Pathfinder Play Podcasts?

Music & Audio

Are there any community recommended podcasts for Pathfinder games being played? Similar in vein to the WotC celebrity podcast or Nerd Poker, but running with the PF ruleset?

I have started running as a DM again recently, and the group I am with wanted to play PF, a system I am new to. I figure listening in on some games might be a helpful way to get more familiar with rules and regulations.

Thanks for any advice!

the best actual play podcast i've found is by the The Strand Gamers. they played through kingmaker right as the APG was released so it is slightly aged, but still very entertaining.

there is also actual play on Ghaladen's youtube channel that is very good.

i've tried others but the audio quality varies greatly, but if you would like to check out RPG Podcast you may be able to find some more.

Perfect! Thanks!

Nerd Poker with comedian Brian Posehn.

I like it because I find him funny, it's he and some other comedy writers trying the learn 4th Edition rules.

I listened to that one for 4 episodes i think and just couldnt get into it. Im not sure why, nothing really sparked my interest.

Grand Lodge - find the Gaming Fashionistas Carrion Crown Ep1... its a scream.

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