AC / DC's 30 Thieves and the Thunder Chief

Music & Audio

Silver Crusade

So what songs did you misunderstand for years over the radio?

(say whatever you want, that would be an awesome adventure title)

Scarab Sages

There are so many, more because many singers slur the lyrics.
Queensryche's "The lady wore black", I heard "We sat with Satan, never speaking in words." But the actual lyrics are,"We sat in silence, never speaking in words."

And dare we bring up Hendrix kissing guys?

For the longest time I thought it was "Dirty knees and they're down dirt deep".

But there are so many other songs I misunderstood that I can't even think of one right now.

Mikaze wrote:
So what songs did you misunderstand for years over the radio?

BB King - Into the Night (In my mind: Into the Noise).

"I'll go out of my mind.... or into the noise!" *cue guitar*

I see the title of the thread and thought about armor clases, skill checks, rogues and "in what book is that thunder chif archetype?".

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