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Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

If the truck was parked by the back door, I probably have a good idea of where the back door is in relation to me. Head in whichever direction I think that is, whether it is down the hall, in one of the rooms on the right, or back through the L-shaped living room and through the door.

I reckon the big safe is a gun safe. First things first, though, better lock the doors, block the windows, and zedproof this place.

Sovereign Court

You back to the L shaped Living room and head to the door. The door has no latch and swings effortlessly when pushed and leads into a dinning room where a dinner table and 6 chairs sit. A knocked over china cabinet lies blocking the path to another inside arch with shattered china scattered about the floor. You can see blood trails that lead over the fallen china hutch.

Sputnik makes no noise but refuses to enter the room. With your flash light you can see the next room looks like a kitchen and the blood trail leads into that area. By guess the back door to the truck you would need to go through this area.

You hear a moan and then Granny Zed appears and starts to crawl over the china cabinet to get to you.

What do you do?

Hunger:Medium ;Thirst: None ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Medium
Items: Camo clothes, Clothes Rags
+ In hand: Axe
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, License, Car Keys, Misc Keys from Pick-up
+ On Belt: Glock pistol
+ In Mouth: Flash Light
+ Friend: Sputnik the Border Collie
+In the barn: Gas Can and jar of nails, nuts, bolts, misc


First non-question post decides what to do next

I boldly step over and take a vicious chop at her head with the ax...this aint going to be pretty...sorry ma'am...

Sovereign Court

The granny zed growls at you or maybe you could call it a hiss as it crawls over the fallen china cabinet. You step in as she is near but not up from crawling over and with a good blow hit it dead on in the head as brain matter splatters all over the place including some on you. The granny zed stops moving it's head crushed.

What do you do?

Hunger:Medium ;Thirst: None ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Medium
Items: Camo clothes, Clothes Rags
+ In hand: Axe
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, License, Car Keys, Misc Keys from Pick-up
+ On Belt: Glock pistol
+ In Mouth: Flash Light
+ Friend: Sputnik the Border Collie
+In the barn: Gas Can and jar of nails, nuts, bolts, misc


First non-question post decides what to do next

Scarab Sages

Whatever else I do, I intend to purge myself of whatever zombie-matter gets on me and Sputnik as best I can, now and hereafter.

Is there a sink? Hopefully some soap and/or cleaning alchohol?

At the same time, I want to scrutinize the corpse in a halfway-scientific manner (though for the time being, not too intensive).

Sovereign Court

One of the doors in the hallway, the first one, lead into a bathroom. You head into it and take a washcloth and start to scrub yourself clean. Sputnik was far enough away to not have gotten splattered, not to mention he was shielded by you. Some of the gore is on your nice camo clothing.

You notice a medicine cabinet and inside you find 3/4 bottle Peroxide, 1/2 bottle rubbing alcohol, a bottle of a dozen tablets of penicillin expired. Cough meds, throat lozenges, pepsid, 1/2 bottle berry 100 tums, about 10 advil, near full bottle of aspirin, Eye drops, small bottle of Iodine, 1/4 bottle of Pepto, cotton balls. Q-Tips, Birth control pills, Blood pressure meds 8 left and a bottle of Heart Meds 8 left.

As you prepare to clean up you hear a noise that came from upstairs. Sounded like maybe 2. Sputnik gives a little whine and as he stands in the bathroom door looks down the hall towards the stairs.

What do you do?

Hunger:Medium ;Thirst: None ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Medium
Items: Camo clothes, Clothes Rags
+ In hand: Axe
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, License, Car Keys, Misc Keys from Pick-up
+ On Belt: Glock pistol
+ In Mouth: Flash Light
+ Friend: Sputnik the Border Collie
+In the barn: Gas Can and jar of nails, nuts, bolts, misc


First non-question post decides what to do next

sounded like maybe 2 what?

I quietly fill the backpack with the meds...dont need these birthcontrol or heart pills though...

Sovereign Court

Also in the bathroom are rolls of TP, Sonic Care toothbrush with 6 brushes, a shaving kit and a half filled box of band-aides.

You shove the meds into the pack and her what sounds like 2 sets of foot steps from up above, they sound like they are moving in the direction of the stairs and sound a little faster

What do you do?

Hunger:Medium ;Thirst: None ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Medium
Items: Camo clothes, Clothes Rags
+ In hand: Axe
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, License, Car Keys, Misc Keys from Pick-up
+ On Belt: Glock pistol
+ In Mouth: Flash Light
+ Friend: Sputnik the Border Collie
+In the barn: Gas Can and jar of nails, nuts, bolts, misc


First non-question post decides what to do next

Scarab Sages

On second thought, who says I won't need birth control or heart pills? I might meet living folks in need of aid and...comfort....

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Those zeds seem pretty clumsy so far. Let's gamble we can get the drop on at least one of them as it comes down the stairs.

Take up a position around the corner from the bottom of the stairs. If a zed comes down the stairs, axe to the head. Even better if it trips on the way down.

Sovereign Court

Quickly you grab the other meds and into the pack. it is near full as it is not that large of a pack meant to carry school books.

You take position around the corner of the stairs, axe ready

You hear running feet tearing down the stairs, it moves much faster than granny zed or the other zeds you have seen.

The steps come running down the stairs.

What do you do?

Hunger:Medium ;Thirst: None ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Medium
Items: Camo clothes, Clothes Rags
+ In hand: Axe
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, License, Car Keys, Misc Keys from Pick-up
+ On Belt: Glock pistol
+ In Mouth: Flash Light
+ Friend: Sputnik the Border Collie
+In the barn: Gas Can and jar of nails, nuts, bolts, misc


First non-question post decides what to do next

Can I see well?

ask aloud - Who's there?

Sovereign Court

You have the flash light stuck in your mouth still, you never removed it and it is really starting to get annoying and hurt.

Sputnik ducks around the corner back into the L shaped living room.

What do you do?

Hunger:Medium ;Thirst: None ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Medium
Items: Camo clothes, Clothes Rags
+ In hand: Axe
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, License, Car Keys, Misc Keys from Pick-up
+ On Belt: Glock pistol
+ In Mouth: Flash Light
+ Friend: Sputnik the Border Collie
+In the barn: Gas Can and jar of nails, nuts, bolts, misc


First non-question post decides what to do next

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Could be a live kid, could be a fast zed. Won't be able to tell without that flashlight, don't want to blind myself by turning on the lights. Nothing for it but to ready the axe, wait, and hope for the best!

Scarab Sages

Provided my footwear is halfway sturdy, I stick my foot out at just sufficient height to trip the incomer JUST BEFORE THEY ARRIVE so they can't see it coming and attack it. If it's a fellow survivor, I'll apologize, hope they understand, and introduce myself.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

This is where we need to get to:

can we please revive this, It was really fun, but I honestly don't think I could DM it. someone, please?

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