Rules for going without sleeping

Rules Questions

Do these exist?

Only in an appendix in Carrion Crown (although Wizards have a built in need for sleep).

Unfortunately, no. They got lost in the transition from 3.5 over to PF. I half-expect it to be included in the next printing of the Core Rulebook though.

Here's a developer's take on this.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Sean K Reynolds

If you don't get proper sleep, you're fatigued the next day. This ruling stems from:

1) The rules for sleeping in armor, Core Rulebook 150.
2) Forced march and hustle rules make you fatigued, Core Rulebook 171.
3) The fatigued condition is removed by 8 hours of complete rest, Core Rulebook 567.
4) The nightmare spell, which in addition to dealing damage and preventing spell preparation, prevents restful sleep and makes you fatigued.

There's no direct rule that says, "If you stay up all night, you're fatigued the next day," but the anecdotal evidence is sufficient to make a logical ruling.

Cheapy wrote:
Unfortunately, no. They got lost in the transition from 3.5 over to PF. I half-expect it to be included in the next printing of the Core Rulebook though.

If by "lost in translation" you meant "didn't exist". This wasn't covered in 3.5 either. At least not in the core rules.

It's possible they continued to carry the torch of forgetting to add sleep rules, despite desiring them to be there.

Sure, become undead and being tired is not an issue.

There should definitely being a mechanic for the lack of sleep leading to issues of fatigue. On the other hand, if you're asking for a mechanic for meaningful play and not requiring sleep, consider how the judges of the RPG Superstar disdain magic items that make camping sleeping overnight a possibility. This is a solution, that most do not want to exist; I know I don't.

Liberty's Edge

Here's the relevant info from Carrion Crown. It IS an offical Paizo rule on fatigue from lack of sleep, it's just not in the core rules. I think it's a fair rule and have used it.

I was thinking that no sleep or sleep in armor gave you the fatigued condition and if you travel with a paladin or were a paladin who had the fatigue mercy on his lay on hands (removes the fatigued condition) that you would just sleep in armor or go without sleep at all and use the Lay on hands to remove the negative effect.

This helped me with the whole fatigue issue:
Keep Watch

School enchantment; Level inquisitor 1, magus 1, paladin 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range touch
Target one creature touched/2 levels
Duration 8 hours or less; see text
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)


This spell enables the subjects to stand watch or keep vigil throughout the night without any ill effects.

[b]The subjects suffer no fatigue and gain all the usual benefits of a full night's rest.[\b]

The subjects gain hit points as though from resting, wizards may prepare their spells as though they had slept for 8 hours, and so on. Effects that rely on actual sleep or dreaming are ineffective, though the subjects are still susceptible to effects that would put them to sleep, such as sleep or deep slumber. Any vigorous activity, including fighting, immediately ends the effect, and the affected creatures must either have the spell cast on them again or sleep for the remaining hours to avoid fatigue and gain the benefits of a full night's rest.

Based off that I say you gain fatigue if ya don't sleep...agreed?

If you want an "official" opinion about it you could always ask James Jacobs what he would do.

The Alexandrian has some nice d20 rules for this: Advanced d20 Rules: Lack of Sleep

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