Forgive me Father, for I have sinned!

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 1/5

Alright, I have previously mentioned that I am new to PFS. One of my earliest forays into Golarion, I got "volunteered" into running a session at an event. I had played and run it before, so I blithely took GM credit and applied it to a first level character. (I did not clearly understand the rules on GM credit.)

My question is this - what the heck do I do now? I do not want to keep inappropriate XP on a character I plan to play again. On the other hand I have a chronicle for a succeeding adventure, which would leave it at the same level (Big 2nd!) But the Chronicle numbers would be off and so would the cash.

I made this mistake honestly, and I am trying to correct it; just not sure how.


The Exchange 5/5

Put the Chronicle to a different PC.

go out and edit the entry online if you can - or not. Some of my on-line entries are wrong, mistakes happen.

Would that fix it for you?


If I understand correctly, your concern is that you have now applied this chronicle as GM Credit to two characters.

What I would do in that case is this: Remove it from the second character. White out the sections of Chronicle #2 that are now wrong, and write over them. Make a note about the cause of the error on the Chronicle to head off any questions in case you get audited; if you want you can even keep a copy of the initial Chronicle to demonstrate what happened.


Alternately, just print a new blank chronicle and fill it out with negatives matching the first chronicle. Call it #3 and write a note in the body explaining why you're doing this. I had to do that with an archer at one point after I wasn't paying attention to HL's arrow pricing.

As long as people can check your math, you're good for audits. I would be really surprised to see a GM disqualify a character because someone went out of their way to fix a problem that the GM's audit wouldn't have caught in the first place.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Yep, just get it corrected, make it clear, and you should be fine. :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

If you need to correct online reporting for the event, your local (or nearest) Venture Captain should be able to help you out.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Thanks for all your help!

Nosig, Perhaps I did not make myself clear initially, but I ran the chronicle twice and applied GM credit for the same adventure module to two different characters. There is no problem with the first, but as I understand GM credit now, I cannot receive GM credit for running it the second time, regardless of which character the credit is applied to. At least I think..........
QUICK EDIT: Crap, thanks! I did not think about the online report!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Erosthenes wrote:

Thanks for all your help!

Nosig, Perhaps I did not make myself clear initially, but I ran the chronicle twice and applied GM credit for the same adventure module to two different characters. There is no problem with the first, but as I understand GM credit now, I cannot receive GM credit for running it the second time, regardless of which character the credit is applied to. At least I think..........
QUICK EDIT: Crap, thanks! I did not think about the online report!

It'll just show no prestige earned for that GM character online as it has already been reported on another character. As far as the second character getting credit then, yes, you need to remove that Chronicle from that character (in some fashion) and make necessary adjustments to gold, PA, and experience.

The only exception is if the module was a Tier 1 module, in which case you can get credit for a different level 1 character as many times as you can stand to run it.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Or scenario.

You can take credit for running or playing the following scenarios and modules for first level PCs in perpetuity:

Scenarios (1 XP, 2 PP):
First Steps, Part 1: In Service to Lore
First Steps, Part 2: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
First Steps, Part 3: A Vision of Betrayal

Free RPG Day Modules (1 XP, 1 PP):
Master of the Fallen Fortress
We Be Goblins!

Modules (3 XP, 4 PP):
Crypt of the Everflame
Murder's Mark
The Godsmouth Heresy
Thornkeep - The Accursed Halls level

Well, probably not in perpetuity, if

Zarta doesn't get rescued and reinstated. In that case, I believe Mark Moreland mentioned a plan for a new Intro scenario for PFS, since there is the potential for Zarta to be gone permanently, and for two of the factions to also go away.

"Hi, yes, this scenario introduces you to the Cheliax faction, but the actual faction head now is a little Jewish fellow named Kenny. He dies, often. Always comes back, though, unlike <redacted>. Oh, and ignore the introduction of <redacted> from the <redacted> faction, since that faction is no longer active in the Pathfinder Society. Have a <redacted> day!"

I don't know, would it be more amusing if the two factions going away were represented in First Steps, Part 1, as well as the missing Zarta Dralneen, or to have her gone from one, and a faction missing from each of the other two First Steps scenarios?[/end derail]


Dude. Spoilers.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
Dude. Spoilers.

Dude. Why?

The blog mentions the potential loss of factions, and the potential loss of another faction head. The blurb for the scenario gives away the missing.

Sczarni 3/5

Unfortunately I ended up doing the same thing when I first started GMing for society. I didn't know you had to wait to be the appropriate level in order to apply chronicles to a PC. I ended up having way too much money for that character and so I just retired the character really early as I don't think it would have been fair to play the character after playing up so many times. Now I know ;-;

Grand Lodge 5/5

To avoid a lot of mess on a bunch of Chronicle sheets, I suggest making a note on the errant sheet and referencing the latest sheet in the character's stack. Then make corrections to XP gold and PP on the last sheet only. That way an audit will see the correction and you won't have to adjust every sheet in the middle.

Sure there might be issues with what Tier the character was eligible for and whatnot, but you've already played the adventures (even if it was by an honest mistake).

4/5 *** RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I would mark the errant chronicle "ADDED IN ERROR, SEE CHRONICLE X" (The latest chronicle). Then make your corrections on the current chronicle. Mark the current chronicle "CORRECTED ERROR FROM CHRONICLE Y", citing the mistaken chronicle.

That will leave everything easy to read and understand.

When session sheets are entered online and you've already received GM credit, the system knows. It marks it a zero, Smokey.

The only thing you need to do is tear your copy of the second GM chronicle sheet in half.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

kinevon wrote:
Patrick Harris @ SD wrote:
Dude. Spoilers.

Dude. Why?

The blog mentions the potential loss of factions, and the potential loss of another faction head. The blurb for the scenario gives away the missing.

Some of us make a point of not reading scenario blurbs. That was in fact information I would have preferred not to see.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Agree Rinaldo

Paizo Employee Developer

Spoiler tag added. When in doubt err on the side of hiding information rather than assuming everyone has or wants the same information you've got.

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