Katz |
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In the advanced race guide--both my copy, and the PRD, a kobold character gains:
Crafty: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Perception, and Profession (miner) checks. Craft (traps) and Stealth are always class skills for a kobold.
There seems to be a slight misprint--craft (trapmaking), and craft (traps) although those two clearly mean the same thing, and isn't the issue, though it makes it seem like there might be a bigger misprint, especially when compared to the race's breakdown in the race builder:
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Skill bonus (rpaft [trapmaking])2 RP
Skill bonus (Profession [miner])2 RP
Skill training (rpaft [trapmaking] and 1 RP
Profession [miner])
(oddly, the 'rpaft' spelling error doesn't seem to be in my copy...) Anyway, here, it says a kobold only has the bonuses and such for craft (trapmaking) and profession (miner).
So...which one do we follow?
EDIT: Also just noticed, the kobold's draconic breath feat says a sorcerer with the kobold or draconic bloodline can use their charisma modifier instead on their constituion modifier to determine uses per day...but the feat says one use per day, the kobold bloodline doesn't give a breath weapon, and the draconic bloodline gives set uses per day...seems like something got cut from the book...