What is your starting equipment?


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Mine is meant for individual survival not teamwork... Though I tend to play Martial Characters with nice Strength.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Mine is meant for individual survival not teamwork... Though I tend to play Martial Characters with nice Strength.

Oh. That'll do it. I'm mostly a fighter or ranger (occasionally wizard) kinda guy myself, but since my group works well together and we mostly have each other's backs, I seldom find much need to go full-on solo survivalist.

Shadow Lodge

A rusty sword and dirty armor.

Pathfinder Starting Equipment List.

A lot is similar to your list. This is what My group will probably be using as our equipment checklist.

Have I missed anything that might be necessary to a starting group assuming 900GP (Max Starting Gold for a Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, & Wizard Party)?

We normally buy our basic personal gear then come together to get things for the party to use.

Mark Hoover wrote:
As for cheap...I start w/a lot of gear for free by maxing out Survival on one of the party's PCs. Flint knives, a fire bow, hand-rolled twine, twine rolled into rope, 1 heavy pelt that serves as backpack/blanket/tent/cloak, a gouged out rock or preserved gourd (water storage/cookpot), handfuls of chalky/loamy dirt or stone dust...

Mark, that's actually a very cool idea. You might want to check out these books if you haven't already:

http://www.amazon.com/Survival-Skills-Native-California-Campbell/dp/0879059 214/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

http://www.amazon.com/Practicing-Primitive-Handbook-Aboriginal-Skills/dp/15 8685299X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1357266048&sr=1-1&k eywords=steve+watts

http://www.amazon.com/Primitive-Technology-Book-Earth-Skills/dp/0879059117/ ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_z

I really geek out on primitive tech and history of technology and frequently take ranks in skills that let me use my player knowledge and make Spanish windlasses or whatever. I love this guy, too...unfortunately he died before I could take a workshop with him: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCvx5gSnfW4

This site is great for Craft:Alchemy inspiration: http://cavemanchemistry.com/

Experiment 626 wrote:

Mark, that's actually a very cool idea. You might want to check out these books if you haven't already:

Link 1.

Link 2.

Link 3.

I really geek out on primitive tech and history of technology and frequently take ranks in skills that let me use my player knowledge and make Spanish windlasses or whatever. I love this guy, too...unfortunately he died before I could take a workshop with him: Youtube Video.

This site is great for Craft:Alchemy inspiration: Caveman Chemistry


Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Pathfinder Starting Equipment List.

A lot is similar to your list. This is what My group will probably be using as our equipment checklist.

Have I missed anything that might be necessary to a starting group assuming 900GP (Max Starting Gold for a Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, & Wizard Party)?

We normally buy our basic personal gear then come together to get things for the party to use.

Looks pretty solid - sometimes even more thorough than I'd bother with. I think the only thing I've got that you don't is a bag of rocks for throwing, sling ammo, and setting off traps. You can pick those up almost anywhere along the trail, though.

I confess I hadn't thought of making sure you have all three damage types covered. That's a really good idea. A spare dagger (S/P) would cover that pretty well, since you can nearly always just improvise a club from something sturdy at hand for bludgeoning (or just wield your crowbar or sledgehammer). I hadn't thought of packing warm- and cold-weather clothing, either, but I'm not totally sure that much climate coverage is really a priority right at the start of a campaign. Taking whichever set is most likely to apply to the starting region is probably enough. Well-thought, though.

And that's some cool stuff, 626. I kinda wish I'd had a resource like that back during a survival horror campaign I played in. First session started by abruptly stranding the entire population of the planet in a vast monster-filled wilderness with only the tools we were holding at the time. >_<

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Experiment 626 wrote:

Mark, that's actually a very cool idea. You might want to check out these books if you haven't already:

Link 1.

Link 2.

Link 3.

I really geek out on primitive tech and history of technology and frequently take ranks in skills that let me use my player knowledge and make Spanish windlasses or whatever. I love this guy, too...unfortunately he died before I could take a workshop with him: Youtube Video.

This site is great for Craft:Alchemy inspiration: Caveman Chemistry


Thank you kindly, Meester Fayth!

I'll drop this in while I'm at it. Flint knapping craziness

Crap... Ranged Weapon. And Ammo I forgot about...

I am thinking of collapsing most of it down into Class Kits or Pathfinder's Kit. At least on the Individual Sections.

I Also forgot the Cooking Kit and such.

EDIT: It was my pleasure Number 626.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Pendin Fust wrote:

This kind of goes in line with the Old School Tricks thread but...

Iron Spikes. I carry about 5 starting off.

Also a Hammer.

Keep doors from opening unless they are broken down, nail something down, and when in a REAL pinch; punch with it for 1d2 damage. Yes, I've had death by iron spike. Also, homemade caltrops...not sure off the top of my head the price differential but I had a player blacksmithing caltrops from his iron spikes.

Pitons are better. Lighter, cheaper, and they do everything iron spikes can and more. They are even described as being iron spikes in their description.

Ravingdork wrote:
Pitons are better. Lighter, cheaper, and they do everything iron spikes can and more. They are even described as being iron spikes in their description.


Thanks RD and AF. Didn't know about pitons being lighter and cheaper! I will check those out!

Big McStrongmuscle wrote:

And that's some cool stuff, 626. I kinda wish I'd had a resource like that back during a survival horror campaign I played in. First session started by abruptly stranding the entire population of the planet in a vast monster-filled wilderness with only the tools we were holding at the time. >_<

We played a zombie survival game once and we all played ourselves as characters, with starting equipment being whatever we had on us at the time. I'd gone camping that weekend and forgot that I hadn't unpacked my photographer's vest. Imagine my surprise (and everyone else's!) when I pulled out 50' of parachute cord, several Contractor-sized trash bags, several knives, firestarters, ferrocerium rod, a Gerber folding saw, compass, fish hooks, etc. The vest had so many pockets and distributed the weight so well that I didn't even notice all the extra junk I was carrying.

Experiment 626 wrote:
We played a zombie survival game once and we all played ourselves as characters, with starting equipment being whatever we had on us at the time. I'd gone camping that weekend and forgot that I hadn't unpacked my photographer's vest. Imagine my surprise (and everyone else's!) when I pulled out 50' of parachute cord, several Contractor-sized trash bags, several knives, firestarters, ferrocerium rod, a Gerber folding saw, compass, fish hooks, etc. The vest had so many pockets and distributed the weight so well that I didn't even notice all the extra junk I was carrying.

I have had moments like that...

Ours was using a modified d100 system. I had just come from working in a Gunsmith Shop and was kitted out for a range day. NOTE: We were at the Shop Owner's house which was only 50 yards from the Shop. We were allowed access to whatever we carried into the House.

Imagine their surprise when I had a Pistol, Military Grade Survival Kit, a Shotgun, a Rifle, set of 8 comm. units, a Machete, and some minor other things. Mine was in a Military Grade Backpack and it was so well designed I forgot what all I was bringing into his house for his "Emergency Situation Survival Kit".

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Experiment 626 wrote:
We played a zombie survival game once and we all played ourselves as characters, with starting equipment being whatever we had on us at the time. I'd gone camping that weekend and forgot that I hadn't unpacked my photographer's vest. Imagine my surprise (and everyone else's!) when I pulled out 50' of parachute cord, several Contractor-sized trash bags, several knives, firestarters, ferrocerium rod, a Gerber folding saw, compass, fish hooks, etc. The vest had so many pockets and distributed the weight so well that I didn't even notice all the extra junk I was carrying.

I have had moments like that...

Ours was using a modified d100 system. I had just come from working in a Gunsmith Shop and was kitted out for a range day. NOTE: We were at the Shop Owner's house which was only 50 yards from the Shop. We were allowed access to whatever we carried into the House.

Imagine their surprise when I had a Pistol, Military Grade Survival Kit, a Shotgun, a Rifle, set of 8 comm. units, a Machete, and some minor other things. Mine was in a Military Grade Backpack and it was so well designed I forgot what all I was bringing into his house for his "Emergency Situation Survival Kit".

Nice! I also had a .38 S&W Bodyguard in my pocket holster and a couple of speedstrips worth of reloads (my standard carry at the time). Another buddy had his Glock 17. He and I cleaned house compared to the others until we all started getting better armaments, but I was sure jealous about his not having to reload every few turns like I had to!

To further the thread derailment, anyone with a decent amount of skill points could cobble together a dwelling of some kind, too:

Treehouse livin'

Houseboats are easy builds, too

The flavor text pretty much writes itself for any given ranger, druid or rogue. As long as you've got a few extra skill points and an excuse you can step right into a character that's extremely competent and self sufficient. Add a few dogs and a point or 2 in "handle animal" and you're set.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I have a player who's a halfling ranger with the Well Prepared feat. It may not be the best feat, but it's definitely entertaining.

@Experiment 626:
Mine was:
1911 Custom. (10 Reloads)
12 Gauge SA Shotgun Custom. (20 Reloads)
M1 Garand Custom Carbinne. (15 Reloads)
Mosin Nagant Sniper Custom. (5 Reloads)

The MG Survival Kit had a Hatchet/Tomahawk.

We fluffed it as I was a Cop on a Hunting Trip.

On-Topic: The Well-Prepared feat is nice. Especially in an Exploration themed campaign.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

@Experiment 626:

Mine was:
1911 Custom. (10 Reloads)
12 Gauge SA Shotgun Custom. (20 Reloads)
M1 Garand Custom Carbinne. (15 Reloads)
Mosin Nagant Sniper Custom. (5 Reloads)

The MG Survival Kit had a Hatchet/Tomahawk.

We fluffed it as I was a Cop on a Hunting Trip.

Sounds like you'd need a deer cart to haul all that around!


On-Topic: The Well-Prepared feat is nice. Especially in an Exploration themed campaign.

I've got a Master Summoner with his Eidolon fluffed as his "girl Friday". I bamboozled the GM into letting his Eidolon take that feat for that reason - its awesome as well as appropriate.

@Experiment 626:

Just a nicely made Backpack. Think a Masterwork Backpack combined with the Muleback Cords and the Heavyload Belt.

And I remove the Halfling Restriction.

Though I will probably add Skill Focus(Survival) or Skill Focus(Sleight of Hand).

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

@Experiment 626:

Just a nicely made Backpack. Think a Masterwork Backpack combined with the Muleback Cords and the Heavyload Belt.

Sounds like Kifaru or maybe Gregory gear...


And I remove the Halfling Restriction.

Though I will probably add Skill Focus(Survival) or Skill Focus(Sleight of Hand).

That'd dovetail nicely with Eldritch Heritage to pick up the Orc bloodline! :D

The Eidolon's got a class skill and a "skilled" evolution bump to help with the DCs. Skill focus or a miminum rank sounds like a good prereq.

I am thinking Skill Focus do to that making it easily accessible Early on.

Or just making it having one of them as a Class Skill.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

I am thinkinng Skill Focus do to that making it easily accessible Early on.

Or just making it having one of them as a Class Skill.

The class skill would work, too, IMO. Feat taxes suck.

Edit: My experience is colored by my generally playing casters in an e6 Gestalt campaign. Feats are in very short supply for us.

Class Skill seems best.

I though E6 lead to getting more feats?

Also this feat is wonderful as it does allow you to have an easier time with equipment you need.

Maybe make it to where they must allocate an Amount of Gold for a "Random Equipment" or "Well-Prepared" fund.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Class Skill seems best.

I though E6 lead to getting more feats?

Eventually, or so I'm told. We can buy them for experience when we hit 6th lvl. We're at 4th now, and on a slow progression. We do get a few more classes (up to 3 in this system...slow progression main path, 2nd and 3rd on medium and fast progression), but only the feats that they grant as bonuses.


Also this feat is wonderful as it does allow you to have an easier time with equipment you need.

Maybe make it to where they must allocate an Amount of Gold for a "Random Equipment" or "Well-Prepared" fund.

Very true. I'm not sure how to handle that except to cap the GP value of what's available or maybe instill an increasing penalty to DC for every time its used, with a monetary amount (or specific "I'm going to make some cord to replenish blah blah blah") for a reset at a resupply point. Sounds like a bookkeeping headache, but true to the concept. It should work for a home game, at least. The more I think about the concerns you've raised, though, the more I'm inclined to scrap the idea and just go with a laundry list of pitons, twine, chalk and bear traps like we were originally discussing!

I would say whenever you are in town you can put some gold aside to draw from for this ability.

It really isn't that much of a headache..

Really the Laundry List still should be done for the gear you know you will most likely need.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Update: I have added a Homebrewed Adventure's Kit & Adventurer's Kit, Advanced.

If you want to talk about it there is a old thread that I am Necro-ing.

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