Best single shot X-bow


What is the best single shot x-bow build you can come up with?
1.Paizo only, no 3rd party stuff.
2.20 pnt buy.
3.All the way to lvl 20.
4.No gold limit.
5.To hit does not matter.
6.Criticals do not count unless you can guarantee them.
7.1 full round, 1 shot only.

As a starter, off the top of my head.
Large Heavy X-Bow (no way to reload it, but RAW ok to shoot) +2d8
Gravity Bow +1d8
Deadly Aim +12
Vital Strike Tree +9d8
Focused Shot +10 (assuming elf with 19 int +5 lvling +6 Item)
Magic Weapon +5
Elemental Enchants +4d6 (frost, flame, corrosive, shock)
Vicious Enchant +2d6
Kirin Style Feat Tree +20 (2xInt)
Weapon Training (19 lvls of Crossbowman fighter) +3
Furious Finish Feat (1 lvl Urban Barbarian) Max Dice
Devastating Strike feat +6
Greater Deadshot(Crossbowman Urban barb Elf 18 dex +6 item +4 Rage) +11

For a grand total of 163+2d6(Piercing)+4d6(Elemental)
Not bad off the top of the head eh?

But hopefully you can do better :-)

I am not familiar with anything RAW allowing a Large crossbow (apart from being that size). The rules for inappropriatly sized weapons changes the handing of said weapon. Given that you cannot change the handing of a ranged weapon, it cannot be done (by RAW).

A few additions to your build:
- You'll get a huge increase from taking using a double crossbow instead (bit lower weapon damage, but doubling anything that isn't precision damage).
- Buy a Giant-Hide Armor, to become huge, and carry a Huge crossbow instead (originally huge, not changing with you).

--> Combining the two, you end up at the same weapon damage as your example, but doubling any damage that isn't precision.

Using the standard rules for inappropriate sized weapons you may certainly fire a large crossbow with 2 hands (at a -6 penalty), as you may fire (but not load) a medium heavy crossbow with 1 hand (at a -4).
That would in theory mean we could keep the same damage dice(?) and double one bolt, but would the vital strike tree and furious finish still work with both bolts?

Ok assuming we get giant-hide armor (to be huge)(although unlike a heavy crossbow, it does not say you may fire it in one hand), and get Gravity bow. This would bring the base dice up to..... gargantuan size?! Which if it starts at 1d8->2d6->3d6->4d6?! which would mean the base damage dice with vital strike would be.... 16d6...for ONE bolt....32d6 for both.... furious finish = maximized for 192 damage... +8 for weapon training (made a mistake above, should be +4)... +24 for deadly aim... with the weapon enchantments adding double as well for 10+4d6(p)+8d6(e)...+22 for dead shot...+30 for int based damage (applies once).
New Grand total of 286+4d6(p)+8d6(e)= 296 to 358 = 328 average

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