Techvi |

Its been about 3 months since first infection.
You have been holed up in an abandoned shack you found in the woods after your car spun off the road. You have been holed up here for 10 days and you just ran out of food.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:none
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next.

Techvi |

You sit and think.
You have no radio equipment or electronic devices. The shack that you're holed up in is empty with one boarded window and door.
You would have to go back to your car and look for a cell phone, you can't remember if one what was in the car.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:none
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next.

Techvi |

You ready your gun and peek through the cracks in the window and door. To your relief the zed that wondered around the shack for the past couple days have left and the forest looks serene.
You attempt to remove the wood from the door and find that it is to rotted to use as any sort of weapon because of the recent rain, it was lucky no zed tried to get in.
The door half falls apart-half opens as you step out into the sunlight, your eyes slowly adjusting to the mild autumn sun.
You have no skills in karate sadly, but you did work as a handyman for 5 years at a college since dropping out of high school, so you're adequately skilled at most things.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:none
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next.


question bombardment:
How far off the road did the car spin out?
What is in the shed? Any cable or rope?
Was the food and water from the car, or found inside the shed?
Being a handyman, can i assume that there is a toolbox with hand tools in the trunk (ie hammer, screwdrivers, pliers, a wrench set, nails and screws, perhaps a drill)?
What kind of car?
Does the guy still have keys to car?

Techvi |

You have no idea where the outbreak originated, but have the idea that it is far reaching and severe from news reports.
You know little of zombie anatomy, having never killed one.
You don't know if you'll ever be mixed up with dark magic or agro-science and you never have, but the prospect seems appealing.
You don't know how far the car ran off but you ran through the guardrail into a ditch.
The shed is empty of anything useful, all the food you had you carried from the car.
You can't remember what exactly what was in your car, but you do own a vest that you hold tools on.
You own a blue 2007 ford focus sedan.
You left the keys in the car in a panic.

Techvi |

You don't remember the exact whereabouts of the key, but they're in the car.
You just got evicted, you'd been crashing in your car for awhile, thus the food.
The wildlife is sparse, currently it is silent.
As you step out you can't remember exactly which way the car was or which path you took. You notice a path behind the shed, it looks like it had regular foot traffic. You also notice another path along the front of the shed, but it is overgrown and less traveled by.


must be an absent minded handyman to not remember what tools are in the car
Am i familiar with this area? as in, have i driven the road on a regular basis or was i going on to another location for job reasons?
Where is the sun?
Going to the well traveled trail, i find a nice tree and relieve my aching bladder. Once done, i turn and walk briskly through the brush, following the less traveled trail.

Techvi |

Car accidents and zombie apocalypse often blur the memory.
You are unfamiliar with this area and were going this way to get away from more infected areas.
The sun suggests it is the early morning.
You wake a few steps down the well traveled path and while pissing, hear an growling sound farther down the way. You dismiss it and walk down the less traveled trail. You quickly feel familiar with this path and start working your way back to the road. After about a half hour of walking you hear the sound of soft moaning, and see across a clearing a single zed.
It looks like an overly pale young man in sweats, its skin taught to its face and body. Its hair and clothes are ruffled and muddy, and a bandage is wrapped tight around its left arm, which is slowly oozing blackish blood. As it turns and sees you, you notice its bottom jaw is completely gone, rough folds of teeth and flesh in its place. You starts stumbling towards you slowly, raising its limp arms and groaning, its pale lifeless eyes glaring at you.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:none
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next.

Techvi |

The glock is loaded and you have another clip in the satchel.
You back up and hold your gun and shout "Stop right there! Let's talk about this! It's either that, or I shoot, and you won't by any means be the first!" It shows little response to your call and keeps lumbering toward you. You hear your shout echo through the forest, and hear a chorus of distant moans in all directions in return. Along with the feet of the zed in front of you, you can hear that more are coming.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:none
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next

Techvi |

You run down the trail and deftly dodge the lunge of the zed, pushing branches and leaves out of your path as you sprint. As you run, you see more and more of the horrors around the path, but none of them are fast enough to keep up with you. You reach the car and as you look around, it seems as if you lost them. You feel more tired.
The car is in disrepair. The front two tires are completely buried, the entire front is crumpled with them and the front windshield is cracked and broken. It dragged part of the guardrail into the ditch with it, leaving remnants of twisted metal around the crash itself, it's lucky you weren't seriously injured. The road around the car is empty and stretches far, and to your left you can see a road sign about 500 feet from here you can't read at this distance.
As you look at the car, you see something move in the back seat.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Low
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next

Techvi |

You carefully check around the car, looking inside the back seat. You see a dog in the backseat, it sits low and lets out a whine as it sees you, and tries to hide under the seat.
The metal you find wouldn't be useful as a weapon.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Low
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next

Techvi |

You shoo the dog by jiggling the door and quietly saying "shoo", and in return it scampers out of the back seat and struggles through the broken windshield. You see that it was a brown husky, but pay it little heed as it leaves. You focus on the sign and squint, but you'd need to walk closer to read it.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Low
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
First non-question post decides what to do next

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Look about to see if there are any tree's. If so there should be one or a dead branch to make a crude club out of. Then set about looking for the key in the car or seeing if there is anything of any use for weapons, fire making, etc but keeping eyes and ears open for the approach of walkers or worse, sprinters.

Techvi |

You find a branch near the woods that looks usable.
You search the car. You find a your utility vest, it has space for 8 items opposed to your satchel's space of 4. Inside the vest is a some duct tape, a zip tie, and a flashlight. In the glove box you find your license and some money. The trunk is bent shut and the button won't open it. You find the keys and phone on the seat. You see that the dog ripped up the remnants of your jacket and other clothes, and you could try to repair them if you had something to hold them together, or you could just take some larger rags with you.
You are evicted, and you don't live anywhere, but you are northeast united states.
You can decide to drop items at any time if you don't find them useful.
You need to drop 1 item now.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Low
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Sleep Pills, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
+ In Vest: Duct Tape, Zip Tie, Flashlight, Branch, Money, License, Phone, Car Keys, Rags of Clothes (need to drop 1)
First non-question post decides what to do next

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After looking at the sign to see what it says. I remember, car seats in the back can be removed with some work and no tools to gain access into the trunk (yes this is a true thing as I know people who have locked keys in trunks). And see what I can get out of the trunk
Look to see if I can find yet another branch long and not thick usable as a spear if I broke it off and possible sharpen on rocks or the guard rail that is bent.
Take the torn clothing, can be used as all sorts of things like rope, fire starter, bandages.
Keep a watchful eye out for walkers

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Duct Tape, Zip Tie, Flashlight, Branch, Money, License, Phone, Car Keys, Rags of Clothes (need to drop 1)
Branch can be carried in hand. Rags can be tied external.
Also take the cloth of the seats using Duck tape and long branches can make a simple travoe (Sled used by natives and Bear Grills and Wes Stroud yeah for watching survivor man) that can be used to carry more stuff

Techvi |

Canada is in better shape than the US.
The reports that you've seen haven't been very informative in fighting zed, but are general warnings to avoid them.
(side note, in this reality there is no such thing as zombies or any fiction or movies related to zombies up until this point)
You drop the sleeping pills. You start walking toward the street sign and after 5 minutes you see that it says 'Greenville 10 miles'.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Low ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Low
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos, Clothes Rags
+ In Vest: Duct Tape, Zip Tie, Flashlight, Branch, Money, License, Phone, Car Keys
First non-question post decides what to do next

Techvi |

The phone is charged but you have no service, the internet is working but the company is not providing. It is 11:43 AM.
(side note, I adore Zork, its my mold as a DM)
Following IceniQueen's instructions:
You spend another 5 minutes walking back to the car.
There are sleeping pills on the ground, you remove the seat inside the car and pull out some wire cutters. You guys say where to put them.
You dismantle the seats and use the duct tape to make a sled, it takes about 2 hours to rip it apart by hand. You are more thirsty.
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Medium ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Low
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol, Branch, Clothes Rags
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, Flashlight, Money, License, Phone, Car Keys
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
+ On sled:
First non-question post decides what to do next

Techvi |

You hook the wire cutters to your belt and set off to Greenville.
(We'll resume tomorrow around 3)
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Medium ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Low
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol, Branch, Clothes Rags, wire cutters
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, Flashlight, Money, License, Phone, Car Keys
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
+ On sled:
First non-question post decides what to do next

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As I walk, keep eyes and ears open for water, be it a stream, house or other. There has to be a house someplace near I think to myself or a stream or maybe rain water in pools that can be strained with the cloth to make drinkable if it already is not. Try to keep as much to shade as I can and avoid walking on pavement as they can be hotter and make me need more water.
Always keep in my mind. Water is life. Without water you die. 3 days max with out water and the less water I drink the less energy I have. Water is top priority above all else but don't risk it for your life. But while focusing on water I think always positive that I will make it through this

Techvi |

You walk for what seems like an hour dragging your sled behind you. You walk off the side of the road under the shade until the treeline ends. The asphalt is hot but the temperature itself is mild with the cool fall air. You reach the top of a hill and look down over it, and to your horror there is a spread out group of about 50 zed covering the area in front of you. Past them, there is a large cable bridge that stretches a few hundred feet and maybe 50 feet over the rushing river below. Past the bridge is a town you presume to be Greenville.
You are more fatigued.
You don't know whether or not animals are susceptible.
You are wearing camo clothes
Hunger:Medium ;Thirst:Medium ;Injury:none ;Fatigue:Medium
Items: Black cap, Camo clothes, Glock pistol, Branch, Clothes Rags, wire cutters
+ In Vest: Zip Tie, Flashlight, Money, License, Phone, Car Keys
+ In Satchel: Glock clip, Water Bottle, Empty Thermos
+ On sled:
First non-question post decides what to do next

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I stop getting ready to pop a few rounds in the air and then think... You Idiot, that might attract them so I stop. Not to mention I might need those 2 rounds to save my behind.
Continuing to move with stealth making sure I do not step on any dried branches that might snap. I look for a few small rocks I can pick up and though to make a noise at a different location if need be.
Must make the bridge and if possible a spot near the river I can get to to get water.

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That's the point. Notice how I move immediately afterwards.
Firing a round or 2 into the air draws them to that exact spot and near that spot. Those 2 rounds could save your life. You never waste ammo. best to toss a rock that is to a side of you. A rock you can get anywhere ammo is not always easy to get.

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To a zombie it might be. Ever camp in the Rocky Mountains? Ever heard the squirrels dropping nuts? You'd swear it was an elk hitting a tree 50 yards away trust me on that I've been fooled in the early morning hearing the Clank of a nut hitting a stump
One thing you learn if you serve in the military. Don't waste ammo for ANYTHING. Make every shot count. In this case we are not like most gun users who have 1000 rounds per ammo per gun, we have 2 clips filled meaning 18 - 24 rounds.
Watch any Zombie movie and shooting a round most likely will spell your doom. There are other better ways to make noise and draw them away from you without excreting yourself and keeping your self safe. In the above case you may have to move upstream and go into the water and go down. But that is not a given. One must try to conserve what you have at all costs and save it for when you really need it.