Homebrew New Feat!

Homebrew and House Rules

Improved Aid Another
With quick, distracting swipes, you are able to aid multiple allies
Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Base Attack Bonus +6
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can attempt an Aid Another action to affect all allies in range. Make an attack roll against an AC 10, plus five for each additional ally you wish to aid. If successful you divide the bonus granted by your Aid Another equally (rounding down) among all affected allies.
Normal: Aid Another is a standard action and may only affect one ally.

I made this feat for a Helpful Halfling in my campaign who likes to bring glory to others. Order of the Dragon cavaliers I think would enjoy this too. And Inspiring Commander archetypes. Really, anyone that has a way of getting more than the standard +2 to AA would benefit from this feat.

How high can your aid another get? I'm asking because having to spend a full round action to give fractions of whatever it is doesn't sound like a good trade; then again I have no idea how high you can actually get your Aid Another.

I would probably take away the division of the bonus and the attack roll and just have it affect all adjacent allies. Maybe have a Greater that lets you help all allies within 30 feet?

Edit: I forgot that Aid Another required an attack roll until I just looked it up. Yeah I see why you included that now.

Order of the Dragon can be a +6 at 20th level. Inspiring commanders can add their int bonus to that as well. So, you're looking at a +7 at least, possibly +10 or higher.

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