
Telerian3's page

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Way to necro Usagi :-p

Interesting idea. It looks like a nice project. I'm curious if your characters are inspired by a specific language. Then again with the right research any language could be used.

I'd like to see what became of it. I'm new to wordcasting myself.

Bard/Sorcerer sounds like an interesting build, but like my Oracle/Sorcerer you limit your upward mobility if you continue.

You get more lower level spell slots but you don't get much blast from the higher level ones.

I had to take oracle in the game I'm in, I plan on re-training it out when given the chance, even though being able to cast a ranged cure spell that doesn't provoke Attacks of Opportunity has been interesting. As I could merge a cure spell with a buff like Bull Strength and avoid AoO also. ( Oracle: Life Mystery: Safe Curing(Su))

I've been converting my few 0lv spells I know as an Oracle and learning them again as a Sorcerer, so I don't lose them when I re-train.

But words are kept separate just like your spell slots are. A DM would need to call the choice though, which might be easier if you were the only arcane caster in the group.

You can use Meta words or boosts to raise a lower level word to a higher level spot for combinations at higher levels.

like the famous Lock Ward and summons. Etc.

I don't see where there would be a problem if you didn't use a specific leveled word as long as it wasn't higher than the limit allowed on the table.