Scorpi |
I am I am part of a group that has been around since 2001. Members come and go from time to time but we all stay in touch and live for the game.
Historically we have played:
Forgotten Realms
GURPS - Sci-fi (War Hammer 40K meets Princess of Mars scenario)
Various Board/War Games - when we feel like taking a break (1 session of every 5-10).
Dark Heresy (Current Game)
World's Largest Dungeon
Normally we run a campaign until a TPK happens or the group as a whole decides a change is in order.
Players are either on site or play via vid cam etc...
Shoot me an email if you may be interested. Muaadeeb@cox.net

Anonymous Visitor 163 576 |

There's part of this forum devoted to exactly that. You can also advertise your availability/see who needs a player on Obsidian Portal or EN World.
Join the Pathfinder Society, you'll meet other gamers in your area. Some of them will be cool.
Head to a local con. Over a weekend, you'll meet dozens of gamers. Some of them will be cool.
When you find people whose play style matches your own, form a group.