Missing Psychic Powers

Product Discussion

In the "Psionics Unleashed" book, it lists the PHRENIC SCOURGE as having the following "Psy-Like Abilities":
- Read Thoughts
- Psionic Suggestion
- Psionic Teleport

I wasn't able to find any of these powers in the book, or the eratta, or in a couple of searches.

Does anyone know where the description of these powers is, or, failing that, how you'd house rule them?

Dark Archive

Psionic suggestion and teleport work nearly identically if not exactly to the magic spells lof the same name. The 3.5 Psionic rules were part of the open source/game lives so you should be able to find those for free in the SRD for 3.5, they may be a little outdated as they are 3.5 and Psionics unleashed is meant to upgrade Psionics to PF but the 3.5 stats should work if you need it quick, you can continue looking for them later. You may find the read thoughts in the SRD also.

Dark Archive

Read thoughts is on page 140. As for psionic suggestion and psionic teleport, I'd use the spells at their minimum effect for their psionic equivalent, augmentable to eventually function as mass suggestion and greater teleport.

Hope this helps.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Here is the official errata on the subject.

Phrenic Scourge
Change the Psi-Like Abilities to read:
At will - empathic connection (affects animal, fey, giant, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, aberration, dragon, elemental and outsider types, duration 9 days, DC 19), aversion (duration 13 hours, DC 19), read thoughts (DC 16), mind control (duration 9 hours, 5 targets, DC 16), psychoport

Errata link: here

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