Duna the Explorer of Indol |

If my eidolon has the mount evolution which makes it a combat training mount, can I ride it bareback? If I shaped it's scales a place to hold on(I can make it whatever I want) would I still need a saddle? The point of a saddle is to save hp from falling off, if I go unconscious. If I go unconscious in the first place my eidolon will die and I'll fall anyways. So if I do the scale thing, do I still need a saddle or face some penalties? It will get VERY annoying travelling with then putting on the saddle each time it disappears. If I do get penalties, what would they be? Thanks:)

SlimGauge |

Ask your GM. By RAW, the ride skill section of the core rulebook says
Special: If you are riding bareback, you take a –5 penalty on Ride checks.
Yes, you could form a saddle-like structure, but can you make stirrups ? It's up to your GM if you can form your eidolon such that you wouldn't take the -5 for bareback riding.

Duna the Explorer of Indol |

they resemble things yes, they are still considered outsiders, and will never have another subtype. Even with the evolution undead look it's not a subtype. and yes I can have a biped and give it limbs but it will not have clothes, even if I want it to. i'm seeing that I have to buy a saddle and put it on every single time. it's a rule my eidolon can't have physical items on it in it's plane(created with), if it has anything like a saddle I have to put it on every time I summon it because, when it dies or I fall asleep the eidolon will vanish and go back to it's home plane, until I resummon it and put the saddle back on.

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As you and the Eidolon share magical item slots, I feel like any equipment on it should go back with it to its home plane when dismissed. Also, as I saw someone else point out before, considering that the various Summon Monster spells allow you to summon creatures equipped with magical weapons and armor, it seems that a creature's equipment stays with it as it traverses planes.

Vincent Dagomir |

I dont know if its RAW or RAI or whatever, but at our table when the eidolon leaves, it takes what its carrying with it the same way anything else would.
Nearly every version of planar travel I can think of never strips you of your loot (and even banishment doesnt strip a balor of his whip and clothes)... so at our table anyway the eidolon takes with it everything it carries and when it comes back can leave nothing behind, because time does not seem to pass on their plane (since they dont heal naturally or lose status effects no matter how long you keep them packed away)...
The only time i've ever seen something stripped of its gear when it planar travels is a mirror of life trapping.

Sanjiv |

hmm... Should this thread be in the "Advice" section instead of the "Rules" section? Either way, the Rule of Cool applies. The OP said "It will get VERY annoying travelling with then putting on the saddle each time it disappears." Well, then 'nuff said, no?
But having an annoying thing you'd have to do could be fun in and of itself. If it's advice the OP is after,
1)Eidolen's take time to summon. Just pretend that that time is a little longer than written, and include the time it'd take to add a saddle.
2)If you really want to take penalties, apply the RAW, and I think you'll find yourself making tactical decisions to adjust for it just fine.