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But first things first :
Now that I got that warning shot, let's get to the gist of it.
We agreed that I will keep his real 1-st level (and higher) character sheet while he will get a blank character sheet, until his PC recovers her memories.
After consulting the board oracles on this, I decided to go for a Red Mantis Assassin.
I need to build his character at least just before his 1st-level in the PrC at which point I will arrange for his character to recover her memories. This should occur around 5th to 7th level (due to Jade Regent’s structure).
Other info to take into account for this build :
- The player wishes for “a fluid and acrobatic combat style with sneak attack" and "an infiltrator using Gather information and her gift as an actor"
- The player prefers Human but is open to any race, as long as it is usually considered attractive (ie, no racial CHA malus)
- The player does not want to play a full-caster. He is okay with a character with some spellcasting, “similar to that of a Paladin”
- Based on his usual gameplay, I prefer to avoid anything complicated. Circumstancial bonuses and other such tactical decisions should be avoided. Bookkeeping should be kept at minimum.
- I will houserule that the sawtooth sabre (the signature weapon of the RMA) can be used with Weapon Finesse if it is made of Mithral. The PC will get those when she recovers her memories or a little earlier if need be.
- In order to avoid spoiling the mystery while keeping the character efficient, she should get all-around useful feats (such as TWF or Weapon Finesse) earlier than RMA-specific ones (such as EWP : Sawtooth Sabre or WF : Sawtooth Sabre).
I am currently thinking of building a Human or Dhampir character with levels in Rogue/Ninja and Fighter who will enter the RMA from 6th-level so as to be able to follow it all the way to 10th level (thus a 15-th level PC, which is the end level of the Jade Regent AP).
However, none of this is set in stone and I can still be convinced otherwise.
What would your build be ?

Jubal Breakbottle |

I suggest Shadowdancer instead of Red Mantis for two reasons:
1. The build-up to the prestige class requires general feats that enable "a fluid and acrobatic combat style" and avoids the specialized sawtooth
2. Shadowdancer provides darkvision, evasion, and improved uncanny dodge at its second level PLUS some spellcasting "similar to that of a Paladin."
Its built not needing the Human bonus feat, so you can give him +2 Dex & Cha. Ninja 6 is a big level for BAB, saves, trick and light steps, so I suggest delaying shadowdancer by one level.
Ninja 1 – Dodge
Ninja 2 – Combat Trick: Weapon Finesse
Ninja 3 – Mobility
Ninja 4 – Fast Stealth
Ninja 5 – Combat Reflexes
Ninja 6 – Forgotten Trick
Shadowdancer 1 - Shadowstrike
Using the Human bonus feat and the fact that you need 2 ranks of perform (dance) anyway, here's another option that would need a houserule giving ninja's scimitar prof or enabling Dancing Dervish with a wakizashi
Ninja 1 – Dodge, Mobility
Ninja 2 – Combat Trick: Weapon Finesse
Ninja 3 – Dancing Dervish
Ninja 4 – Fast Stealth
Ninja 5 – Combat Reflexes
Ninja 6 – Forgotten Trick
Shadowdancer 1 - Shadowstrike

darkwarriorkarg |
Looking at requirements
Alignment: Lawful evil.Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks, Perception 5 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Feats: Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (sawtooth sabre), Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (sawtooth sabre).
What immediately omes to mind:
Ranger (Urban ranger, Favoured enemy (humanoid: human)) 5Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/ Rogue/ninja/Ranger(Urban) 3

Cathulhu |

Half Elf (ancestral arms, sawtooth saber, etc.) Sandman bard. good at deception, acting, gets some sneak attack, some interesting abilities. maybe with a fighter dip if you are wanting to go the Weapon Finesse route. (likely due to high DEX reqs. for TWF).
Otherwise, a typical fighter/rogue or ninja will work quite well.

Sinatar |
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Is Red Mantis Assasin the only thing set in stone, or is it also still in the air?
Because honestly straight ninja the whole way would fit your stipulations perfectly.
1.) The ninja's capstone ability is amazing; definitely worth the long haul.
2.) Plug in the good tricks / feats / items, and the character is quite simple to play. Nothing complicated and minimal book keeping, yet the character is still very capable and efficient.
3.) Ninjas need a high CHA, and all social skills are class skills for them. This is great synergy for this gifted female character with social graces. ^_^
4.) This is about as "fluid and acrobatic" as it gets! The ninja is one of the best classes at taking advantage of the Acrobatics skill, using their Ki. Many ninja tricks build onto this concept as well.
5.) You wouldn't need to worry about houseruling weapon finesse working with mithral weapons, or using 3rd party material. This point is moot, however, if you aren't hesitant about 3rd party material in the first place. ^_^

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** spoiler omitted **
How do you know that you deserve it when we have not even started playing yet ?
I am sure we deserve it in the RotRL you are GMing for us, if only for squashing your monsters with such ease (with one NOTABLE exception). But your JR party is still innocent in my eyes.
Except that, obviously, you deserve it now though ;-P