Renvale987 |
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So, starting tomorrow, I am going to run a Kingmaker game with 4 people, and it is going to be an evil Kingmaker game i.e. the PC's are evil.
Despite my trepidations, I believe this can be a fun game. However, after reading through the Stolen Lands again, I think I'm going to have to change some NPC's to be more evil friendly when it comes to the Kingdom building side of things.
I've found that the system requires you to have every Leadership slot full, otherwise it makes the Kingdom building part much harder than it should be, as Leadership vacancies can be crippling.
So, I'm planning on these changes.
1. Change Jhod from an Erastil priest to a priest of a god that better fits the general alignment of the group.
2. Make Kesten Lawful Evil
3. Change Bokken to a reclusive old wizard/rogue, so he can fit several roles easily, and make him not 'as' crazy, but still a little crazy, and change his alignment to neutral evil.
4. Remove the pervilash, Tyg encounter and replace with two intelligent evil creatures that the PC's can fill roles with.
5. Remove the Stag Lord's dad from the fort, adding in another guardian, and having him show up after the fact and offer his services since the PC's killed his horrible son.
These are my ideas so far, was wondering what people thought of them?

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |
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1) I'd roll with Lamashtu mother of monsters, seems like a good choice on twisting the god of community and hunt...
2) yeah makes sense, give him an ambitious toady that wants his job too.
3) Ambitious, evil, and willing to play with dark magics would be crazy to most kingdoms.
4) Fey can be evil too, imp and a quickling would kinda be epic
5) steal from 3.5 make him a blighter.
I'm concerned for you though as you'll have to rewrite pretty much 60-70% of the campaign... Good luck though

Renvale987 |

1) I'd roll with Lamashtu mother of monsters, seems like a good choice on twisting the god of community and hunt...
2) yeah makes sense, give him an ambitious toady that wants his job too.
3) Ambitious, evil, and willing to play with dark magics would be crazy to most kingdoms.
4) Fey can be evil too, imp and a quickling would kinda be epic
5) steal from 3.5 make him a blighter.
I'm concerned for you though as you'll have to rewrite pretty much 60-70% of the campaign... Good luck though
Thanks Sol, good ideas all around. Hopeing more people poke into this forum to add more. The more ideas I can pull from, the better.
And don't be concerned for me. I've run this module already once before, from beginning to end, I know it like the back of my hand, so changing things shouldn't be all that hard.

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I think you should leave those suggestions alone. My reasoning is if this is an evil campaign the PC should work at corrupting those around them. They also have the option of recruiting the various bads in the region as allies. Use Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars. The Emperor didn't start off with various evil beings around him. He tricked the Trade Fed to do his bidding and only had a few true allies. Yet he was able to corrupt those around him to form the Galactic Empire. The NPCs to fill the various roles in their kingdom are already there. It is simply how the PCs handle them as to if they become allies. My two cps anyway.

Renvale987 |
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Just to give everyone an update on this.
I've run two sessions with the evil group. It hasn't been half-bad so far. No real issues. The party rogue is sleight of handing some treasure here and there, but nothing major.
I changed a few things. For starters, I killed off Pervilash and Tyg. They were killed by two Dark Stalkers, who the party has cordial relations with (I added them for the Kingdom Building portions).
They've decided on a Lawful Evil society.
I've decided to turn this game away from just being about evil. I really want it to be about consequences for the PC's. Cause and effect. I'll let them do what they want, but I will try and decide what actions will happen, if any, based on their decisions.

3.5 Loyalist |

Just to give everyone an update on this.
I've run two sessions with the evil group. It hasn't been half-bad so far. No real issues. The party rogue is sleight of handing some treasure here and there, but nothing major.
I changed a few things. For starters, I killed off Pervilash and Tyg. They were killed by two Dark Stalkers, who the party has cordial relations with (I added them for the Kingdom Building portions).
They've decided on a Lawful Evil society.
I've decided to turn this game away from just being about evil. I really want it to be about consequences for the PC's. Cause and effect. I'll let them do what they want, but I will try and decide what actions will happen, if any, based on their decisions.
Impressive, keep it up, it'll be worth a few stories.

GM_Solspiral RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 |

I'd want backgrounds, did something make each PC evil? Might there be hope for redemption for some, if so does this create an inter-party conflict.
There's potential here, especially if you can make the normal bad guys somehow more compelling (if you go deep into the archives on this board there's a fantastic bit giving the backgrounds of the stag lord and his minions more depth and even if you don't use it its a fantastic read. For some reason I'm thinking it was Rogue Eldion's work- his guides are pretty sweet too.)

Renvale987 |

I'd want backgrounds, did something make each PC evil? Might there be hope for redemption for some, if so does this create an inter-party conflict.
There's potential here, especially if you can make the normal bad guys somehow more compelling (if you go deep into the archives on this board there's a fantastic bit giving the backgrounds of the stag lord and his minions more depth and even if you don't use it its a fantastic read. For some reason I'm thinking it was Rogue Eldion's work- his guides are pretty sweet too.)
Backgrounds are rare when it comes to my PC's, mainly because we run status quo, deadly games. In another game, we're running Rise of Runelords and there have been 2 PC deaths just in the first module.
My PC's generally tell where they're from, goals and some background information if its relevant to feats, traits and such. If I decide to play with backgrounds, like siblings, parents and such, my PC's usually let me make stuff up to make it more interesting (Holy Crap, I have a sister! type of stuff).
As far as villians more compelling, that's something we're noticing in Rise of the Runelords, there is some hilarious information about how the goblins interact with things, but you never really find out.
I plan on using the random events from the Kingdom building portion be more specific towards Nyrissa. If an assassin shows up, its one of hers, a fey folk. Crop Disaster? Fey folk sabotoage. Maurading Monster? Fey folk tame beasty. Making her a pain in the sides of PC's.
We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Renvale987 |

Just to give an update on how things are going in my game.
The PC's got the end of Stolen Lands, murdered the crap out of the Stag Lord, and converted Akiros Ismort into their Kingdom.
They decided on a Lawful Evil society, with a Sorcerer being Baroness of the Kingdom.
So far we've had one random event of note. We got the Sensational Crime, and the PC's decided to roleplay it out on their own. The Warden (Neutral Evil Half Orc Witch), and Spymaster (Neutral Evil Goblin Rogue) investigated a grissly murder and eventually tracked it back to a Red Mantis Assassin.
Best part about the whole thing was their reaction when they met her. The witch basically told her he could care less about the guy who died, but would prefer a heads up next time the Mantis's are in town so he's not chasing his tail.
The assassin was grateful and I might have the Mantis's set up a base of operations in the PC's first city and have it add some sort of bonus to the Kingdom.
And Sol, I will check out that thread. A link would be awesome if you don't mind.