Adventure Path advice please

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

So I'm going to run an AP for three friends of mine and my choices are:

Rise of the Runelords
Legacy of Fire
Serpent Skull
Shattered Star
Slumbering Tsar

Which of these would you recommend and why?

Btw, most or all of us have some experience with the other Paizo AP's, so these are the only other ones that are options... although I suppose there might be a 3rd party AP out there that I'm unaware of.

Thanks a bunch...


I found Serpent Skull horrible. After a really good first adventure, a nice second adventure, which could have done with less forced typical encounters and more local flavour and probably treated the whole colonialism issue in some other way than just making resisting natives the bad guys in one encounter. But after that it's a mad sequence of combat encounters. The promise was to explore a lost city, but you learn next to nothing about the city, its culture, its history. Instead its full of enemies to fight (natives, monkey people,....) which makes the whole thing feel a lot like war, rather than Indiana Jones. Then suddenly an NPC appears, who has the whole metaplot figured out and tells the PC to "go do this". The metaplot itself is horribly integrated (if at all). The main villain group seems to make an appearance early on, but it turns out, she has nothing to do with the villains at all. Then they suddenly appear as the main villains, without having played any role in the preceding adventures. All the while, the PCs are supposed to have an interest group support them, while they are in a competition with a few other groups, a concept that again feels poorly integrated into how the adventures are presented.

From what I can tell, Rise of the Runelords is pretty good, if very classical, Legacy of Fire also seems cool, while Shattered Star just seems like a big sequence of dungeon crawls with little rhyme or reason to me, but I might be wrong.

Wow... ok. So scratch Serpent Skull. Thank you, KutuluKultist, for helping me narrow down the list. =)


I'd say Rise of the Runelords, it's the most acclaimed of the APs and has been played by the most people, so you can enjoy swapping war stories.

DM Carpe wrote:
I'd say Rise of the Runelords, it's the most acclaimed of the APs and has been played by the most people, so you can enjoy swapping war stories.

I was beginning to think the same thing.

Thanks a bunch...


I'd say Slumbering Czar just because it's Necro/Froggy goodness, but I haven't read it myself so that's just my gut.

I've only played the first part of Legacy of Fire. It's written for 3.5 so conversion of things might be needed.

I've read the first part of Rise of the Runelords, but never played it.
It also has the benefit of a re-release as hardbound book with new content.

I'm GMing Runelords [first two books the classic version, then switched to Anniversary Edition half-way through Book 3], and it's really good. Since its been out for 5 years, there are a TON of fan-made additional resources. It's a mix of dungeon, wilderness, urban, investigation, combat, and RP. It's very old-school in feel but modern in sentiment. The classic feel lends itself to a "Classic 4 PC types" party: fighter, cleric, magic-user & thief. (The iconics are Valeros, Kyra, Seoni, and Merisiel.)

I've been reading Shattered Star: it's not a true mega dungeon, but if your players are big on dungeon crawls, it looks very good to me.

I haven't read/played the others you list, so I can't comment.

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