Congratulations Crystal and Lissa!

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Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

...even if that means that my dreams of marrying Crystal some day just died a short, painful, fiery death.

Shadow Lodge

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Word, yo.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

We can kidnap her for a classically villainous plot. How would you feel in the role of the BBEG Gorbacz?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Huge congratulations to the two of you. :-)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I don't understand what this is about but I support it 100%

Grand Lodge

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I'll be the mid-boss!

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I don't understand what this is about but I support it 100%

After making a few checks here and there (but mostly on Facebook) my guess that it has something to do with recent change in Washington state legislation was confirmed.

Grand Lodge

And a three-day waiting period being over.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I don't understand what this is about but I support it 100%

Read up on recent events in Washington state, namely something that is now possible in that state (along with 8 other states and the District of Columbia).

EDIT: Damn, ninjaed by one of the Poles.


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Then I support it 1000%

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GentleGiant wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I don't understand what this is about but I support it 100%

Read up on recent events in Washington state, namely something that is now possible in that state (along with 8 other states and the District of Columbia).

EDIT: Damn, ninjaed by one of the Poles.


Oh, sorry, the evil laughter is Gorbacz's role this time.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Do I get to be the silent brooding antagonist?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Do I get to be the silent brooding antagonist?

you can be the 'wierd lieutenant'.

I thought you say congratulations for the divorce but then it is sarcastic...

Grand Lodge

Rathendar wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Do I get to be the silent brooding antagonist?
you can be the 'wierd lieutenant'.

Thought I already was....

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I think that we need two extra mini-bosses. I have a plan for a great campaign!

The Evil Plot
Part 1: The Big Crash The forces of Evil led by Gorbacz and TOZ interrupt the celebrations. Hordes of minions assault everyone participating while the higher-ups kidnap Crystal. Lissa and friends have to fight their way through the endless waves of mooks until they face the lieutenant (we need someone to fulfill this role). After his/her defeat they learn that Crystal was kidnapped and they have to rescue her from the bottomless clutches of The Evil Bag That Devours.

Part 2: The Search For Crystal Lissa follows the trail left by the forces of evil travelling across the country fighting their lesser minions and collecting the clues leading to Texas. Some final foe would be needed for this chapter as well.

Part 3: The Revelation In Texas Lissa has to acquire the help of Houstone Chamber Of Gamers who gather together and help her defeat the dreaded TOZ only to learn they are too late and Crystal was taken to the East Coast and from there to the mysterious continent on the other side of the ocean.

Part 4: On The Edge Lissa treks across the continent again until she reaches New York. There she discovers that the city is in the middle of cold war between two factions struggling for dominance, one of social workers led by cunning, ruthless but devilishly charming Freehold DM and the other of renegade retirement scheme administrators led by fallen angel Celestial Healer. To continue her noble quest she has to gain the help of one of the factions and vanquish the other. Will she resort to seducing FHDM or try to appeal to CH's compassion? Or maybe she will choose the hard way and mend the rift between them and gain the help of both? (this will unlock the bonus boss of Aberzombie and his undead horde spreading over the East Coast forcing Lissa, her crew and reconciled FHDM and CH to defend the NY until the ship is ready to sail away).

Part 5: Into The Lands Unknown Lissa's ship wrecks on the shores of the mysterious land across the ocean. Now, she has to find her way through the foreign countries, while at every step meeting strange customs, ancient and decadent cultures older than anything that she knew before, incomprehensible multitude of languages while trying to navigate the land when every hint and every map is using confusing metric system. On her way she receives help from friendly Aeglos while being hounded by servants of Gorbacz. The final enemy of this chapter is Kajehase summoned from the dark and cold north to feed on warmth and light of Lissa's love.

Part 6: The Reckoning Traveling even farther east, Lissa leaves the lands of vaguely familiar if much older civilization to reach the lands where people rustle instead of speaking, eat rotten cabbage and drink industrial grade toxins. In this exotic land she meets mysterious grinning man (yours truly) who provides her with a number of ambiguous tips that may led her to success or demise. Finally, after deciphering the grinning man riddles she is able to face the Evil Bag That Devours, and free Crystal.

Bonus Part If Lissa correctly deciphered all the grinning man's riddles she and Crystal might fight the secret boss: The Wawel Dragon while they go for a sightseeing in Krakow.

Grand Lodge

Now THAT'S an AP!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Drejk wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
I don't understand what this is about but I support it 100%
After making a few checks here and there (but mostly on Facebook) my guess that it has something to do with recent change in Washington state legislation was confirmed.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
And a three-day waiting period being over.


Sovereign Court Contributor


Scarab Sages

Huzzah and congrats!

Congrats Crystal and Lissa.

To comment on Drekj's AP idea,

I volunteer to be a random encounter as Lissa makes her way towards New York.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Congrats Crystal and Lissa!!!

Congratulations to the happy couple. :)

(And: seriously, guys? Turning a wedding-congratulations thread into an Adventure Path pitch? I swear, this place is almost as geeky/crazy/fun as ;D)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I've been a fan of Crystal's work since she first started submitting to the weblog.

I met Lissa at Paizo-con a couple years back: I was running a "Warriors and Warlocks" adventure where everybody was playing pathfinders-in-training, and she was the person at the table who knew the game system. I thought she was super-cool.

I got to see them as a couple later on. They really do bring out the best in one another.

I am so happy that they have gotten the chance to be a wedded couple. Congratulations to two people who set the bar very high for what a marriage should be like.

Silver Crusade

Congratulations Crystal and Lissa :D I have a feeling there'll be plenty more of these in the next few months. And it'll still be a happy occasion every time!

Gratz Crystal and Lissa.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

23 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Gratz Crystal and Lissa.

Wow! Thanks everyone. ^_^ It has been a long time coming and we are super excited for not just us, but everyone else that got to make a dream of theirs come true. Standing in line on wednesday night we got to meet people who have been waiting for as long as 43 years for this right and it was an incredibly emotional evening for all involved.

The Exchange

As they said: congratulations!

May you have a fabulously long and loving life together!

Sovereign Court

NOW the "Overheard in the Paizo Office" posts make sense. :)

Congratulations to both of you!


Now if you need a ... *is shot before saying something mod worthy*

Silver Crusade

Huzzah to you both. May Sarenrae grant you all the blessings and joys of marriage that you two rightfully deserve.

Congratulations. :)



Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Great, I wake up to find out I'm an AP BBEG. Figures.

Can I get a scene where I devour 3.5 Royalist?


Liberty's Edge

Congrats, to you both!

Scarab Sages

Congratualions on tying the knot!

May you be close but distinct
May you dream but be content
May you share much bliss and little sorrow
May your wedded life be long and full of joy!

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations! Best wishes to you both!

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations, you crazy kids. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:

Great, I wake up to find out I'm an AP BBEG. Figures.

Can I get a scene where I devour 3.5 Royalist?

Dibs on being your toadying minion.

Congratulations and good luck!


Can I be an evil silver dragon? ~someone whispers in my ear~ awwwwww... There already is one? ~walks off pouting~

Liberty's Edge

Drejk wrote:
We can kidnap her for a classically villainous plot. How would you feel in the role of the BBEG Gorbacz?

Feels more like a video game.

Gorbacz will now be known as King Koopa

ciretose wrote:
Drejk wrote:
We can kidnap her for a classically villainous plot. How would you feel in the role of the BBEG Gorbacz?

Feels more like a video game.

Gorbacz will now be known as King Koopa

Sorry Lissa. Crystal is in another castle.

I live in a walking distance (2 hours) of a royal castle. In the same two hours, but of driving instead of walking, I think there would be at about a dozen of castles in various state of disrepair.

Congratz chicas

Los mejores deseos y toda una vida de felicidad!


Now go make it worth having!

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