Braid of a Hundred Masters and Monk Robes

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

Does the increased lvl of your UNarmed damage increase by BOTH the Monk robes +5 to your lvl and the Braid which is +3 (iirc) So with both on your monks damage is effectively 8 lvls higher? My monk already has the Braid and I was thinking about getting the robes in the next few lvls.

Thanks for your help.

Where are you finding the Braid of a Hundred Masters?

Only place I can find it is in reference to Quest for Perfection part III, and it specifically says that it doesn't stack with any other abilities that add to monk fast movement or damage in the description there...

So, No.

I would also like to know where you found this Braid of a Hundred Masters?

The Quest for Perfection part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow. It is a Pathfinder Society Scenerio, #3-13. In it is listed the "Braid of a Hundred Masters". Part of the item's description states "These bonuses do not stack with those granted by other items or effects." Monk robes would count as "other items", so no, they would not stack. Thanks for bringing that item to light though, I might pick that up for my monk now.

Lantern Lodge

I misunderstood it when i read it. I thought the braid didnt stack for movement ONLY. I could totally be wrong (most likely I am)but if anyone has heard if it did stack or not. Not sure why the braid doesnt stacks with everything to be honest. If you have a lvl of Barbarian does there fast movement stack with the monks?

Paizo Employee Developer

The Braid of a Hundred Masters does not stack with any other item when both items grant bonuses to the same monk class ability. If another item grants a bonus not granted by the braid, the non-overlapping bonuses apply.

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