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Congratulations to the Goblinworks team on completion of the Pathfinder Online Technology Demo. For the work of just a few months, the video shared with the Kickstarter backers shows solid progress on development and clearly achieved the goals outlined for the project.
Congratulations again regarding the amazing news in Kickstarter Project Update #37 that “Following the successful completion of the Technology Demo we entered into long term agreements with backers to arrange financing to put the game into production.” Outstanding success! Well done.:)
With the recent announcement of the second Kickstarter, I’ve noticed some mixed reactions in the community including concern from some of the Goblin Squad members who have already demonstrated prior support for Pathfinder Online.
My observation is that the transition from “we’re waiting to see the results of the Technology Demo” to “we’re being asked to pony up additional funds in a second Kickstarter” may seem somewhat sudden.
I suspect that mixing the great news regarding the funding with the release of the demo video has downplayed the struggle and achievement of Goblinworks to win investment support. The success of securing financing in the current investment climate is an astounding achievement. Sizable early stage investments are particularly hard to win here in the Pacific Northwest.
I’m somewhat surprised that a more detailed communication or press release regarding the funding hasn’t been shared yet on the Goblinworks site. Such an announcement may help the community through this transition and the realization that we are sharing the financial burden for rapid development with investors willing to risk big money.
Who are the new investors? How much have they committed to the company? Have they acquired a controlling interest in the company? Is their investment conditional? Some angels prefer anonymity but most start-ups benefit from revealing this sort of information to their stakeholders.
I have added my pledge to the second Kickstarter. The people at Goblinworks and Paizo have earned good faith. The transparency with which they have operated thus far has been exceptional. This remains a project that I am happy to support.

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I’m somewhat surprised that a more detailed communication or press release regarding the funding hasn’t been shared yet on the Goblinworks site.
In what ways did you find these posts insufficient?
Goblinworks Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Pathfinder Online (goblinworks.com/news)

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In what ways did you find these posts insufficient?
Hi Nihimon, those are good communications with a core message to announce the second Kickstarter.
My suggestion is that a separate press release be published specifically dedicated to sharing the great news regarding the investment they have received and some additional details on the nature of the investment. Their success regarding the investment has been underplayed. Highlighting this win may make the transition from Kickstarter #1 to Kickstarter #2 easier for some.
Sharing the additional details regarding the investment may help instill a sense of shared burden for the game's development. To-date, the stakeholder community has not publicly included financiers other than Paizo and the company's insiders. It would be nice to welcome the financiers to this community and be at peace knowing that our Kickstarter contributions are matched or exceeded by the burden carried by these new partners.
This suggestion is meant to be genuinely helpful and is not intended as a criticism. Personally, I like the crowdforging opportunity to participate.

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Hi Jim :)
I guess I'm having a hard time understanding what you're asking for.
I thought they were incredibly transparent and forthcoming in A Busy Week for Goblinworks.
Financial Situation
Following the successful completion of the Technology Demo we entered into long term agreements with backers to arrange financing to put the game into production. We have sufficient resources to continue to operate the team in its current configuration, plus a few more staff members, for as long as necessary to achieve our development goals and to release the game.
That arrangement assumes a longer development cycle than we consider optimal, and we are continuing to explore options to increase the level of funding we have so that we can accelerate the project substantially.
Thanks to the investment we have secured we are able to operate with a cash reserve substantially above our monthly burn rate so we have a cushion against an unexpected setback or a need to make a large unplanned capital purchase.
I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm genuinely trying to understand what more you think they should have done. I've been impressed enough by your posts in the past to know that you're not just off on a rant.

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I think Jim means the balance between:
Size of investment ∝ Time of development -> lean release that will start a growth cycle of player-iterated and subbed game.
And the 2nd KS influencing that relationship is probably more significant than GW merely double-dipping because as said, successful investment is a great result but maybe the (some)deals are highly conditional and this KS is filling the gap (as well as getting players on board!)?

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Enclosed here is a link to a page with numerous examples of funding announcement press releases similar to what I am suggesting. Although the the information that you've noted is good, my recommendation is for a more formal announcement (not a blog or Kickstarter update) including the identity of the investors and the amount they have committed. If I've failed to adequately convey my suggestion at this point, I think I'll refrain from further attempts. :)
All the best,

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I hear you, Jim, and I'm really not trying to draw you into a protracted dispute.
I have my hackles raised because of all the blame and aspersions being cast on Goblinworks for things that they either did correctly, or could not possibly have done "correctly".
I have no idea if they intend later to release the kind of Press Announcement you want to see, but even if they do, I know they wanted to give Goblin Squad members a head start...
The Goblin Squad will receive special alerts letting them know about new information first, and we’ll give special priority to Goblin Squad members throughout the development process.
From Announcing Kickstarter for the Development of the Pathfinder Online MMO!:
Because the Goblin Squad is so important to us, we're contacting you first, as we promised. We hope you take advantage of this early notice to become the first to join us as we Crowdforge Pathfinder Online.

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Lab_Rat |

Who are the new investors? How much have they committed to the company? Have they acquired a controlling interest in the company? Is their investment conditional? Some angels prefer anonymity but most start-ups benefit from revealing this sort of information to their stakeholders.
I am not trying to be confrontational but I think you are confusing your kickstarter money with actual investorship. Goblinworks is not a public company and while people may have given them money through kickstarter, that money did not buy you anything other than what was and is promised on the kickstarter page.
The actual investors have forked over a minimum of $100,000 and I am sure they know exactly what their money gets them.

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I think you are confusing your kickstarter money with actual investorship. Goblinworks is not a public company and while people may have given them money through kickstarter, that money did not buy you anything other than what was and is promised on the kickstarter page.
Respectfully, No. I'm quite clear on the distinction between Kickstarter support and financial investment in GW.
GW has indicated that they recently received investment of "sufficient resources to continue to operate the team in its current configuration, plus a few more staff members, for as long as necessary to achieve our development goals and to release the game."
This was an obtuse announcement of start-up funding.
In the period 1995-2000, I was directly involved in raising investment capital for several start-up companies from both angel investors and venture capital firms in the Northwest. I can't imagine that it is an easy task for GW in this investment climate.
The way in which GW has framed the Kickstarter to speed up development has already drawn a connection between the support they receive from Kickstarter with their support from investors. My suggestion was to more overtly market their success with financiers as a means to help motivate the broader community to get involved in the Kickstarter.
With start-ups, it is not uncommon to market success with one layer of funding to help secure additional layers of funding but crowdsourcing is new phenomenon.
The recent press is all about the Kickstarter. The GW and Paizo principals know their business. Perhaps they have chosen not to encourage a greater focus on the investment backing cognitively. That's all cool. My original post was just a suggestion. In hindsight, it may not have been helpful.
Let's do what we can to help encourage our friends and social networks to support the Kickstarter.

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It's definitely a consideration Jim: Positive in respect to financial vote of confidence = good news to distribute. If there was disclosure, it probably would make Games industry biz. websites etc and so raise eyebrows that way. Additionally the similar news with the tech announcement.
But perhaps GW's have reason not to discuss these deals, or discuss further down the line (the tech), especially as the KS2 is early days still. Still nice arrows have in the quiver to help hit their target. Nothing potential players of mmorpgs like more is "good buzz".

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Sending an email to Ryan Dancey apparently was a waste of time, but since the founder allegedly posts here, I will try again.
I sent this to Ryan several weeks ago and have heard nothing back since.
I was a $100 subscriber for the Pathfinder Online Technology Demo which was to have several deliverables on or around October 2012. I had sort of forgotten about that until I reviewed the original Kickstarter when I saw the new one. I have not seen any of these items or apparently an email from GoblinWorks since June 7. I would be interested in supporting your next Kickstarter, but would like to see something from the initial offer.
I would be willing to support your current Kickstarter if you gave me any evidence that it was not a complete scam.
That lack of email has continued since the email to ryan.dancey@goblinworks.com
Thank you,
Kata the ...

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It's amazing what you learn when you read the available information:
(This was emailed to you(nov 26th), and posted on the tech demo kick starter)
Fulfilling the Rewards
We intend to ship all the physical reward items in one shipment to each backer, which means that we have to wait until everything has arrived and is ready to be packed for delivery. Currently the item with the longest lead time is the Thornkeep book which has finished production and is in transit to our warehouse. We're currently anticipating beginning shipments to Backers in January, subject to the arrival of all components in our Redmond, Washington warehouse.
You should already have received information via email on how to provide your shipping address and specify T-Shirt sizes, and you should have received the information you need to download the PDF version of Thornkeep. If you have not received this information, please contact customer.service@paizo.com
It is inappropriate to directly contact people in a company you are not a part of, always go through customer service. Never expect a response otherwise.

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Sending an email to Ryan Dancey apparently was a waste of time, but since the founder allegedly posts here, I will try again.
I sent this to Ryan several weeks ago and have heard nothing back since.
I was a $100 subscriber for the Pathfinder Online Technology Demo which was to have several deliverables on or around October 2012. I had sort of forgotten about that until I reviewed the original Kickstarter when I saw the new one. I have not seen any of these items or apparently an email from GoblinWorks since June 7. I would be interested in supporting your next Kickstarter, but would like to see something from the initial offer.
I would be willing to support your current Kickstarter if you gave me any evidence that it was not a complete scam.
That lack of email has continued since the email to ryan.dancey@goblinworks.com
Thank you,
Kata the ...
No sweat Kata. It's cool. Everything has been above board, and all of the information is available and transparent. In fact you were already given access to the Thornkeep PDF at that level. Check your e-mails and/or check the Kickstarter page. Or, as V mentioned contact customer support.

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Not all companies open their books to the public or state how much they are getting. Say the release was GoblinWorks Receives $4 mill. in backing from X investor to make Pathfinder Online. They've made projections and the team feels that with that funding they have secured, they will have to increase the time in production from what they would like to be able to make the game properly. They start a Kickstarter, but the average joe sees the announcement. "Wait, you want another Mill. to make the game, faster? That's sounds absurd! I wish I could ask my boss for more money to do my job faster. Shoot...." I know the company I work for doesn't throw numbers around until they know what they want to say and how they want to say it. I expect we may hear book numbers after all is said and done, but in the mean time, I'm not expecting to see GW closes 2 Mill. to make Pathfinder Online.

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Kata. the .....,
In addition to the reply Ryan sent, and the Kickstarter backer update email quoted a few posts above (and 16 other backer update emails between June 6 and that one), paizo.com also emailed you a couple of times about fulfillment. Those messages have come from at least three different mail servers and domain names, so you might want to make sure your spam filter isn't set to do something crazy.
At the very least, check the Kickstarter updates page to see what you missed—*most* of those 16 updates were about the progress being made on various rewards.