PFS character looking for some input


Lantern Lodge

Ok, I have a ninja that is about to be 7th lvl in PFS play (I can burn a GM chronicle or wait and play in another scenario). But my problem is - which way to go now?

He has all ninja levels with the trick vanishing step, flurry of stars, and offensive defense.
His feats are extra ki, imp intiative, iron will
He carries a katana and a lot of shurikens.

This was my first PFS character and I did not put a lot of thought in it when I built him. This was the first time I played the ninja and realized some of the drawbacks to the class, afterwards. However, If anything - he is a survivalist. I have noticed that between skills, capabilities, gear he usually has, and my style of play that he has gotten out of every tough scrape or encounter, and has successfully contributed to the end of several scenarios. He was only taken into uncouncious once - due to some horrid reflex saves vs AoE spells. I am a very tactical and patient player and would spend a few rounds waiting to get into position to spend ki and attack, if there was an opportunity to exploit a dual stike or flurry for more damage.

But I am not thrilled with staying on a straight ninja path for him. Currently I am thinking of rolling into fighter. It offers more feats (two weapon fighting katana & wakizashi), better armor (mithril breastplate or elven chain), more HP, better BAB advance, and a better fort save advance(currently at a incredibly low +2 fort save). Only downside is the skill point hit.

But do any of y'all have some input or suggestions for something different - or staying purestrain ninja. It is too late to think of a prestige class.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

It might not be too late for a prestige class. Depending on where your skill ranks are, you could take the Deceitful feat at 7, and be set for the Master Spy PrC at level 8. Of course, if you haven't already invested in social skills, it might not be worth it...

A ranger might be more of what you're looking for. You can get the two-weapon fighting without needing to meet the stat requirements, +BAB of fighter, skill points that still fit the ninja theme, and favored enemy. There might be some Ranger archetypes that would be good but have little knowledge on those.

Depending on your stats you might consider monk - ki abilities would overlap (eventually) and it could give you a bunch of nice things:

- for 2 levels you would get 2 bonus feats, evasion (which you already have so consider archetypes of monk that might give up evasion) and +3 to ALL your saves.

- if you are unarmored you would get your WIS to AC - worth exploring if you are only wearing light armor - especially if you can also afford a monk robe etc

- improved unarmed strike

- flurry of blows (which also can do fun things with shurikens)

and there are many archetypes that might offer you other really fun feats and features.

Of course if you dumped WIS then monk is a bit less appealing - but it can be worth considering if you choose to keep wearing armor (giving up flurry of blows) but take the right archetypes and that is less crucial.

Alignment might be an issue (i.e. as a ninja I'm guessing you aren't lawful) but in that case consider the Martial Artist archtype (which is open to non-lawful characters)

if you have a reasonably high CHA (which I'm guessing you might since you seem to have focused a bit on Ki abilities) you could also consider multiclassing into a CHA based caster.

Bard could be interesting and some archetypes give you interesting bonus feats (arcane duelist gives you arcane strike for example plus other feats if you take further levels) .

This would open up a lot of wands (many great 1st level wands available in PFS for 2PA or 750gp) as well as give you a bunch of skill ranks and class skills.

Bard wouldn't help your Fort save however.

An slightly odd choice you might want to seriously explore is taking levels of Oracle. Since you would have 7 non-oracle levels your Oracle's curse would be as if you were at level 4 so when you take a second level (either as ninja or oracle) you would get the 5th level curse abilities which can be quite good actually.

(plus there are items to consider buying that would enhance your oracle abilities/give you access to another revelation)

Lots of different ways to build an Oracle between the combination of curse and mystery. For a ninja/oracle Battle mystery might be the obvious choice but there are many others to consider. You won't be a primary caster but you would gain access to a bunch of nice spells and wands plus some nifty abilities. Wouldn't help your Fort saves however either.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I'll go with Matt's suggestion and go Ranger.

One alternative for a fighter though would be the Lore Warden archetype. The lack of armor and shields is a moot point for you, plus the mechanics of the class goes well for a ninja who knows his enemies and uses that agaisnt him (sure you won't get the juicy stuff for a while, but you can play him towards that). The boost to CMB/CMD for survivability is icing on the cake.

Oh, and one Prestige Class you may qualify for is Sleepless Detective in Paths of Prestige. Make level 7 a normal ninja level just for the sneak attack adjustment, plus to make sure you have Alertness and ranks in some necessary skills if you have to. Then level 8, bam! Detective McNinjasauce.

Lantern Lodge

Great input y'all. Unfortunately monk is not an option due to alignment. But Ranger has some potential, especially Urban Ranger - to get trapfinding and make my ninja more useful.

The sleepless detective and spymaster also has some real potential that I can see. So now I have some more studying to do.

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