I know that two shield fighters are neither original nor optimal, and yet...


Scarab Sages

Flavorwise, I kind of like it.
Now, I do a slight re-skin of the concept. Instead of just shields, I think of them as being sort of like oversized cestus, a la God of War.

And I know that it's unrealistic as hell, but this is a fantasy game, and if the wizard can turn my foe into a rabbit, then I should be able to pummel him into the ground with a couple of shields.

So, I'm joining a new campaign, level 4, 20 point buy. The DM claims it's the Warhammer universe, but we'll see how closely he sticks to that.
Suffice to say that magic users will need to hide their spellcasting, and no really exotic races.

After fiddling with various concepts, I've settled into working out a dual shield fighter.
Why dual shields? Weapon focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon specialization, Greater Weapon Specialization.
These four feats add up to +2 to attack and +4 to damage to a singe weapon. I figure I'm better off using two shields that I can get the full bonus on rather than taking the feats twice each for a different main hand weapon.
Plus, Shield Master will apply to both my weapons. I'd say that the effective +4 to hit and +4 damage more than outweighs the smaller damage die and reduced crit range.

Human Fighter (No archetypes yet, although Two Weapon Warrior is tempting)
Str: 18, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7

1: Imp Shield Bash, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus Klar,
2: Double Slice
3: Power Attack
4: Weapon Specialization (Dex 16)
5: ?Toughness/Iron Will?
6: Shield Slam,
7: Improved Bull Rush
8: Greater Weapon Focus (Dex 17)
9: Greater Bull Rush
10: Improved Two Weapon Fighting
11: Shield Mastery
12: Greater Weapon Specialization, *replace something with Two Weapon Rend (Dex 18)

Assuming I can get hold of a couple of +3 Klar, and a +4 Str item, a full attack at level 12 would look like this:

+23 (+12 BAB, +6 Str, +2 feat, +3 enh)/+23/+18/+18/+13, 1d6+13, If two attacks hit, +1d10+15. Each of the above has an optional bull rush, and if there is an obstacle behind them, knock them prone.

His AC (assuming a set of +3 Plate) would be 30 (+12 plate, +4 shield, +4 Dex, before any other itmes that buff AC.

Here's my initial build concept, I'm new to the pathfinder system, and I'm wondering if any more experienced players have thoughts, suggestions, or can highlight potential problems with this character concept.

I've always been a big fan of dual shields. I tend to maximize on the idea of defense and take feats to help that out. You've got a different direction, and for what your doing, everything looks really good.

Ive always considered these builds interesting but I do have a question for you.

At level 4, where you are coming in do you feel like you can be help to your party? I love these builds at higher levels but I've never tried to begin one at a lower level.

Under your build here, lvl 4 seems to look like this:

Hit: +9 (BAB 4, Str 4, Feat 1) [may have missed something]
Full Attack: +7/7 (-2 from TWF)
Power Attack: +7 (+5/5 for full attack)

Damage: 1D6 + 6 each. (power attack = 1D6 + 10)

Thats not terrible, and I do not know what your game is like, but it may set you behind right?

Full attacking could really lower your chance to hit since you are dualing.

As for AC....are we sure that you'd get the shield bonus to each? They are the same type of bonus correct? I don't remember "shield bonuses" stacking.

As a result, if I this is right your AC would be more like: 24 (Armor 10 [assuming +1 plate], Shield 2, Dex 2). Thats a nice AC at level 4.

Don't get me wrong, Id play this character, but since its one of those builds that is "not optimized" I just err on the side of considering what you'll actually be dealign with for a while.

Please let me know if I've misstated anything.

Scarab Sages

Here's my take on it:
I'm not making any assumptions about my gear, other than the base gear will be available. I'd say it's likely that I'll be able to get masterwork gear, but we've been told that we're starting out 'naked', so we'll see.

Starting out:
Level 4:
+5/+5(+4 bab, +4 str, +1 weapon focus, -2 PA, -2 double attack), 1d4+10 (4str, +2 WS, +4 PA)
Yes, those attack bonuses are a bit low, but really, they're not that terrible.
Between flanking and masterwork/magic weaponry, I've got up to +3 (additional) on the attack roll, and if I forgo power attacking or dual attacking, that could get as high as +12 (total), while still dealing 1d4+6 (spiked shield). It's always a tradeoff of accuracy for damage, and I feel that at this level it's acceptable.
It's also possible that I'll 'main hand' a medium shield and off hand a smaller shield, or even a weapon, depending on how strict the dm is with the WF/WS feat determiners. (Can you just indicate 'Weapon Focus: spiked shield'?)
Regardless, I'm not too worried about my damage output. If necessary, I can go with a light shield/longsword combo.
There's also the fact that as soon as I hit 5th level, my accuracy goes up by 2, between the BAB increase and weapon training. Overall, I'm not too worried about accuracy.
All in all, I'm working for a balance of damage (TWF, Specialization), Versatility (Shield Slam/Bull Rush) and defense (Using the shield in the first place).

There's also the possibility of working with other weapons in the early levels, and swapping over the weapon specific feats on even levels later as I approach 11, where Shield Slam makes the build really shine.

AC: I'm not even bothering with trying to get any AC bonus from my main hand shield. It's simply a shield so I can get benefit from the WF/WS feats.
AC at 4 will likely be 22: (+9 fp, +2 Dex, +1 Shield) If I have access to magic armor, and the option of going with a medium shield, that could get up to 25.

ok fair enough. If you start out naked I imagine you'll be fine.

The first two short sword, daggers, etc that you find would be just as good.....

Also any armor or shield..

Ok cool cool. Also the point about lvl 5 is fair enough. I wish you well and i think ill have to look into something similar.

Im currently building an NPC for my game that is a Buckler/Unarmed barbarian so i may take a page out of this thread.


Try using the Two Weapon Warrior archetype. It will reduce the penalties for TWF and give you a couple of nice bonuses and abilities such as double strike, equal opportunity, and some nice dodge bonuses. It would also make you more versatile if you ever lost one or both of your shields, as the atk & dmg bonuses apply whenever you are wielding two weapons, whatever they may be.

I've considered making a character like this a couple of times, and if you want to maximize defense as well, combat expertise with a madu does quite nicely. I typically re-envision the madu as a shield with bladed edges, tho, instead of the spikes. Such shields actually did exist, and would probably benefit from the same mechanics as a classical madu.

Also, remember that the shield you are using as your primary weapon can have the shield spikes (or blades, or whatever) enhanced as weapons instead of enhancing the shield as armor. It costs more, but it would allow you to give it the defending quality which you could use to stack with all other AC bonuses, including your other shield's shield bonus, if things get sticky.

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