Making a resource for Words of Power

Homebrew and House Rules

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Hey everyone.

I am soon to be playing a character in a game that is going to be using the Words of Power out of Ultimate Magic. Being the big dork that I am, I wanted to actually list the glyphs and sounds of the words so that I could both visualize and role-play them better. I realized I was having a ton of fun making these, and thought I might post the sheet I made for it up on this forum for anyone else to make use of.

Keep in mind I made this for my own use, but it is working out pretty well so far and is highly enjoyable. The following link is a quicky example of the page with a few Words scrawled down on it. (Sorry about my handwriting, but you will get the idea!).

If anyone likes it, I will see if I can't host a PDF of it somewhere for fun.


Your handwriting makes it look more authentic I think. Question, can you post the pdf for just the sheet? I think it would make a great supplement to a standard spell sheet for my Wordcasting players. Also, I know I'm late, sorry.

Way to necro Usagi :-p

Interesting idea. It looks like a nice project. I'm curious if your characters are inspired by a specific language. Then again with the right research any language could be used.

I'd like to see what became of it. I'm new to wordcasting myself.

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