Free Grimoire Viperian PDF for the first 15 Responders!

Product Discussion

As a special holiday promotional event, Magic Skull Games will send a FREE copy of the Grimoire Viperian PDF to the first 15 responders to this post!

Step 1: Respond to this post with "Please send me a free copy!"

Step 2: Provide your e-mail address by clicking the Magic Skull Games profile link in this post (above the skull with armored helm pic), click "Send Private Message", then type "Free Grimoire Viperian Offer", followed by your e-mail.

The first 15 responders will be e-mailed a coupon to redeem their free copy of the Grimoire Viperian PDF!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Magic Skull Games!

*Pokes free stuff with a sharp stick* What's this?

Please send me a free copy!

Sovereign Court

Please send me a free copy

Free Stuff?

Please send me a free copy!

Scarab Sages

Please send me a free copy!

Please send me a free copy!

Thank you.

I'll take one, thank you!

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Well, if it's free... Please send me a free copy!

And thank you!

Please send me a free copy!

Thank You and Happy New Year.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Happy Viperian New Year!

Free stuff is always welcome!
Please Send Me a Free Copy!

Please send me a free copy! Happy New Year!

Got it and downloaded (after finding the mail in spam folder). Thank you and happy New Year everyone.

Please send me a free copy! Happy New year everyone!

Please send me a free copy.

Grand Lodge


Happy New Year.

"Please send me a free copy!"


Sovereign Court

Muchos Thankies

It was hiding in my SPAM folder as well

"Please send me a free copy!"

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Magic Skull Games!

We have our 15 responders!

Thanks to everyone for your interest in the Grimoire Viperian!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Magic Skull Games.

Grand Lodge

Big Smiles!

Thank you kindly Magic Skull!

Wow, I just started reading it today. What a great product! I love the idea of the pyro, and will be checking one out the next time I am rolling up a character. I'm part way through the Prestoge Class section and they look great as well.

Magic Skull certainly has gained yourself a fan and purchaser of some of your material in the future. Make sure you make a post over here at Paizo with any new material....

Gerald wrote:

Wow, I just started reading it today. What a great product! I love the idea of the pyro, and will be checking one out the next time I am rolling up a character. I'm part way through the Prestoge Class section and they look great as well.

Magic Skull certainly has gained yourself a fan and purchaser of some of your material in the future. Make sure you make a post over here at Paizo with any new material....

Thanks, Gerald! Glad to hear you like the GrimVip and hope it provides tons of fun and excitement for you and your group!

MSG is cooking up some wickedly cool new stuff for the future, and we'll definitely post about it here on Paizo when the time comes. And please feel free to post your comments and questions on the forums, as well.

Thanks again!

Steve at Magic Skull Games

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