I did not get to attend Paizocon 2012 but I heard the Grand Convocation was a ton of fun. Is there going to be one for Paizocon 2013? And if so, how does one get access to it? Would you just need to buy a 3 day badge or would the banquet tickets be what's required?
Daedalaman wrote: I did not get to attend Paizocon 2012 but I heard the Grand Convocation was a ton of fun. Is there going to be one for Paizocon 2013? And if so, how does one get access to it? Would you just need to buy a 3 day badge or would the banquet tickets be what's required? the banquet is totally separate from my understanding, so you'll need the 3 day event badge ... and once the events are put up, if they are having a convocation this year, it will be listed with the pfs events.
The Grand Convocation and the Banquet are different things. In 2012, the GC was on Friday night, while the Banquet has been on Saturday for the three PaizoCons I've attended. The banquet requires you to purchase a ticket for it, while the GC you only have to sign up for during the events lottery.
For the record, there was a Grand Convocation in 2009, and in 2012, but not in 2010 or 2011. There were other special events held in the Friday night time slot for those years (specifically the Year of the Shadow Lodge, and the Grand Melee).
What is this Grand Convocation of which so many of you speak?
Steel Forged Games wrote: What is this Grand Convocation of which so many of you speak? A ton of fun. Mini adventures, social encounters, cosplay for those who want to. Somewhat chaotic, but my 13yo loved every minute of it.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
The Grand Convocation involved going around to different tables and interacting with NPC's around the city which could end up getting you some nifty boons. Then there was the "Big fight" that was a smaller version of what you see with things like Blood under Absolom, though shorter. It had it's fun moments, but was vastly overcrowded and quiet chaotic. I was supposed to GM it, then was told they didn't need me, then there weren't enough GMs at times!
This sounds like all kinds of awesome. Do you know what city it was patterned after? I get visions of a city like Katapesh all laid out on tables, each table a place on the city map with a volunteer running encounters... Something like that?
It was more like a crowded bazaar, with things going on nonstop. Plenty of noise, people watching one group do an activity before taking their turn. Crowded but a ton of fun with very little "down time".
Sadly, no Convocation this year. Instead, we're getting the very first run-through of the new GenCon special, which is going to be pretty spectacular. You won't want to miss it!
ThreeEyedSloth wrote: Sadly, no Convocation this year. Instead, we're getting the very first run-through of the new GenCon special, which is going to be pretty spectacular. You won't want to miss it! Bummer, but yes, I am very much looking forward to GenCon this year! Is there a thread for this "GenCon Special"?
Probably most of it is going to be a surprise. I've thoroughly enjoyed every Friday night special at PaizoCon.
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