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Mostly I liked it. I was a bit annoyed with the fact that a guy who was genetically bred to be a scientist beat the living crap out of a guy who was genetically bred to be a warrior. At least they did some damage control later on by having Faora-Ul, a Kryptonian bred to be a warrior and trained as such since birth, kicking the crap out of Supes (a Kryptonian who fights like a farmboy that's never been in a fight).
Faora-Ul, despite having such a small role, was actually my favorite character in this. She's absolutely the most badass character in the entire film, I loved her interactions with Christopher Meloni's character. Plus, Antje Traue is gorgeous.

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Faora-Ul, despite having such a small role, was actually my favorite character in this. She's absolutely the most badass character in the entire film, I loved her interactions with Christopher Meloni's character. Plus, Antje Traue is gorgeous.
Agreed. Zod talked way too much (reminding me of Bane in that last Batman, who needed a warm glass of shut the heck up), but Faora came across as much more menacing and dangerous and, yeah, enticing.
Plus, her violence seemed more impactful and breathtaking because she was attacking (and presumably killing) actual people, cops and soldiers, while Zod was mostly knocking down buildings, which may or may not have been evacuated, but still ended up depersonalizing what he was doing and robbing it of emotional impact. Less can definitely be more, and, in this case, where the 'more' ended up so over the top that it was kind of numbing and absurd, Faora seems like a much more interesting thread woven into a somewhat jumbled tapestry.

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I actually would have liked to see fewer battle scenes, and more dialogue. I liked the scenes with Lois, and the Kents, and Jor-El, and Zod. I wanted to see more of them interacting without someone being punched through six buildings.
Also, there's a bit where Supes is driving Zod's face into the side of a building during a fight, and you're seeing the window panes shatter against his face. All I could think was--Why? Whatever would you expect that to accomplish? A little glass isn't going to hurt him...
Still a good movie, although it felt a little dark for a Superman movie. Batman should brood. Superman, not so much...