Order #2310055 - Missing Limb

Customer Service

Silver Crusade

Hi, I just received my order but one of the pre-painted plastic figures is missing an arm (and the bow that goes in it :o). The arm is not in the plastic bag the figure comes in or the delivery box.

The item is WZK70740-36 aka "Pathfinder Battles - Rise of the Runelords: Shalelu Andosana".

Can you please send me a replacement? And do you need me to ship the defective figure back?

Thank in advance,

Alex Hunter

Paizo Employee Customer Service Happiness-Inducement Imp

Unfortunately, you will need to go to the manufacturer to get your replacement miniature. The good news is that WizKids has an online form to do just that right here. If you have any issues with it, just let me know.


Silver Crusade


I need to get a box just for the figure, ship it to them with an RMA, hope they have more in stock ("Damaged figures will be replaced with a figure from the same set and rarity. If not available, a figure from the next set with the same rarity will be used."), and then wait 6-8 weeks after they receive it for the delivery of a replacement. All for a figure that cost me $4.25?

It looks to me like I'm just going to eat the cost and learn not to order any more singles for Pathfinder Battles.

Thanks anyway.

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