pretty paltry, especially at 11th level.
The penalty reduction for two light weapons improves to -2 at fifteenth level, but this reduction does not improve for two one-handed weapons.
In other words, regardless of what combination of weapons you are using, the effect of Improved Balance is +2 to hit. Using two one-handed weapons still gives you an extra -2 penalty that you wouldn't suffer otherwise. Improved Balance "removes" the penalty in the same sense that high BAB, or high Str (or Dex with Weapon Finesse), or a high weapon enhancement bonus, or Weapon Training, or Weapon Focus, or Haste, or flanking, or literally anything else that provides a bonus to hit "removes" the penalty.

ChrisLKimball |

Thanks everyone for comments, I think i have a good idea that this isn't broken. I was looking at improved balance, but again 11th level seemed like far too late for replicating something that isn't that broken to begin with. I think within the confines of my campaigns i don't think the feat would be unreasonable, if it were to see wider use might want to stick a Fighter lvl 4-5 in the requirements to keep it from being abused.

Gilfalas |

There was a feat for forgotten realms 3.0 called twin weapon style. It reduced penalties by 1 for both hands.
There was also a 3.5 feat called Oversized Two Weapon Fighting which allowed you to use a one handed weapon in your off hand and treat it as a light weapon for TWF penalty purposes.