Thomas Writeworth |
Hello once again Paizo Messageboards!
I'm going to be playing in a game coming up here in the next few weeks- and I'm trying to build a Firearm using Bard.
While Min-Maxing isn't my plan, I could always use some helpful tips or would love to hear some ideas if anyone has them.
We will be level 8, Epic Point Buy (25), with 20,000g as starting cash.
I'm thinking 1 level in Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger (Snag the Firearm Prof, along with some Grit, and Gunsmithing), then go the rest of the way with Arcane Duelist.
This is about as far as I've thought out so far (still in the works). Anyone have any Feat, Gear, Spell Selection ideas?
Kazejin |
No need to bump yet. Your thread is still quite new.
In any case, a good investment for any firearm user is the Distance special property for ranged weapons (meaning you should place it on your gun). You (usually) only hit touch AC within the first range increment, which isn't very far for guns. The Distance property doubles your range increment, giving you more freedom.
I also typically recommend going for a combination that allows you to reload as a free action, otherwise you'll have a hard time getting multiple shots in a round. The typical method for this is using a Pistol with the Rapid Reload feat and Paper cartridges. Be sure to take at least one rank of Craft (Alchemy) so you can use Gunsmithing to create your own paper cartridges.
That's of course assuming that your campaign doesn't allow Advanced Firearms. If they are allowed, then things become a lot easier (and helloooo revolvers).