Fixing Contributor status...

Website Feedback

Sovereign Court Contributor

This has been bugging me a little bit, and I'm not sure who to talk to about this...
But my account doesn't say Contributor. I authored part of Lost Kingdoms which came out around June. I switched to Jeff Erwin - an alias - since that's my published name, though Jeff de luna was the main name on my account.
I'm a freelancer, so the "contributor" tag - if I qualify - might help me find work.
Feel free (whoever I should be communicating with) to private message me.

Digital Products Assistant

You'll want to get in touch with your contact at Paizo via email. That way it gets forwarded through the proper channels internally to get it set up.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Thanks, Chris. Things are complicated... I was working with an editor for 90% of the development and then it went to someone else for the final product. I think that's why this occurred.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

I never got a Contributor tag either, and I've worked on a lot of stuff. I just wasn't sure who to talk to it about :/

Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Always talk to your developer/person that handed you your assignment first. :)

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