Arazni |

Allow me to present something interesting I am working on using the Mythic rules. Another fascinating tv/anime trope. :P
Crown of Domination
Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 20th (mythic 10)
Slot Head; Price -; Weight 1 lb
This elegant crown of platinum is crafted to look like two entwined serpents with dragons heads. One eye is a sapphire, the other a crimson ruby. The two serpents are devouring a large diamond at the center. The diamond appears to glitter excessively, sometimes even shedding light in a 5 foot radius for no apparent reason, but this light is slowly drained by the serpents, and the ruby and sapphire glow dimly instead.
If a nonmythic creature touches the crown, it releases a blast of mythic power as a mythic color spray, and the crown can choose to speak to the creature that touched it. If the creature demonstrates intelligence or an inquisitiveness, and an eagerness for power, the crown will claim the creature and empathically communicate that it should be worn. If the creature wears the crown, the diamond gleams briefly, then power is granted to the creature as a mythic power.
From that point on, the crown subtly influences its wearer, forcing it to seek out a mythic path of leadership as a marshal, and will assist a creature in pursuing great quests and challenges. The crown has a sense of when Other mythic creatures are present, or are gone.
The Crown of Dominion corrupts its wearer over time, but the powers of the Crown are great indeed. The wearer learns to be a powerful leader, dreams of being a powerful leader, corrupting the people. The weakness of Hubris and Insanity may not be unbecoming for those influenced by the crown.

Arazni |

Ack, fell asleep at the computer.
The crown was crafted by a powerful archmage with a very powerful purpose. To grant the powers of the politic to its wearer. The Crown seeks to make its wearer perform Greater Deeds as those required to climb the mythic tiers. The crown can cast dominate monster once per day, can sense mythic creatures within 20 miles, and may cast clairaudience/clairvoyance once per day to spy on mythic creatures within 20 miles.
Also, once every hour, the crown allows its wearer to cast greater mythic invisibility by expending one use of mythic power.

Arazni |

The Childlike Emperor
Male human aristocrat 1 mythic tier marshal 10
NE Small humanoid (young human)
Init +24; Senses perception +0
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 46 (1d8 -2 +40 mythic)
Fort -2, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +6 (1d3+4, crit. 20/x2)
Ranged dagger +6 (1d3+4, crit. 20/x2)
Special Attacks 3/day mythic power (2d8)
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 6, Int 11, Wis 9, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB -1, CMD 13
Feats Persuasive, Heroic Arrogance, Iron Will, Leadership (B), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Finesse (mythic), Weapon Focus (dagger)
Skills Appraise +4, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Ride +8, Sense Motive +3
Amazing Initiative (Ex) The childlike emperor has a +20 mythic bonus on initiative checks. He can expend a use of mythic power to take an additional turn, acting twice in one round. The second turn's initiative roll is without the +20 bonus.
Confidence (Su) Three times per day, the emperor can call on confidence to add 2d8 to a d20 die roll just made.
Force of Will (Ex) As an immediate action, the emperor can expend a use of mythic power to reroll any d20 roll just made, or force a nonmythic creature to reroll a d20 roll.
Greater Power (Su) The emperor has greater mythic power than normal.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Whenever he is below 0 hitpoints, the childlike emperor automatically stabilizes. He does not die until he reaches -12 hitpoints.
Heroic Arrogance (Feat) The emperor required one less lesser trial to reach the top tier, but he can use mythic power one less time per day.
Immortal (Su) If he is killed, the emperor returns to life 24 hours later. This ability does not apply if he has mythic damage in excess of his normal hit point total.
Iron Will (Feat) The emperor has +2 to all Will saving throws.
Legendary Hero (Su) The emperor regains one use of daily power each hour.
Loyalty (Ex) The emperor has Leadership as a bonus feat. The Rally order will affect the emperor's cohort if within 100 ft.
Majestic Countenance (Su) Whenever he encounters a creature whose attitude is at least indifferent, its attitude is treated as one step higher. If the creature's starting attitude is helpful, the emperor can make requests with a +5 bonus to the Diplomacy skill check.
Mythic Flaw (Ex) Hubris
The childlike emperor receives a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. Whenever he succeeds at a saving throw against an effect that would have caused him to gain the shaken, frightened, or panicked condition, he instead gains the staggered condition for a duration equal to the duration of the effect that he saved against, as he spends part of each round bragging about his own abilities. If he fails a saving throw against such an effect, its duration is doubled.
Mythic Power (Ex) Four times per day, the childlike emperor can draw upon mythic power to power abilities from mythic paths and mythic tiers, or to add 2d8 to any d20 roll just made. (enhanced by Greater Power)
Mythic Saves (Ex) Whenever he makes a saving throw against a spell or special ability, the childlike emperor suffers no effect as long as the ability did not come from a mythic source. If he fails the saving throw, he suffers the reduced effect instead (if one is given). If the spell comes from a mythic source, the childlike emperor treats saving rolls as normal.
Persuasive (Feat) The childlike emperor has +2 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks.
Rally (Su) The emperor can expend a use of mythic power to rally his allies. Within the next round, the emperor and each of his allies within 30 feet can reroll any die roll after the roll is made.
Recuperation (Ex) After eight hours of rest, so long as he is not dead, the childlike emperor is restored to full hitpoints, and can regain the use of any class features that are limited to a number of uses per day. This eight hour rest, counts as sleeping for eight hours.
Unstoppable (Ex) The emperor can expend a use of mythic power to negate any condition afflicting him except dead, dying, flat-footed, or unconscious.
Visionary Commander (Su) Whenever the emperor or an ally within 30 feet rolls for initiative, he may roll twice and take either result. If the first round of combat is a surprise round, the emperor and all allies within 30 feet at the start of the combat can take a full round worth of actions instead of just a move or standard action. Once per round, when the emperor scores a critical hit against a mythic creature, he regains one use of mythic power.
Weapon Finesse (Feat) When wielding a light or finesse weapon, the childlike emperor attacks using his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier.
Weapon Finesse (Mythic Feat) When wielding any melee weapon, the emperor uses Dexterity bonus for attack rolls and damage rolls.
Weapon Focus (Feat) When wielding a dagger, the emperor attacks with +1 to hit.
The Childlike Emperor is a young boy barely 14 years of age. He took the crown by killing its previous owner, and the Crown, being intelligent and aware that the young boy had much more ambition to power, betrayed its wearer.