Magnus Arcanis |
Hey All, ( I apologize in advance if this is too long)
Been struggling with my character for PFS after I found out how a few rules work and correctly reading some abilities which has caused me to consider a new path my character. Originally I had planned on going straight Hexcrafter Magus, but waning defense and some higher level options I thought I could take no longer being an option… I think I might do some heavy multi classing to help flesh out some weaker areas that my character has.
So basically, I need some help/advice on filling in the blanks to help cover my some of my weak points or to make sure my strong points don’t become too weak to be useful.
I wanted to build an, easily transitionable, self-sufficient to support character and when combined with team players (especially those with actual support classes) to be able to do some amazing things. I found this in the Magus… which is… honestly… a poor choice for my first pathfinder character. I’m a bit of a optimization junky and the complicated nature of the Magus and its interaction with other classes… anyway. I’m seeking advice, especially from those who have experienced the later levels of PFS, on what holes need filling(and how to fill them) the most so I don’t end up “optimizing” myself into oblivion.
Current Build.
Human – Lawful Neutral – Hexcrafter Magus .
18 / 14 / 12/14/10/8
Feats: Enforcer, Rime Spell, Combat Reflexes
Arcana: Not sure if I want Maneuver Mastery or pick up a Familiar
So essentially, I’ve got this going on.
3. Magus. - Combat Reflexes, ???(Maneuver Mastery/Familiary arcana)
4. Magus. - Prehensile Hair Hex
5. Maneuver Master Monk. – Improved Trip, Vicious Stomp
6. Magus. - ??? (Bonus combat Feat)
7. Magus. - ??? (Level feat), Flight Hex
8. Lorewarden Fighter. – ??? (Bonus Combat Feat)
9. Lorewarden Fighter. – Combat Expertise, Greater Trip, Lunge
10. Magus.
11. ???
12. ???
The ??? are the blanks obviously… Aka were I’m not quite sure what direction/selections would be good ideas.
A few notes:
“ZOMG! You’re going to be a really bad Magus.” = Yep, but unless I unconvinced myself that I’m ok without Spell Recall, and level 4 spells (and casting in heavier armor) I think I get more for my character out of multi-classing. I more worried about being a contributor rather than filling out specific class abilities that are often duplicated by a more dedicated casters. I’m ok with delaying my 3rd level spells a little while. While they are most certainly useful I hope that my advancements in other areas will out way the few spell slots gained.
“Why Monk?” = Since I can’t take Pinned Down to keep enemies from using a 5’ step to get to me I thought I would go the improved trip route. However, I hate taking feats I don’t/won’t actually use. Fine if their granted, but taking them and waiting to take what I really want is a turn off. So I thought… Maneuver Master Monk! Allows me to take Improved Trip right away and I still have a bonus feat… which Vicious Stomp seems awesome. Now, I’m aware that I can’t flurry and spell combat in the same round. I thought I could… but… meh. However, since my go-to spell is Frostbite I often find myself holding excess charges so, for those rounds it would work perfectly well. Also, Perception. Lacking a noticeable wisdom modifier and it not being a class skill… I might as well be blind. Dipping into monk lets me sink some serious skill points into, arguably, the most important skill in the game. Plus the boost to saves is nice.
“Why Fighter” = Lore Warden actually grants me CE at the level I need it for Greater Trip which is a really nice thing to have in the party (I assume). The extra boost to fort, hp, and bonus feats are clear positives. Also, the extra skill points and class skills fit well with my philosophy of spreading around skills so I’m at least helpful if not relevant when skill checks are called upon.
“Maneuver Master vs Familiar Arcana” = With this current layout MM is basically a +1 to eventually a +2 for and against Trip. Kind of lame unless I need it to keep relevant. Otherwise a familiar seems better. Alertness is nice, and essentially a stacking minor feat could be the better option. However… which familiar do I need the most? =/
So like I said… I think my offense is fine. I’ll be generating a ton of attacks for not only myself, but for my teammates as well. If the enemy is susceptible, shaken, fatigue, entangle make it easier for everyone to hit my targets. Combine with enlarge person, prehensile hair, and lunge… I don’t even have to be adjacent to be effective.
Now, the weakness that I’ve identified so far
- Saves are not amazing. I would like better saves
- CMD isn’t anything to admire, but I can’t seem to find any real PFS options for improving this.
- Immune to non-lethal damage and trip basically ignore the fun parts of my character. So a wraith or spectre would be a really bad match up for me… though I’m not sure who/what is actually good against them anyway.
- Hit points… I’m on the lower end of things for a melee combatant, but I’m spending the vast majority of combat attacking from reach or against tripped opponents. However I’m smart enough to know that this won’t work forever.
- AC. See hit points.
- Initiative modifier – If I go with this direction I plan on pumping dex with leveling so I can keep up with my own attacks of opportunity, but… going earlier in rounds is not a bad thing.
- Not sure if my Trip DC’s or strategy will stay relevant. I haven’t and won’t browse the monster manual to force myself to not break this game. I get the irony that I’m asking for hints on feats/class abilities to help me be prepared enough to face those threats, but with MM knowledge… I’d probably lose a week or two of sleep and ruin this game for myself and likely others.
In any case, sorry about the mass amount of text, but as you can see I’ve been mulling is over for quite some time and I’m looking for additional opinions and suggestions. Thanks in advance