Mad Tinker Gnome |
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Hi all
Just a quick line to let you know that the kickstarter to launch the official miniature line for Wolfgang Baeur's Midgard Campaign setting is now official launched.
Here's the link:Midgard Miniatures

Bitter Thorn |

Hi all
Just a quick line to let you know that the kickstarter to launch the official miniature line for Wolfgang Baeur's Midgard Campaign setting is now official launched.
Here's the link:Midgard Miniatures

recruits tons |

Yeah, but it's possible! Honestly, the thing this project needs is a good infusion of minis selection, and Mick seems to be on it with drawing from his existing catalogue. Once he gets a more stretch goals and maybe another small infusion from his store and people will start increasing their current pledges along with some new faces :D

Oceanshieldwolf |

Just bumping for interest.
They have added some great minis from Eastern Front studios to select from and are taking note of what other stuff people want to see. Seems to be kicking along nicely:
Midgard Miniatures kickstarter
And they have some interesting rewards along the way.

recruits tons |

Also, if you're at all interested in the Midgard stuff and have a specific mini you'd really like to see made, Mick is taking requests on the project's latest update. If you pledge, you can voice what kind of mini from Midgard you want made, or just suggest what order the current stretch goals should appear in!

recruits tons |

I am crazy excited for both! And Baba Yaga's hut is freaking spectacular.
Here is the update that has the pic of the hut in it. They say it will be between 8-12 inches tall!

EFSmick |

recruits tons |

recruits tons |

recruits tons |

Boom! Another stretch eats dirt! The vulture sphinx AND grisal dwarf minis are unlocked now as options, the kobold alchemist mini is now free for Gearforged level backers and a $4 add-on for others.
Next up: 17k and the deer centaur gets unlocked and the kobold bard is given free to Bandit King level backers!

Oceanshieldwolf |

recruits tons |

Update time again. The 17k stretch goal was hit, so the deer centaur is unlocked as an option, as well as people pledging for the Bandit King level getting a free kobold bard!
Next goal is 19k, where the Deathcap mushroom person will be unlocked and the Guild Leader level will get a free kobold mage, Jiro! The friendly mascot of Kobold Quarterly!

DSXMachina |

Yep and now the Deathcap mushrooms stretch goal has been hit.
Looks like they have revealed all the stretch goals as they move into the last 48 hours.
Including a Crimson Drake if they hit $25,000. (Art by Hugo Solis of Butterfrog - and amazing); with free Kobold Knight and Kobold Monks being available.
And they have opened up more of their current catalogue of mini's. Many of which perfect for sea-faring adventuring - thus if you are playing Skulls & Shackles, Razor Coast or in Freeport it's perfect. (To go with the Baba Yaga's hut for Reign of Winter)

recruits tons |

Here is the update. Tons of new goodies, as well as more stuff from the EFS store available for cheap, including some sweet seahorse riders.
Also, we're dead close to the gearforged huntsman, which is the 22k stretch goal!

recruits tons |

Another update, and now the gearforged huntsman is unlocked, Scout backers get a free kobold knight.
The next is the MASSIVE Crimon Drake, which I'm told will be 6-8inches tall with each wing being about 8 inches, if they were unfurled. He comes with a pretty cool kobold monk that Gearforged level backers get.

Thrund |

I've just backed this at the Scout level, and quite a large part of doing so was for the bonus Kobolds. Most Kobold minis date back to pre-3rd edition and are doglike rather than dragonlike, even the Reaper Bones ones are based on a pre-3rd edition mould. So it will be nice to get some which match what I have in mind for the Kobold NPCs in my game.

Well. Just so the populous is aware. I will give you an update on the baby Yaga hut and the Kickstarter by EFS featured in this article. It has been 5 years since the kickstarter successfully funded.
Not only have the backers not received there products, Mich (the owner) has stopped all communication with his backers. He no longer is reachable.
On top of this, there is evidence on forums that people are buying his product and posting there paint jobs. These are new customers, and they bought them from his website which currently lists them at $150 each, and in stock. Rather then following through on his promise to the Kickstarter backers who made his production possible.It has been mentioned to Mich but he has not commented.
Just thought everyone should know and be warned to never support this business or him again!