Damocles Guile |

Making characters for this AP, and I'd like a little insight considering that it was written before the Pathfinder rules and some of these classes or archetypes were available.
Half-Elven Summoner
Designed as a combat type, eventually using his eidolon as a mount.
Half-Elven Master Summoner
Twin sister to the Summoner above, their magic ancestral though it manifested differently in each of them.
Elven Evoker
Classic blaster and battlefield controller.
Halfling Bard
Face, skill-monkey, healer and catch-all... the player is also considering an Elven Arcane Duelist to try to keep the 'all-elven' flavor, but that's less likely.
Any problems anyone forsees? The group seems to be balanced with plenty of buffs and de-buffs, ranged damage, tanking and a fair amount of skills and healing... but I'm not sure what kind of challeneges we'll face.

Damocles Guile |

Well, just to update, the party has been determined:
Elven Wizard
A Void Mage and a Spellbinder, really couldn't be a better fit for the AP and I'm loving how the character looks on paper.
Half-Elven Summoner
Designed as a combat type, eventually using his eidolon as a mount.
Half-Elven Master Summoner
Twin sister to the Summoner above, their magic ancestral though it manifested differently in each of them.
Human Arcane Duelist
Face skills to compliment the Wizard's Knowledge skills, buffs for the summoned monsters and party members and some solid healing.
Not a single full martial in the group and only one full caster, but I really like the way its stacking up. That Void Mage is really something.

Damocles Guile |

Can you please provide a follow-up to this? How has the campaign been going? I ask because my party also is caster heavy.
Or, anyone else run this with a suboptimal lineup?
The first three volumes have gone superbly well, though the game is on a temporary hold due to real time conflicts right now.
I have to say, the last thing I would consider this party is 'sub-optimal'.
An Eidolon, a high strength Summoner with a long spear and multiple summoned creatures that can be tailored to foes you face make for great front line troops, especially when buffed by the Master Summoner (Haste) and the Arcane Duelist (Inspire Courage, Good Hope). At range the Wizard and the Archer Bard are plenty effective, as are flying summoned creatures. And then of course there's the Wizard's battlefield control.
The Bard has excellent social skills while the Wizard provides knowledge skills and the Master Summoner's eidolon has been built as a small, high stealth, high perception scout with flying. If anything, the party has proven to be a little too optimal.