What if every class get a weaker version of pounce by default?

Homebrew and House Rules

So we all know martials with or without pounce make huge difference, as a standard action attack only deal about 1/3 or less damage than a full attack. Paizo try to use vital strike feat chain to make melee martials' day easier but still seems not enough.

So I created a house rule that every class can make full attack after movement, but at an attack penalty of 1/2 BAB round down. So a lvl 20 fighter can always choose to move and make a single attack with no penalty (most likely a sure hit, but damage potential is low), or move and make a full attack with -10 to attack on each hit (most likely better than single attack, unless target AC super high, and definitely worse than a normal full attack), or deliver the standard full attack without penalty. And any class or ability that originally gives pounce negates the attack penalty.

By doing this I wish to reduce the gap between damage with or without movement, and gives more option to melee charactors.

Any thoughts?

Honestly I think giving vital strike to everyone for free might be better. Less rule bloat. Its simple and clean. When they have to move they get a bigger attack. This might be one of the few good uses of the feat.

Not that I think your idea is bad its just, Not as clean IMO. Though still more then useable.

What I'm thinking is to give PC a third intermediate option other than move + swing once and stand still + full attack.

vital strike buff the single swing, but that's still the same thing just with bigger number.
Let's say for example a lvl 20 fighter can do 50 damage in a single hit, and his highest attack has a 95% chance of hitting the target.

Originally figher can chose to A.move and deal a reliable 50 damage, or B. stand still to reliablely do 150 or more damage.
adding vital strike for free only change option A to move and deal a reliable 80 damage or so, better than original but still the samething, and hurt player with low damage dice weapons.

if we add this third option, the choices becomeA.move and deal a reliable 50 damage, or B. stand still to reliablely do 150 or more damage and C do a full attack with a -10 (1/2 bab round down) penalty after movement, statistically doing damage between A and B but less reliable as you could miss every single swing(even first hit has only 50% probability to land), so choose with caution.

Btw, it will not over buff the martials, as pounce and teleport by teammates are still better options, just more restricted and consume more resources. A fair trade in my opinion. And calculation is not complex either, just add another line on charactor sheet stating the to hit bonus when pseudo pounce can do, like +25/+20/+15, +17/+12/+7 when pounce.

Ohh in no way do I think it will over buff. You could given them full out pounce and they are still heads and shoulder behind full casters.

The thing about low damage dice. The only ones with low damage dice are likely to be TWF and honestly a TWF is not likely to land hits under your proposed house rule anyway so they suffer ether way.

You seem to be of the opinion that rolling more dice is somehow more interesting then one strong attack. If that's the case then go for it as its not a bad idea at all. I just don't share the opinion. To me rolling a bunch of dice and figuring the cut down BaB and what not sounds like an annoyance and I would opt for a cleaner option.

So its more a matter of taste then anything. Both would accomplish giving melee some much needed love. Which I am always all for!

How about this?

Reckless Attack
As a standard action, you may use the full-attack action except that you forfiet all attacks that use your highest BAB.

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