Sirokko |
4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Looking at the forums there have been quite a few threads asking about the Halfling Sling Staff and exactly how it works, rules-wise. I can't find any official (or relatively official) rulings on these matters anywhere, but I feel like the sling staff is such an old weapon (Core rulebook in fact) that there must be something. If not, I'd love to hear some thoughts on all this.
Anyway, some questions:
- Can the halfling sling staff be loaded as a free action with the alternate trait "War Slinger?" On the one hand, it isn't a sling but a sling staff. On the other hand it has sling in the name, and follows the exact same rules as the sling does for reloading and adding strength modifier, implying they're meant to be handled the same. One could argue that the sling staff is a type of sling and thus might qualify.
- Do enhancement bonuses applied to the sling staff modify the weapon as both a ranged and a melee weapon? Some could argue that it would, since the weapon is not a double weapon officially, and doesn't necessarily say it doesn't. Others might argue that it would not, since there are examples of projectile/melee hybrids (mostly firearms with melee weapons attached) that explicitly state that enhancements must be purchased separately. Of course, the counter to that might be that if those weapons do state it, and the sling staff does NOT, then perhaps the sling staff is an exception to that rule. Another argument is the spell bowstaff, which according to fluff only makes the weapon stiff enough to use as a staff, but still transfers enhancement bonuses.
I really thought there were more questions but it turns out that's about it.

Stome |

True, but with a dagger you are using the blade, whether throwing or stabbing. With a sling staff you're either flinging a rock or hitting them with the stick part.
I am not so sure on that. It only says "a simple weapon that deals bludgeoning damage" So one could be attacking with it similar to how the sling flail feats lets you do with a normal sling. Ether way since its not a double weapon I can't find anything RAW that requires it to be double enchanted.

Quatar |

1) Not sure it's RAW but I would allow it.
2) Hmm, my first instinct is to say no, because "If you hit someone over the head with your bow or crossbow, you don't get the enhancement bonus either". But there you take a -4 to attacks since its an improvised melee weapon, which you don't with the sling staff. So I would most likely allow it too.

Umbranus |

I allow both.
In addition to what was already said: The staff sling is so much weaker than the bow overall that it can use all the buffs it can get and it will still not rival the bow.
A lot of feats, spells and magic items that enhance the bow (and to some part the x-bow) do not work with slings. So the slings nead all the love they can get.